What was the point of all the steroids when his outfit isn't even skintight?
What was the point of all the steroids when his outfit isn't even skintight?
Actors are dumb.
Plus he is a framelet look at his head to shoulder width. Pathetic worm of a man. Just transition already.
whats his superhero name? The Redeemer?
He barely even does anything in the movie.
gets roided to appear big, but his power was a rather weak finger beam.
i like to think he just used the film as an excuse to be a gymbro and get sponsored for it. walked away with a few million and shredded abs
Why does he always have that smug face
He had high hopes
Indians generally have a hypermassive inferiority complex
The Bloody Bastard
Both the men and women
i highly recommend the podcast about this issue with kumail, dax shepard and the its always sunny in philadelphia guy
they all basically have body dysmorphia like a tranny. i remember all 3 saying their wives are not into it. women in general do not seem to like their physique. it's purely other dudes checking them out.
the poo's face keeps radically changing in every picture
Of course their wives don't like it, getting jacked would mean other women would become interested in their husbands
A man can have more than one wife.
nah i remember all 3 saying their partners found it unattractive. can't remember which but one of them said his wife referred to his physique as "my husband's weird body"
kumail was saying the people who reacted to his transformation most were other men.
likewise i remember they spend a lot of time discussing brad pitt's torso in fight club and arnold during the mr universe days. it's a never ending cycle of dudes obsessed with form and physique.
The thing about being the funny guy is you develop the ability to make people laugh and enjoy being around you when you’re not built like an Olympian god. Then when you do get fit, you’re a fucking threat every which way because you remember what it’s like to be ignored, but now you’re getting all the attention and you’re funny and gregarious as hell. The roiders hate you because you’re natty and achieved, and can actually hold a conversation and still get your dick hard. Women and gay men throw themselves at you, because you’re charming in an effortless way and while you were funny before you’re now hilarious because you got that x10 modifier from being hot.
Honestly it’s life on easy mode. These guys shouldn’t complain and if their wives don’t like it, tell them to stay on point because otherwise they’re gonna lose their man. Simple as that.
>i remember all 3 saying their wives are not into it.
this is cope for the "fat shaming bad!" crowd
wtf even is his power? i never watched this steampile, all i know is Robb Stark is Superman and there's a mute Flash
>remember all 3 saying their wives are not into it.
If they got fat those women would leave. Never believe her words, only her actions
Rob was fat. Literally what are you talking about
Their wives were with them before they got jacked. There's a difference between not being swole and being fat.
Nah that's all cope. Unless you're a proper fatcunt the majority of women don't care if you're shredded or a bit soft. If you want to get jacked, do it for your own self confodence and esteem.
Dumb paki was hoping he'd get his own spinoff movie lol
How does your head grow 3 times the size and people just say "dude i just worked out lol"
Rob was fat as a bit and his friends and wife were disgusted by it IRL
guy is pakistani
Yet he's still doing it
A lot of girls do not care for shredded bodies. They like strong men, but higher body fat percentage is usually very welcome. Basically what a man is supposed to look like.
literally no one cares
Was Dax ever fat? He's the only one with a wife who isn't a literal who
that’s a type of Indian
I imagine it would be a lot like being married to a chick who put in a lot of work to look like some sort of sex object. Its less about them and more that it makes you feel uncomfortable because people date within their relative attractiveness range, so shifting out of that shifts how your SO perceives you. There's also that issue of how being hyper muscular involves bulking up not just on muscle, but also on fat, and that ripped look you see dudes with isn't something they can walk around with for months at a time, because that shit involves careful dieting to build your muscles and then cutting carbs to get all the fat off while you have to spend a good chunk of time at the gym working out to keep your muscles from melting away with the fat.
It would be like wife/girlfriend/whatever suddenly spending a bunch of time with these weird other people who are helping her look absolutely fantastic, and you're NOT supposed to get worried that she's looking like she's trying to attract a new mate. And this is in Hollywood, where couples cheat and split up all the time and the one who got hot suddenly is fucking someone else who is also hot.
I know the post is supposed to be about unrealistic image and routines but any fat dude doing half of this shit would get pretty good results in six months.
Same thing but muslim
Do not redeem the bomb sirs
>life on easy mode
>have to work for it
How is Dax Shepard still relevant? Dude was a D list actor who married up. I only take note because seeing him bothers me, and I see him in the media frequently. Doesn't his wife literally cuck him?
Lalala don’t care lalala
And yes it's true, as long as you've got a bit of legs and nice broad shoulders you're good to go.
Facial aesthetics and status on the other hand...
He promotes physical fitness. I see nothing wrong with him.
>Chris Pratt gets in shape for GotG
>Turns into sexy physique leading man from previous association as fat funny guy
>Divorces actress wife and marries a Schwarzenegger
what sets him apart?
I dont understand why I dont like indians, its inside me, I just cant
so muslim poo
>i highly recommend the podcast about this issue with kumail, dax shepard and the its always sunny in philadelphia guy
Would rather shove knitting needles into my ears desu.
The Redeemer was taken and he'd BTFO this pajeet to bolivian
>Dax Shephard's wife is not into him
Oh he knows
Look at all that chicken scratching
Is this a "professional comic"?????
Furfags do x10 better work on their disgusting fetishes
People actually PAY for this comics?
This has to be fanart yeah?
Please tell me it's not an actual page of a real, actual printed for sale comic
The Brown Poother
Based af
holy fucking zoomer
his 4/10 wife made a comment about brad pitt in a What's In My Bag video years ago and it clearly stuck with him. what bad pussy can do to a man.
are you high? that's exactly what wives want. they want a man who is desired by others. they don't want him to cheat ofc.
to his credit, it's a contemporary artist working on a character that peaked in the 90s
>tfw disney will never acquire the spawn franchise
reminder that the same ffailing ideology that created this movie is currently trying to pull off the "great reset"
you never know, angela is with marvel now
Captain Ganges, Defender of the Shitting District, Protector of the Shit River.
He is relentlessly ugly
I'm pretty sure she was created by neil gaiman and he decided to sell her to them after getting back ownership
god how I hate dax shepard
>he doesn't know how soulless comics have become
>stop eating shit
Bro its like so hard how can people even say this is possible
I never knew it was possible for a comic book to look like a deepfake