New trailer dropped

What do we think?

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>One of the biggest criticisms of GoT was the lack of diversity
>New spin-off made after circa 2015
>nigs everywhere.
I think there are black people.


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>One of the biggest criticisms of GoT was the lack of diversity

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I expected even worse

don't care, hope it flops hard

will this and lord of the kangz be the start of a nigger fantasy era?

Are your bells ready bros?

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Early on yes, go back to articles or just whatever you can from 2010-2016ish and there is always someone complaining about the nearly all white cast.
Only once the show became shit did people stop caring about that.

Did the pedo Martin write this or had any involvement at all? It's just going to be season 6 all over again

dreads just fucking disgust me ESPECIALLY white dreads it makes their ratty, nasty texture so much more apparent than dark coloured dreads holy shit

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Not gonna watch this

I think Matt Smith's in it, so it's probably shit because despite being a good actor he can't seem to take any roles that aren't dogshit like morbius

>Take a look around you, Rhaegar. One of these baboons could be your great-grand-uncle.

Last Night in Soho, was ok.

lmfao is that a Targaryen?

we was targaryens n shizz

>muh women
shan't be watching

Technically they're Velaryons but they're related and both families escaped from Valyria.

see you in the first live thread bro


People enjoyed it anyways, wipe the sand of your vagina

How bad is your memory? Normies ate this shit racism shit up.

>Did the pedo Martin write this or had any involvement at all?

who cares, it's not like him being involved with be a seal of quality.

Why is everyone so fucking ugly? Especially that ayy looking chick.

Hey! Just because his books have 14 year olds going down on each other all over the place doesn’t mean he’s a perv

As long as they fired everyone that worked on that shitshow that was the last 4 seasons of GoT. Frankly tho I am not sure I can trust HBO to make a good fantasy series.

Does anyone care at this point?
The final 2 season of the original series drove away a lot of GOT fans.

Ugly actors are cheaper to cast (and they don't intimidate the ugly women writers as much).

It could be good since it's by the guy who did Colony

Looks good.


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outside of the heavy handed woke dialogue they are forced to include it actually seems fairly decent, some of the shots are cool. all comes down to the script though and all signs point to trash.

>muh women
did they realy put that shit in the trailer

yeaa sure the insets lovers who keep the bloodline pure somehow mixed with a nog

tell me how many niggers there are? if there are more than 2 in this trailer, im not going to wtach it


>quick, we need discount Anya
>say no more

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that was fucking boring as shit
who cares about game of thrones anymore? the last season was such a farce

>We need an actor that only appears in dead-on-arrival projects. The type of performer that signals a catastrophic failure simply by appearing in it.
>Sir, Matt Smith is already on set and ready to start filming.

I shan't be watching house of bitch ass niggas m'lords

Matt was on The Crown and that was kino.

She's my Queen.

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>>One of the biggest criticisms of GoT was the lack of diversity
>I think there are black people.
There are. In the Summer Isles.

Funnily enough the Summer Isles are not Westeros or Valyria.

>that photoshopped bodybuilder giraffe neck

Looks even worse than I thought it would. nuHBOs list of failures grows ever longer.

>One of the biggest criticisms of GoT was the lack of diversity
It wasn't. Show didn't gain traction until the Red Wedding, and the "muh diversity" bullshit that nobody cared about in the first place came only around after S7 ended.

>usually the best actor in said DoA projects
>for some reason keeps doing them
was the doctor who money THAT good that he can just take bomb after bomb?

In a European fantasy world, their MUST be black people. I swear, wypipo be racist n shit

You guys memory holed that shit pretty hard.
Here's one random article I found from 2014, you can find so many fucking more alongside any other form of complaint regarding the lack of diversity.

I guess this is what sets HBO apart from Amazon/Netflix, this show visually looks really good compared to WoT, LOTR, and Witcher

Not watching though, the story doesn't have anything to add to the world.

Velaryons weren't inbred, but they frequently married Targs and girls from Lys to keep their Valryian blood strong

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>History does not remember blood. It remembers names.
>Lord Orys Baratheon, black of hair...Axel Baratheon, black of hair...Lyonel Baratheon, black of hair...Steffon Baratheon, black of hair...Robert Baratheon, black of hair. Joffrey Baratheon, golden hair.

That bitch gets fried, Arya is going to be Nettles, the ugly mutt girl that bangs a prince, rides a dragon, and then flies off into the sunset

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Who has that video of Jaime fighting the Great Replacement Dothraki to "This is the End" by the Doors

Yeah but it was just literally who articles from literally who sjw websites, diversity wasn't really a big thing in the early 2010s and later on it was too late to do anything but elevate the importance of the dickless nigger's romance with miss andy


>bangs a prince
Green propaganda. Nettles was Daemon's dragonseed, her bastard daughter.



i will watch it, but if it's not great television on par with breaking bad, sopranos, and early seasons got i will get bored and lose interest quick.

Yes. Fuck off greenscum

>vehicle for feminism and blacks

It might be OK mostly, but I know HBO won't be able to resist and there's gonna be groan inducing woke shit in this. They already said you're not allowed to be rough with women like the original series.

The year diversity became a constant complaint. But no, I'm supposed to believe arts were ALWAYS this political.

Daemon fucked her anyway because he was a Gigachad.

not that user but vanity fair is not a literal who website.

this. find something from before the mid 2010's because thats when the sjw shit all started

Not to sound too incel but seems a bit gurl power to me

unfortunately, the girl power shit with daenerys was what put GoT in the mainstream. sad but true. every normie loved "khaleesi"

Nettles wasn't a dragonseed at all, she claimed Sheepstealer with a clever plot. She was just a spunky mutt streetgirl


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It kind of is

YWNBQ, Negro.

A mummer’s farce, to be exact.