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fucking hell

Do actors get embarrassed watching themselves in these films?

What ps2 game is this?

They probably don't watch them

Many actors don't want the films they act in. If I was in this shit I'd do my job, grab my fat paycheck and never think about it again.

this is actually kinda kino due to how it feels like some shitty old b-movie tier fight scene but with an actual budget

this is my first time actually feeling embarrassed about watching capeshit. the Strange vs Thanos effects were cool as fuck in IW

....so they just conjure some neon lines and push them at each other ... whoa.

Is this Electro all over again?

don't these two have an entire arsenal of magic shit to use? but instead they just throw music notes at each other

WOAW it's like star wars meets harry potter... but marvel!

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They should, but normies eat it up and idolise them instead so no.

I imagine the millions of disney bux goes a long way to easing any cares they have.

id rather this shit than a harry potter beam battle

Notice how Marvel movies use color schemes that only children are attracted to

Magic was superpowers/wavy hand motions will never not piss me off.

Cinema (and video-games) has certainly destroyed what magic is.

That's awesome. Also I like the symbolism that a white man's greatest enemy is himself and that he should kill himself for the greater good.

im watching a cam of this rn and its unironically sam raimi kino.

Magic as*

>Have a character that can do basically anything
>Have an example of that character having a creative fight where they clone themselves, shift dimensions, turn lasers into butterflies, plays magical Cat's Cradle, and gets a moon thrown at them. This scene is considered a highlight of one of the most popular movies ever made
>Have him fight by throwing different shaped lasers at himself while standing still

>He wants laser shit at all
Fuck off.

Remember when magic was just some unhinged person calling spirits and summoning demons? Fuck this PSHEW PSHEW magic.

user. If people prefer to watch Doctor Strange over, say, Vikings, I think it's safe to say childish shit wins out. The retarded masses matter. You, a person with taste, do not matter.

>Remember when magic
Magic isn't real.

Nice school project

why did u cut his death

This just looks like a Raimi movie to me

>never watched marvel shit
>dumb roastie I wanted to fuck said she wanted to watch this
>during the movie she starts saying "who is that???" "hey did you see that???" and repeats every fucking joke
>casually ask her if she had watched any other marvel movie
>she says no but all her friends were going to watch this movie so she wanted to watch it as well
I didn't get to fuck her but goddamn she was fucking annoying and so were the normies gasping at every "ebin" moment in this fucking movie. I found it very underwhelming and stupid even for capeshit standards
Is this the average marvel fan?

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>ripping off Kungfu Hustle


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this scene was actually good in the movie
the effects actually looked like cartoon, which was kino, but it's too blurred in this camrip


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I really liked the music in this scene.

>Strange vs Thanos
That entire Thanos vs Avengers scene made me really excited for the future of these Superhero movies, because that scene was at least pretty creative. I think these guys are just really lazy and don't want to think about how to show a cool wizard fight.

It actually was pretty kino for modern capeshit. It didn't go full Raimi but you can see his influence in certain scenes which surprised me.

You'll be shocked to know it's top tier marvel shit kek

>during the movie she starts saying "who is that???" "hey did you see that???" and repeats every fucking joke
This is just how women watch movies.

This. They NEED to be told why something is happening when it happens. They cannot fucking wait.

>Ripping off Dragon ball
Amerifats have 0 original ideas at this point

cant wait for the inevitable edit when the letters spell out NIGGER and one dr is trying to spell it while the other one is trying to prevent it. laughs will be had.

There's literally an outtake where Cumberbatch goes "Shall I get back to bad acting now?"

This is the worst adaptation of Shakashuri Blowdown I've ever seen

I liked the presentation of the fight, but am I alone in getting taken out of the scene by how much it feels more like a deliberate wacky set piece more than an actual part of the movie. Did not feel natural at all having strange decide to weaponise the music sheets.

hey friend glad you also enjoy some good kino

I guess they heard the complaints about the last movie where the wizard fights were just bare knuckle boxing with aftereffects
Don't know if this was the solution though


Turn based combat

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Whiplash by marvel

Don't blame video games. Jack Vance had prismatic sprays back in the mid-1900s

classic riami style
im glad he made a movie again after a decade

Very good post

Would you prefer vocal incantations? Wands/staffs?

Is that suppose to be music notes that evil strange is firing?
It would actually be kinda cool if the music notes matched up to whatever song/bgm is currently playing.


Why would they? This is peak cinema

Staffs are objectively the coolest form of magic fuckery
In terms aesthetic nothing beats an old timey wizard slamming the staff's handle on the ground to command the attention of a room

Holy kino, Raimi is literally too based for this world.

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Pretty much everyone i dated in the past few months have told me they wanted to see the latest marvel thing “because its marvel”.
>eternals was wayy too long and i didnt understand it but did you see harry styles show up at the end? Everyone screamed!
>I’ve been watching moon knight. Its pretty boring but i have to watch it so i dont miss anything
>who is sam raimi?
Many such cases

You definitely didn't watch Harry Potter after part 4 it became nothing but DragonBall laser beam battles.

This is actually kino because you can tell exactly what's going on, what the characters involvement is and you feel actual stakes here. Same goes with that other promo scene with a bus monster. As opposed to a random beatdown. Still not gonna watch it lol

Where? I don't want to torrent.

hella based

>Cumberbatch is third cousin 16 times removed of King Richard III

it's a cool concept but at the same time it's the biggest cringe i've seen from a movie in a long fucking time.