What sort of force powers would a gay Jedi have?
What sort of force powers would a gay Jedi have?
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Ability to force push cum out of his booty
>captcha: pxxxy
Jedis are already gay and so is OP
Uhh what about Vader’s force choke but to jerk off dudes lol
(((moral ambiguity)))
They know he probably died, right?
Isn't that what everyone who isn't a good goy jedi and a mustache twirling sith already are?
>Del Toro slouching, giving a lips agape coy fuck me eyes expression
I read gray as gay because of the op and had an amusing thought about someone who hadn't watched the movie thinking his character was the gay one
Don’t think the fanboys will understand
>makes not-Hitler the villain again
star wars is so gay how did it become popular in the first place?
I like moral ambiguity in my Star Wars, but mainline movies should be Good vs Evil, because ultimately Star Wars is a fairly tale. You don't tell children stories how Robin Hood gave money to the poor but kinda like a good rape from time to time.
Forced by his uncle when he was young
How much more ambiguous can you get than TWO fucking series about mercenaries that occasionally, accidentally, do good deeds
And they still can't fucking leave the Jedi/Sith alone
Gay is the "space between Good and Evil"?
Mando goes out of his way and breaks both the bounty hunter code and the Mandalorian code to save a child
Boba spends time with Tuskens, softens up and protects civilians from drug dealers
Their jobs were sketchy, but they weren't ambiguous
op here i read gray as gay
Eastern mysticism and swordplay with white protagonist
>more gray characters
We already had Han and Lando. What the fuck are these soi faggots talking about.
a gay Jedi would be raping boys left and right.
>you will let me penetrate your asshole and love it
You've had grey characters since A New Hope. The EU and Clone Wars delve pretty heavily into the greyer aspects of the universe. Why would you request shit that's already there and is already being constantly added with Mandalorian interacting with less scrupulous people?
Bring Xizor back
I don't know but we shouldn't leave him alone with the younglings
grey jedi is already a thing.
MORE "grey" stuff!
MORE "grey" filters on everything!
MORE depression!
MORE apathy!
MORE ambiguity!
MORE bad guys being good guys!
MORE good guys dying or dealing with DEEP issues like DEPRESSION!
moral ambiguity is a pipeline to fucking kids
Force push the male g-spot.
boba fett is the biggest moralfag in all of star wars
Star Wars needs to take an - at minimum - 30 year break.
Im not gay at all (dont find dudes sexy in any way shape or form) but honestly wouldnt mind taking a big hard dick up my ass just once to see what its like.
>"We need more gray characters!"
>completely ignores Lando and Han + all the old EU fuckery, like KOTOR 2
>needs more moral ambiguity
>posts pic of the deus ex machina code breaker guy who rendered Finn's side quest completely pointless & is never seen again after the hyperspace ram
Fucking burn in hell, Polygon.
I'd rather have gay Jedi than gray Jedi tbqh
who was he again?
oh user, you know how to make a f*mb*y wett. uwu, i'm leaking on my kneesocks. yes, i used the bigger one today and oh wow, i gasmed so hard, i wonder if my neighbors heard me. owo
Notice how it's always these fucking Commie-lite rags pushing for more gray "nuance"?
Moral Relativism is a hell of a drug.
>"hey, let's try to expand on star wars lore some more"
>"can we not have jedi or sith this time around?"
>"no, what are you alt-right?"
creatively bankrupt
More importantly what the FUCK was Palpatine's tax policy?
Even the first KoTOR had Jolee.
10 years ago, the first thread replies would be, "the article says 'gray,' lol why would Star Wars have a gay Jedi?" But now we just expect it
He tried to rape Leia, they'll never bring him back.
And that's a good thing, they'd only ruin him.
Jedi are celibate
star wars need to stop making new shit for a few decades
And it's not even anything """new""". It's just retreads of older ideas made worse + recycled locations. Seriously, how many times do we have to see Tatooine or a Tatooine-adjacent desert planet again?
Jedi are celibate, so they can't even prove they're straight. They're gay by default except Anakin, obviously.
He could use a jedi trick to make hetmen sleep with him
It ain't date rape if you don't use drugs
>his bug count is off the charts!
he can make straight men he wants to fuck think their gay by stimulating thier prostate using "the force" everytime he flirts with them, and put them in orgasmic bliss just by thought alone.
kys frogposter
Jedi aren't celibate, the only thing they aren't allowed to do is form emotional relationships
it's okay for Jedi to have casual sex
my schwartz is bigger than yours.
He can force me to let him force his forceful flesh saber into my butt
I kind of liked the idea early in the series that Mando wasn't really a cuddly touchy-feely sort of guy, he only initially saved the baby's life from IG-88 because the bounty was worth more alive, and then after Yeed saved him from the Mudhorn the Mandalorian code compelled him to save the life of an ally.
but then it establishes nah, he's just your normal surrogate daddy character who loves his lil baby and gets all emotional about it
it's not OK, just not banned
Jedi = Catholic priests.
Celibate, homosexuals, child (youngling) groomers and pedophiles.
I and a group of friends had one bad apple in the bunch, a gay pedophile for later thankfully killed himself by suffocating himself with his car's exhaust.
That is what gay Jedis do, they molest kids.
Burn in Hell, John Guth.
tl;dr soi boy gay boy made a "young Jedi" club so he could molest young boys
No it doesn't. I'm sick of "morally grey" bullshit. There's room for straight good vs evil stories and I'll be damned if I let this emotionally bankrupt time take that from me.
Henceforth, you shall be known as Darth...Gaetan
a gay Jedi can get him midichlorians to destroy any STD bacteria & viruses, he's impozzible
eat my froggy dick you perky little faggot
Can you even be actually morally gray in the current climate? That would involve doing things that are actually evil in addition to things that are good, and not in the "the ends justify the means" kind of way
The currently acceptable list of morally-gray activities is extremely short: drug use (not intravenous), casual sex (not on screen of course and certainly not with protected groups), casual violence (torture and murder ok, as long as it's a guy!), extortion/blackmail (as long as it's not for sexual favors) and tax evasion (smuggling ok, just not slaves)
Specifically because it’s gay.
In the old sense of “taking it easy, being light and mirthful, etc.”
>Can you even be actually morally gray in the current climate?
you could be a blm activist that hates trannies
this user is at least thinking