new trailer
ITS UP: House of the Dragon
needs moar bipoc
Needs more niggers, otherwise im not watching
Looks really bad. Glad to know I was right again.
are those nigger targARYANS
or just some random house
I just don't care about a show that doesn't take the books seriously.
why does this look so much better and expensive than lord of the kangz?
Because HBO is known for utilizing budgets properly and has been in the prestige television game for decades...Amazon is run by a literal ghoul who doesn't understand making shows.
No one cares about Targaryens and Valyria
I want my Lancaster and Stark kino
it looks pretty good but i don't see them reigniting the got craze. They would need super strong first 3,4 episodes for that.
Looks okay, definetely worth checking out unlike Kang of dem Rangs.
One black targaryan can be forgiven if the show is good.
>men don't want women to be queens
dropped instantly, pozzed shit
>some incel hasn't read the World of Ice and Fire
Targs are notoriously spregs about male patriarchs since the Doom, they literally go out of their way not to put Queens on the throne to preserve the incest bloodline meme magic. You dumb retard.
Matt Smith looks like half a retard in every single picture I've seen of him, how did this mong get famous
Needs more whores and brothels.
imagine letting /pol/ choosing what you can watch
World of Ice and Fire is woke crap.
This is game of thrones but diverse right?
his character in this looks kino
legit good actor
uh huh, sure it is little buddy.
why is matt smith always in such trash
this shit is gonna be fucking awful but you know what? we are gonna watch it together and thats all that matters frenz
It depends on what they'll do with the story beyond YASS QUEEN nonsense.
This board can't live watch anything anymore, it just becomes /pol/ zoomies screeching and derailing threads
Lads I made it as far as the black dude with dreadlocks and I just burst out laughing for a good minute. What the fuck were they thinking it’s so wildly out of place. I’m not even racist but jfc.
>black targ
>primary theme is sexism
It's like I can predict the future. I wonder what ethnicity the primary script writer is
I can't wait to see them give valyrians gay fire powers or something, because hbo fucking SUCKS at handling the magic in this series, fuck
why is everything so fucking dark
Not true. There was a whole thread where Anons watched the 1984 version of Dune a month or so back, and that never got derailed. You don't HAVE to reply to /pol/acks y'know. How did that old saying go, the one that zoomies never learned; Don't feed the trolls?
goddamn right we will. we always do.
I bet it’s a white woman.
zoomers don't watch anything made before 2012
Not him but is not the same when is a new trendy thing vs a old movie
it's not a girl power show. the girl queen gets dethroned and fed to her half-brother's dragons
Just promise me you fags will pirate it so this kinda shit isnt profitable for them. It's all I ask
actually doesnt look half bad, im impressed. now we just have to wait and see if it's actually good or just trailer trickery. also the anons complaining about nigs or w.e are still going to watch the show.
as usual
this, GoT gamethreads are Yea Forums at its best
this. Everything is pozzed, but I cant bring myself to be another non conformist cynic who stops watching shows made after a certain year. If its shit, so be it, but Im going to still watch it on pirate. What else can you do? Its not like Hollyeood is ever gonna change considering how many shitty pozzed shows lose their audience yet they still keep making the same mistakes. I wanna be a brain dead normie for once.
>just ignore them are they go away
Is this bait?
stark had their last show for them now they gonna get turbo raped
lol that wont do shit. i guarantee the live threads are going to implode whenever one of the black targs appears on screen. plus they dont want to actually watch the show, they just have a fear of missing out on any ebin new memes.
is there even a single instance where the spin-off series is more popular or as popular as the original series? I can't think of a case.
Saved By The Bell, Family Matters, Law & Order: SVU...
I hate that doctor who faggot
Is it just me or is this more poorly lit than season 8? The costumes look pretty good though.
She thinks it's about sexism but it's actually because the glow-in-the-dark maesters are trying to end House Targaryen and are aware that her line has the stronger ability to hatch dragons.
I'm more of a Cheers type of guy, but you're right, Frasier is also a classic.
Why does Matt Smith overact so much
I hate matt smith with such a force, and I don't even know why.
Not really? They stay out of the conflict for the most part, except at the end when Cregan Stark arrives to bitchslap everyone and leave without explanation.
>men would rather see a-
fuck off
Over-under on Yea Forums simping for the princess? She's kinda weird looking and you guys often go for that.
is the lesbian dragon hatching princess in this? Also how many of these titles are actually going to see use?
dead on arrival
Except that shit fits game of thrones universe perfectly
Yea Forums will 100% simp for inbredfu
Tv will coom for alysenne
The book did it better btw
we wuz targz