>225 days until Avatar: The Way of Water
225 days until Avatar: The Way of Water
1st for chuds btfo
>226 days till you forget you saw it
225 = 3 * 3 * 5 * 5
People in France are loving the trailer, so that bodes well for Europe
Based prime factorization user! 225 is a palindrome in base 14 (121), base 24 (99), base 44 (55), and base 74 (33).
167579398 is a palindrome in base 1188 (118:876:118), base 2080 (38:1527:38), base 4978 (6:3796:6), base 4997 (6:3554:6), base 31582 (5306:5306), base 63165 (2653:2653), base 221080 (758:758), base 442161 (379:379), base 11969956 (14:14), base 23939913 (77), and base 83789698 (22).
Incredibly based and robust
Has anyone seen the trailer in theaters yet?
people outside of usa have
Thats how I how I know the anti dr strange shills are full of shit, if they saw it you think they mention the avatat trailer they saw right. Anyways trailer looks dope im gonna see it anyways.
Prove your the original Avatar 2 poster.
Last digit of this post is how many billies Avatar 2 will make in December
Holy moly, six billies!?
Has anyone been able to track the earliest known-post of Avatar countdown poster? The earliest I could find is this:
Huge milestone day.
Who else watching Avatar again in September?
More importantly, when is it releasing online?
This is the first instance of the Avatar pepe being posted as far as I know, in December 2014:
you, me, and everyone else. Gonna make a billion.
We are finally healing from the blight that is the MCU.
wonder if the trailer will be shown in imax 3d
someone could realistically go to a theater, sneak into doctor strange, and then leave after avatar
I miss the retardness of Abatap. At least there was some entertainment to the threads he was in.
>Cry more, butthurt faggot
the 13th
sounds about right
was during the time where we had 200+ Jim threads daily for about a year
Looking forward to the cringe tweets saying: "Oh, I'm so depressed that I can't be a giant blue cat thing." or "We can't keep allowing White men to destroy our planet!"
>The Way of Water
saw the teaser on Samsung onyx (not a shill) today before dr strange and it's not too bad
Britfag here, got my ticket for strange 2 at 8.30pm tonight, it's 5.15
Most expensive 90 seconds I've ever paid for, and it will be worth every single penny.
Nobody cares about Avatar-fags BTFO
Based user
How? Idgi. It's really coming out, that's all we want. Reddit btfo in T-minus 200~ days. GG.
This movie will break records.
How big will the cognitive dissonance be from redditors when everyone loves Avatar 2 and it makes 3 billion at the box office?
Seethe chud
Im watching it today
Name a more perfect kinography.
That's right, you can't.
A Night to Remember > Titanic
At what?
At Avatar succeeding
i'm not sure if you are the original avatar autist user or just an impostor, i expect many copycats will appear in the following months and for that reason i shall not reply with 'based and robust'
>very close to 1xx days
Very based
IMAGINE being a redditor who has spent years pushing the "nobody cares or remembers Avatar" narrative right now. Fucking embarrassing.
starting at the end
Based frogs
Did the fr*nch like Avatar a lot or something?
it made 150 million over there back in 2010
Literally the whole world loved Avatar
Everyone except reddit loved Avatar. And the french can't speak english for shit, so they don't go on reddit much.
the whole world did, if there were as many screens in the world back in 2009/2010 as there are now, avatar unironically would have made 4 billion+
>225 Neys until Avatar 2
more like avatard: the gay of farter. you can use that just credit me
Go back faggot
Someone needs to make this, but for Avatar 2
Remember: the scale needs to go up to $4 billion
I love you
>141 days until the Avatar re-release
lol this chud is still mad over fpbp
He’s too fucking fast!
do you know da wae of water?