Post moments that ruined a show you otherwise enjoyed.
>pic related when Randy and Lahey came out as gay
Post moments that ruined a show you otherwise enjoyed.
>pic related when Randy and Lahey came out as gay
They're not really gay as much as they're both just drunk, depraved freaks.
>still better than 100% of gays on TV now
I thought it was funny they were fags. It's not like gays don't exist. Plus one was an alcoholic fuck up and the other an actual prostitute. If the show came out today they'd be interracial, squeaky clean pillars of the community who all the characters looked up to.
Do you mean when Julian discovered they were gay, or when they came out of the closet in public?
They were gay since 1997. The Christmas special is canon.
never even crossed my mind as something annoying or show ruining
They’re not gay
>Lahey was married to Barb, had a kid
>Randy knocked Lucy up and was attracted to Sarah
What you don’t understand is that in the TPB lore cops like indulge in homosexual acts, so when Randy and Lahey pretend to be cops they also pretend to be homosexual.
lenny and carl
But with more community theatre.
they are more deviant bisexuals than anything else, and they toned it down drastically after the initial reveal in S1 because of how offputting it was.
What ruined that show was continuing after season 6.
They were practicing for a play
Toned it down? They did the gimp shit secretly in S1 and didn't show it in public before or after. Lahey openly flaunted his attraction to Julian in later seasons as well.
they weren't gay they were practicing for a play at the blandford recreation center
i started watching this show recently and found that the later seasons are pretty shit. Like S1- S3 are great, but after that episode where lahey is in a dress and almost kills ricky, the whole series just goes to absolute shit.
Randy was always sexy, I don't give a fuck.
It's good up through S7 you filtered faggot
>and didn't show it in public before or after
that would be what im getting at.
S1-3 are indeed the best. S4 is pure trash, but S5 is good.
Based tbp lore keeper user
really wasn't that bad especially bc they didn't make it a big thing when they "officially" came out to everyone. they made it a non subject which i actually really liked. really nothing about the show changed
It set the stage for Lahey's flanderization by removing Julian's hold on them which kept them from going too far.
This, cute bearish guy
But Propane, Propane followed up by Workin' Man is one of the strongest finals of any TPB season. S1-7 are all kino, although the level dips a bit in 6 and 7
Bears have muscle, Randy looks more like an uncooked meatball that was left out long enough to start growing hair.
yea but i'm also of the opinion of what says. all that shit was still valid.
The cheeseburger picnic episode was kino.
It was a great running gag that got ruined like any "will they, won't they" thing. Like X-files and lots of other shows.
They'd pushed that about as far as they could. Anyway, Julian still had power over them; in the mountain lion episode he blackmails them over the viagra burgers
you know whats interesting? save the coming out episode its not the only facet to either of their characters which makes it way more realistic and imo satisfying to watch. Where as those faggots from modern family cant help but remind the audience that they suck each others cock
randy was able to survive by pimping himself out for cheesburgers, let that sink in
Fuck off, season four is great.
10 bucks or 6 dairy queen coupons
It's some of the unfunniest shit I've ever watched. I watched five episodes without smiling at a single thing then dropped the rest of that trash season. Thank fuck I still decided to give S5 a go, because that was actually worth watching.
Probably my favourite gay couple in film and television tbf
When they prematurely killed off Jimmy in Boardwalk Empire. Didn't watch an episode after that.
Also it's just a show meant for adults anyway.
It ended with season 7 pretty much. Jail season was funny, but the show has gone on too long and everyone knows it.
They’re the only characters in media that come of as naturally gay and not forced. I can imagine them as straight co-workers but that wouldn’t be as funny and really gay
>What ruined that show was continuing after season 7.
>but the show has gone on too long and everyone knows it.
Yes but there is still going to be a new season of the mainline show, the animated show, AND the jail show for some reason
>there is still going to be a new season of the mainline show, the animated show, AND the jail show
What the...?
It's like with Star Trek and Star Wars (that I don't watch anymore, but hear about), instead of focusing energies on making one new show really great, they make two or three half-assed shows and call it good. :|
lol kys op
But again, the jail season was pretty dang funny, so maybe there's hope there.
No, what ruined TPB was changing bubbles from a creepy weird cat guy who likes to be in greasy pornos to the main character that is the smartest and most morally correct person in the park that everyone loves
user, Bubbles was always what you described.
This they never came out Mr Lahey was drunk and wearing a wig while they did stuff OP you're completely misconstruing the story
For me it was when the show went HD. Lost a lot of charm.
Wrong. They later come out when Corey and Trevor smashed Ricky's car into their trailer.
Lehey literally said:
>I'm gay.
after Randy made him say it.i
Bubbles was both of those things at all points in the show.
Bubbles worked a lot better when he wasn't crying all the time and talking about muh kitty kats
It was the medication
Bubbles and cats are one, accept it.
Cats are the most soulful creatures next to dogs.
it was handled properly, as they being gay doent really obstruct their characters, until netflix seasons, they fucked that up and being gay is almost put as their principal trait.
Yep. No reason to watch past that point.
Bud back in the day you could get a dirty cheeseburger for a buck at the king
There's nothing wrong with season 7, faygit.
Rick leaving The Walking Dead. The show was already going downhill but Rick kept it afloat for me, once he was gone so was I. Also killing Carl was dumb as fuck too.
I don't care, seeing a grown man act like a crying little baby all the time was fucking annoying. He was a lot better as the trailer park "weird genius" than a manchild.
Lol that show was dead when they killed Beth in the dumbest way. "Rig" was always annoying.
>spoils a happy ending to the series
>makes Conky supernatural, which takes the show out of the realm of relatability
>drops two main characters
>J-rock is tired and no fun
It has funny moments, but it's really obviously past its prime by season seven. Exact same thing happened with King of the Hill. They ran out of ways to have fun with these mundane every day people and started making things far too fantastical.
He was always that way, user. Welcome to 2006.
Lahey is a great character, Randy is a great character, if I'm not mistaken you know they're gay very early on in the show, their sexuality is more of a background gag, and they're not stereotypical (annoying) faggots.
To me they're one of the best gay couples in tv history, the only other one I can think of that was as cool was Mickey and Ian from Shameless.