Can we get a thread going? So far I’ve seen
>in the mouth of madness
>event horizon
>the color out of space
>the void
What else is worth watching?
Can we get a thread going? So far I’ve seen
>in the mouth of madness
>event horizon
>the color out of space
>the void
What else is worth watching?
The Mist.
I think HPL works a lot better in writing, though.
A visual representation of a monster or whatever is never as terrifying as a vague description of interdimensional horrors whose mere mention can bring a man to the brink of madness.
>in the mouth of madness
Not paticularly Lovecraftian, also not a very good movie.
>event horizon
Not Lovecraftian, also a bad movie
>the color out of space
Terrible adaptation of a great story.
>What else is worth watching?
From Beyond is pretty good.
It's probably more based in reality then we think.
loops =/= cthulu
>From Beyond is pretty good
No it isn't. It's an enjoyable campy flick like the rest of Stuart Gordon's filmography, but nothing beyond that. Another terrible adaptation of a great story.
The Blair Witch Project
> Ramsey Campbell wrote, "I still think The Blair Witch Project is the most Lovecraftian of movies."
>The Mist, a story by Stephen King, is Lovecraftian just because it has big alien monsters coming from another dimension
Lovecraftian != just Cthulhu
>the color out of space
>"You cocksucker...YOU COCKSUCKER! AAAAAAH!"
Joke aside that was a good adaptation, even if the body horror was definitely added to give the audience something horrible to look at.
Is that Jeffery Combs's son?
Tryhard samefag
>that was a good adaptation
In what plane of existence?
Why has no one ever tried a straightforward Call of Cthulhu adaptation, or really any movie that has Cthulhu in it? You see a bunch of knock-offs but no one's ever willing to give us the big squid monster.
Keep seething pleb.
>Mouth of Madness bad
The Whisperer in Darkness is fun, but it's 100% shlock. I had high hopes for it after CoC, but it's all a big meme, with an aerial chase against Mi-Gos in the end. Still a fun watch
>Why has no one ever tried a straightforward Call of Cthulhu adaptation
I really want a good adaptation of The Dunwich Horror. That's an awesome novel imo
Underwater has Cthulhu in it. Its not a bad movie.
Sorry, I meant anyone with money
Didn't know about that! Looks like a less straightforward take on the design tho
this had a budget of 20k
>Lovecraftian =/= just Cthulhu
He's not even the only or best among the elder gods and old ones.
Step aside, plebs.
Lovecraft experts will tell you that dogs killing Wilbur isn't Lovecraftian. Also Zoomies will hate an invisible monster, you're supposed to see the monster.
>HP Lovecraft's Dagon
>set in Europe, not New England
love old 'Lathy
>Nigel Kneale
>Lovecraft experts will tell you that dogs killing Wilbur isn't Lovecraftian
Only Lovecraft can decide what is Lovecraftian desu. And there's enough cats in other novels. Dogs have the right to shine too!
And I do agree on the zoomer part. Not sure if the invisible abomination would work for a mainstream audience...
This was a nice surprise
>Mouth of Madness bad
Didn't say it was bad, but it's not Carpenter's best film. It's very messy and uneven. And it doesn't feel very Lovecraftian to me, more like a nod to Stephen King with some references to Lovecraft's work here and there.
Prince of Darkness is for me Carpenter's Lovecraftian film, even though it's not great.
And yeah, Wisperer in Darkness could have been a better adaptation, but it's better than the vast majority of attempts at adapting Lovecraft.
>Sorry, I meant anyone with money
Good luck then, because you're not going to get a good adaptation of Lovecraft that isn't independently made.
>Quatermass and the Pit
Hella based, forgot about this one. The other two movies are also great.
I have never actually read or watched Lovecraft, if I have a fetish for eldritch beings and monsters, will it scare me or arouse me?
>will it scare me or arouse me?
>I have a fetish for eldritch beings and monsters
Do yourself a favor and stick to tentacle porn.
It’s good for existential dread
For over a decade I've had a couple ideas of horror / dark romance comics with Lovecraftian overtones set in and around Boston. One of them was somewhat inspired by and ex who wrote a short story that had Steven King / Lovecraft overtones.
I also had an idea that a bunch of anime nerds from an anonymous image forum take on a cult-like church full of Hollywood celebrities. Part of the church's theology is an ancient alien fear god. Meanwhile the "hacktivists" inadvertently involve a green chaos god in their protests.
No one will ever believe me, but I actually thought of this back in 2006, before Chanology. I also was maybe the first user to post themselves in a "Yea Forums man" mask back when the V movie came out.
I also had a couple ideas for spinoffs, one about a high school in Lovecraft's MA (kinda based on mine).
Plus another about those anonymous protesters going against the US government who start backing an Alex Jones type online journalist from back when I started watching him in 2009. Since then Alex Jones got mainstream coverage and became a weirdly big presence in American politics.
I can't help but feel that in exploring my own Lovecraftian story ideas, I ended up with a Cassandra complex. I ended up looking at the world and had visions of things to come.
I really need to check out more Marvel horror and Journey Into Mystery. I got some old trades of the more Ditko and Silver Age stuff. I should check out more 70s stuff.
What the fuck, Japan?!
I am going crazy... in love.
Corr, I'd quate 'er mass, if you follow me meanin'.
The Beyond
Prince of Darkness
The Last Wave
All implicitly lovecraftian films
King Kong
this was fucking terrible
I think Lovecraft films work best when they're not trying to be Lovecraftian but are just body horror films based on Lovecraft stories
They really like Lovecraft, in their own way.
Lmao sad little circumcised golem
Super low-budget adaptation of The Shadow over Innsmouth.
What a shit take.
Dagon is the best of them all and it's made for cable TV. Possibly one of the best films of all time. Enjoy
>The Last Wave
Weir is based. Interestingly that film suggests precursors to the Aborigines which would be controversial today
No. Stop lying.
This is true when you think about it, the perspective and all ambigiousness.
Picnic at Hanging Rock is good too but the second half kinda sucks
this movie sucked dick and had nothing to do with cthulu or lovecraft other than ~15 seconds of a cgi monster's torso at the end. there were zero (0) instances of madness, paranoia, or otherworldly/unexplainable events. a basic bitch oldschool hollywood monster movie like deep rising through and through.
You sound like every hollywood producer and you're wrong for it
They didn't even decide it was going to be Cthulhu until post-production. They filmed the entire movie with that thing called "the behemoth" or smth and settled on a version of Cthulhu after everything else was done
I actually wrote 2-3 movie scripts with Lovecraft influence, but producers dont want that shit for some reason, i feel that Lovecraft is just poisoned name or whatever even as influence.
>was so close to be a perfect lovecraftian adaptation on screen