
We're Finally Home Edition

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based and Big Swingin' Stick pilled.

General Order 1 is for losers, I say.

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I hope the andorian is pretty cool and not a faggot. That will make basically the entire crew pretty ok despite all except Pike looking pozzed as fuck.

Cancel everything but SNW and PRO. I have spoken.

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its gonna be shit and you know it

Close, but its an aenar. Not the whitish skin and cataracted over eyes.

For me, honestly, I was sad to see her go but I felt we got some closure on Irish Romulan Cougar Elf Detective.

This. It's designed to be woke

Wait, she gone for good? I thought Picard made her stay for snu snu.

armus is the smelly kid of the founders and was left behind by the great link because he had no hygiene
pass it on

He literally use the line "The magic of science!" while theatrically push a button on some device...

It felt like a send-off. Maybe I'm wrong but if we see her next season I can't imagine it's in any meaningful way. Not with the entire TNG cast joining the show.

Cancel /trek/. I have spoken.

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>Wait, she gone for good?
No, user misread. If she is "gone" then it'll be in the sense that Picard comes along with her. Of course, they'll skip over all that and just flatly refer to it in a single line of dialouge like they did at the start of this season for all the characters.

Prepare to be disappointed. How much was Q actually in this season? Or Soong?

Uhura got a "cool!" quip that if you just took out of context would think it's annoying modern garbage but if you actually watch it in context it's more a response to STD and Tilly's "so fucking cool" line. There's no expletives and Pike gives her a stare that compels her to correct and compose herself from her excess enthusiasm. Very trek-like.

I feel like I remember the actress saying she was done when they wrapped season 2.
So far Seven and Raffi are the only ones returning for season 3

You could be right. But the announcement says "joining the cast". I would take that to mean more than a guest appearance. Regular cast is regular cast. I'm not sure I'm gonna watch it either way.

I liked it better when you posted this in the other thread.

I'm not going to watch any new Star Trek until every thread is cut from the people involved since Star Trek 2009. I will only watch a complete overhaul/reboot that disregards everything shown in Discovery, Picard, and all of the other shit series they've pumped out in the past decade. When they've fired all of the writers, directors, producers, artists, actors and everyone else, I might consider watching.

I will not give this a chance, they've had enough chances.

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With the S02 finale of Picard and the S01 premiere of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds, today is the greatest day in Trek History since TOS premiered in the 60s.

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>a stare that compels her to correct and compose herself from her excess enthusiasm.
No he doesn't
>would think it's annoying modern garbage
It IS annoying modern garbage. Yes its toned down from the Tilly bit but they clearly are unwilling to let it go.

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The crew actually feels like professional adults. Except maybe Chapel, but she's a civilian.

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a stare, a look. whatever. you get my point. she corrects.

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She has a Starfleet uniform and little rank bands like she's a Commander. And then Pike calls her Doctor at one point. I dunno what to make of her.

Star Trek is I its second golden age.
Us fans are truly blessed.

>corporate neolibs still going on about muh worse than 9/11 insurrection as if a bunch of Qtards could effectively have "taken over the country"
>was immediately preceded by a whole year of negroes wiping entire cities off the map (believe me, I live near St. Paul/Minneapolis and half of them are GONE)
>muh capitol is sacred despite being a synagogue controlled by Israel
I feel like trulibs see it for what it really is, but even they're afraid to speak up as anyone who does is labelled a "terrorist" and locked up.
Also, Star Trek.

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I would like to think the eugenics wars monologue was about political ideologies in America mending their divisions, but I know what it is really saying is that the republicans are going to try to nuke the world in an attempt to create an ethnostate, and that trannys are the future.

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>spock reaction to seing his father emotions inside of picard after he died
fuck me.

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Spiner and de Lancie are part of the cast this season (as was young Guinan). Wheaton and Whoopi are considered guests. Spiner and Jeri Ryan were cast with Frakes and Sirtis as guests for season 1. This should give you a good idea of how much to actually expect them.
We'll be lucky to get 60 minutes combined of screentime with them and most of that they won't be in scenes together. Probably paired off like Riker/Troi, Geordi/Data, etc.

Shills are trying to say strange new worlds aint political kek

SNW has too many women. I didn't see a balance with crew of the enterprise. I guess this can change as it is now episodic like it supposed to be.

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>thing that just came out has tons of positive reviews/ratings

Whoa. Just like literally everything with a marketing budget in the last 15 years.

He is clearly amused/encouraging and there is no admonishment of any kind in the slightest.

They explicitly say she is on loan from a civilian organization "something something EpiGenetics"

>Probably paired off like Riker/Troi, Geordi/Data, etc.
That's what I expect. Won't be ensemble adventure but more like bouncing from one TNGer to the next to get some help or whatever. Super lame if they do that. And Data is literally dead now so wtf is even that?

They figured out how to rig the audience score a long time ago, retard

> SNW has too many women!

And the DT Clique arrives.

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Refreshed. Audience score is going down.

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ok. you're right and I 110% concede everything you're saying. She still corrects herself, though, and it still works as a subversion of Tilly and STD.

Why would they show footage from 2020 for a war that took place in the 1990s?

You have died more like it

>thinking the aenar don't come from Andoria

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DTs are scrambling to regroup since they thought this was going to be their big day of easy dunking on /trek/ and they're suddenly without any ammo and facing a /trek/ emboldened by big Swingin' Stick energy. It's not a good day to be a /trek/-hating transexual.

Give it to me straight
Is strange new worlds good or bad

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Only because you're flipping your IP and down voting like a lunatic, CG. Not unlike what you do here.

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Are you going to fix this issue or not?

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>And Data is literally dead now so wtf is even that?
He'll play a Soong again Or they will bring Data back somehow (B4, Lore, dreams/recordings etc) because they literally can't let that drop without trying to pump that well dry

He literally said civil war that turned into a eugenics war that turned into ww3

One drone seems to really like it. No one else cares enough to waste their time watching it.

Trekkies and SNWarriors win again!

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>and it still works as a subversion of Tilly and STD.
I wouldn't say "subversion" (or maybe we just use that word differently) but there is likely a connection, yeah.

It usually requires huge ad buys.

I'm not doing anything. Just refreshing the page.

I think they were always deliberately vague about how humanity got past the need for material things and how to fill the void when basic needs were met. They were always quite explicit in saying that the post-scarcity economy in general was created by the invention of the replicator. At least in TNG; in TOS they didn't have anything like that.

Based Wii poster. I can't stand the woke trek and don't know how people watch it. I will watch TOS, TNG, DS9 and Voyager if I need a fix. I'm sure this new series will be more pozzed than all the shit they have made since 2009.
Kurtzman is a fucking hack and if he has anything to do with it I will not watch.

Its par for the course in regards to PIC and STD. If you liked those you'll like this.

Pretty good and heartening about-face for nuTrek. Shocking even when you consider the amount of heterosexuality and male confidence/swagger on display in several of the scenes. All the women are relatively sane, competent, and likeable. They do their jobs. The story is not anything you haven't seen before but it's a perfectly serviceable Star Trek story. Gets the job done. The writing and performances are pretty solid, particularly Anson Mount.

Here comes cutting board stovelet cum gargling faggot

SNW was a step in the right direction but it's still very clearly nuTrek. I can hope that they'll continue to course correct and make it better (I mean TNG S1 is a trainwreck) but I doubt it with the current hollywood genius at the helm

Gee what a surprise, have you put in your ten 1/5 votes yet?


i'm gonna watch the entirety of ds9 again to clean myself of picard season one and two

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They have replicators in TOS.

How does that answer my question? And he says they called it those things progressively, not that those things progressed from one to the other.

1/6 was pretty bad, right guys?

> I won't watch Star Trek: Strange New Worlds!

40 million Paramount+ subscribers are. So, you won't be missed.

I like science.

>40 million Paramount+ subscribers


Imagine being excited for anything NuTrek. Imagine being that embarrassing.

It's been fun but normie redditor troon manchildren have totally taken over the fan base and this general as well. Time to filter you faggots out of my board forever.

I like the updated aesthetic, it seems like they actually give a shit trying to mesh a modern future aesthetic with blinking lights and cardboard form the 60's

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reminder: kiwifarms has a thread devoted to trekkies. They think they’re trolling (read: milking lolcows) by praising nutrek.

I know they never called them replicators (that didn't come around until TNG), but I think they called them synthesizers. There were episodes of TOS where they reference having to resupply. The tribble episode comes to mind, since K7 had issues with its grain supply.

>new series
More shills
>new season
More shills
>series undeservingly gets renewed
More shills

This is all so fucking tiresome

Post-scarcity has roots in Marxism doesn't it? The lack of a need for labour frees people and causes a post-scarcity economy from my understanding. Am I wrong? I don't know.

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> TNG had a disastrous S01 then got better, but honestly -- not that much better. Went from an F to a low B.

That's like splitting hairs over a vulcan and a romulan,

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>DT Clique
What does that even mean? Is that marketing info for Yea Forums that you use at CBS/Paramount?

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Are you retarded? That is clearly what he was saying

Set production usually isn't an issue with nuTrek, I'm gladly give them that. Its just the writers and the set direction which is usually the issue.

If feels like what they'd make if they were ordered to make a decent Star Trek show within modern (woke) content dictates and yet fix and unfuck their shit all while staying within the established nuTrek franchise. it's absolutely paying lipservice to "progressive" changes (which is why i fully expect to see gayfaggotry on display at some point) but it's heart and soul is not there. It's heart is with actual Star Trek and giving something watchable to the EXISTING Star Trek audience.

If the other 9 episodes stay true to that remains to be seen but so far so good.

>mfw I have six whole unwatched season of good old Star Trek

By the time I finished them everyone will agree that Strange New Worlds is awful so I won't be pressured to watch it either way

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>normie redditor troon manchildren have totally taken over the fan base
Nigger that was always the fanbase.

+15 bars of latinum deposited in your Ferenginar banks accounts

We need an explicitly right wing version of Star Trek. Let's get to work, chudbros!

>Post-scarcity has roots in Marxism doesn't it?
as a concept? No. But sure, marxism does make notable use of that concept. Hell, Biblical Eden is "post-scarcity."

Bro, chill out.

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user, are you really going to argue Vulcans and Romulans are the same thing?

Just the standard shilling of trying to insist praise of nutrek is the majority against a vocal minority of haters.

Go ahead and call the federation. They can't unshill you.

Guy watching Voyager for the first time.

Last time I was complaining about the last episodes of season 1 making the main characters look like assholes, now first episode of season 2 makes them look like retards:
> Nobody wants to stay on the planet. Why ? It's the best options for any of them.
> They could fucking WAIT there to find a better solution
> They could try to find the trace of the abducting aliens and their fast travel tech.
> They could RECRUIT some of the 100000 humans into their crew, you bet some of them would like to travel amongst the stars to find the planet of their ancestors.

But nooo, I bet this planet is never even mentioned later. God forgives an episode has any impact on the others...

Best season premiere of any Star Trek, including the old shows.

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Its an important distinction to make if its about a main character. I mean, the show itself is not above pointing out the importance of such distinctions. Look at The Drumhead where whether a minor, one-off character is romulan or vulcan is a major plot point.

Very organic post, xir.

And anything prior to today's SNW premier they'd be absolutely right. They also have a thread for actual Star Trek and while I don't expect a lot of praise there because the site actively discourages displays of "optimism", I do expect many to concede that SNW isn't nearly as bad as all the other nuTrek. Because it isn't.

Its funny how the one system that focuses on monetizing scarcity has come the closest to actually achieving a post scarcity society. .

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>That is clearly what he was saying

S1 was only a "disaster" in retrospect. Nobody watching at the time thought that. It was an unquestionable hit from S1 onward and only got better.

You have just realized that there is no good star trek.

Perhaps. Though I wouldn't say it's per se because of a Marxist view, it's more because there's an integral concept of capitalism that's removed because of the replicator. Capitalism at its core is about the efficient allocation of finite resources with the profit motive being central to the allocation. Remove the finite nature of resources and make them almost infinite, and there's no profit motivation. That's why I liked what DS9 did with the idea. The Ferengi have replicators, so their needs are met, but they still have the desire to profit. Humanity just sort of dropped that with the desire being to increase one's contributions to the whole in general. Like I was saying, that's sort of vague, but how they got there isn't.

Is she in?

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There is no flipping the script. After 80 episodes of absolute shit, no one is suddenly going “whoa this is a breath of fresh air!” It’s the same shit and it’s not doing anything to prove otherwise.