Dave Chappelle almost killed a trans man and you're laughing

Dave Chappelle almost killed a trans man and you're laughing.

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is it supposed to bend that way?

I laughed when Chris Rock asked if it was Will Smith because it proves he is losing sleep over getting slapped and still can't stop thinking about it

>t. Will

No hair?

Why would you attack Chapelle? His arms are pretty built in his recent shit and he's an avid gun owner. Was never going to end well.

It's a notable and similar event that happened to him while he was there. He was at the right place at the right time to say that, so he did.

because he uses us as the butt of his jokes and that can't be allowed

Based. Trannies are the jews of the 2020’s

So he paid for a ticket and everything just so he could attack Dave?

looks mtf to me

no shit...it was the biggest news story for 2 weeks you mong.

black women pass as men easily

But Dave didn't. It was security that assaulted him. .

>why u mad thou, chris??? lmao I wheezing

>Chappelle said: 'I've been doing this for 35 years. I just stomped a n**** backstage. I've always wanted to do that.'
I think it's safe to say he did his fair share of chimping out.

>ywn stomp a tranny with Dave Chappelle and laugh about it afterwards
FUCK man

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She should be happy for finally being treated like a man.

Yes and I'm tired of pretending I'm not.

shes a big gal

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You can see on the video, he never leaves the stage or sight-line. I mean there's not really an argument here is there

um.. yeah.. uh.. sweaty.. we cant use "US" anymore it signals too much to the patriarchy and triggers fellow demiqueers because reading it reminds us we live in the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA

Sorry but we are not Space Jews.

based. hope every 'attack' is referred to 'was that will smith?'


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She? Is this thing FTM or MTF?

He's not a tranny. There's zero indicators of this, but you schizos see trannies everywhere. Maybe your mom is a tranny. Have you ever seen her naked? Maybe "she" is actually a he and has a penis? Or maybe he's post-op and somehow resisted the urge to 41%? Who knows.

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can i get a quick qrd? i dont read tweeter or wherever you hear about this shit

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Will Smith slapped Chris Rock at the Oscars weeks ago over a joke. Last night some guy who may or may not be a tranny tackled Dave Chappelle on stage. Dave Chappelle has been making tranny jokes for years now.

This was a homeless guy. He did not have a gun or a knife, some random black reporter made that up for Twitter likes.


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>tranny pretends people can't see obvious trannies

he had a knife that was transitioning into a gun, and slept on a fold out couch in a house that was being converted into apartments. This "guy" is an all around tranny-supreem.

You will die by your own hand, and not even your own parents will miss you. In fact, they will be relieved, once their shame and burden is gone.

Reminder that as much as trannies try to distance, prevaricate, and damage control, everyone knows you're violent maniacs.

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>almost killed
>I just stomped a nigga backstage
>He's not a tranny

You guys are missing the point. This is show business. That first video where it looks like his arm is broken? Millions of people saw that and believed it. Most of them will never know he was just holding it that way. All these almosts and maybes translate to absolute cinematic truth, simplified and implanted in people's minds. Here's what happened on a visual/emotional level:

>a trans criminal indicts himself on stage for all to see
>grabbed by security, they hold him down and the stars Dave and Jamie Foxx snuff him
>Dave and CRock laugh it off
>Chapelle makes it totally clear this is trans related

This looked so much more real than the woll smoth slap, but it benefits Dave so much and works so perfectly as a propaganda piece that I can't believe it's accidental.

this guy has multiple songs on spotify about how he loves trump, and one song about chappelle

there's been no evidence that this person is trans, but you idiots will believe literally anything if it suits you

He isn't trans, but you're delusional if you think this is unrelated to dave's tranny special

You're the butt of everyone's joke. Trannies and all their made-up bullshit are just the left-wing version of Qanon.

No he doesn't.

Yea, Will, im sure he's... what did you say? "losing sleep" over it? HAHAHA

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has to be FTM, if not, then he's gonna have a hard time passing now

Cope and seethe

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He's black

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is this the liberal equivalent of russians searching corpses for anything resembling a nazi tattoo?

>blacks are sterilizing themselves
>Yea Forums will get mad over this

>dude the song is called "maga my nigga" but that doesn't mean he likes trump
>lyrics "why everybody always hatin' on my president"
>NOOOO he's a left wing tranny he just is nooooooo

holy cope

what is this still from

>trans man
is 'it' a biological male or a biological female

there was a tranny who wielded an axe in a 7/11 like 5 years ago and it gets reposted often because unlike blacks, women, jews, etc chuds don't actually have any statistics to back up their beliefs

Some tranny attacked people in a convenience store with an axe. It happened in Australia.


just to be clear, you're saying that this man is a right winger, who attacked Dave because he's so crazy loopy, and it has nothing whatsoever to do with Dave's recent notoreity? Sounds like you're coping, objectively.

Turns out he wasn’t trans and attacked Chapelle for making jokes at Trump’s expense

>has multiple songs worshipping donald trump
>he's a tranny because that's the only reason anyone would attack dave chappelle!!!
some alternatives:
>hates him for his show making poor blacks look bad
>hates him for not being right wing
>attacked him to get attention to his songs about chapelle and trump

but he has to be a tranny activist because trannies live rent free in your head so that has to be true for everyone else right? lol


It's related to the tranny situation because that is Dave's only political relevance. That's why he did comedy for 30 years without an incident like this. Not even getting into the nail polish, it's quite possible he's a crazy homeless man or even a pro trump false flagger coon who thinks chappelel hates white people, but there's zero chance this is unrelated to recent events in Dave's career.

The TDF (tranny defense force) is out in full today it seems

Maybe he is a tackle-for-hire and was hired to tackle Dave for the Space Jews joke.

pretty sure all right wingers are closeted trannies and gays

I don't find Chappelle remotely funny. But I did find the trans beating amusing.


Got what SHE fucking deserved. Fuck these leftists who think they have a right to attack anyone who doesn't bow down to their insanity. They should all get introduced to Kyle Rittenhouse.

No, but it does now.

>who cares about the truth of the matter, the optics are good!
transphobes in a nutshell

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"Phobe" implies fear. No one's afraid of you. Just ask Dave Chappelle.

>the trannies are going to rape our women and children in the bathrooms! panic!!!1
>the trannies are brainwashing your children in schools! panic!!!1
>i'm going to get raped by a tranny who doesn't tell me they're a tranny!!!1
>i just got assaulted on stage, it was probably the tranny menace!! (assumes this with no proof)
>no one's afraid of trannies!!

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Ha nice secret transphobic thread

I, a grown man, am not afraid of pit bulls. However, pit bulls are actually a threat to women and children, and I will still shoot one if it attacks me or a woman or a child. Now replace pit bulls with trannies.