Movie about 4 college teachers getting drunk on a daily basis

>movie about 4 college teachers getting drunk on a daily basis
>not a single one of them has sex with a student
Missed opportunity.

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Other urls found in this thread:

>resolution of the film is Mads doing a cool dance while druk
>but it's ruined when you remember he decides to dance drukenly because his wife who cuckolded him has graced him with the generous and magnanimous opportunity to maybe get back together with her
man fuck this sick sick world

why dont you have sex yourself chud instead of worrying about others sex life

well he had sex with Klara but that was back when he taught kindergarten

There's already a film about Mads being a teacher who diddles his students.

when I get DRUK all I want to do is get DRUK more

not everyone is a pedo like you user

>doesn't have gay sex with the crying twink who's scared about his exams

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Age of consent in Denmark is 15 years old.

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>except 18 for teachers
>the film is about teachers
good job dumbass

>recovered alcoholic
>want to start dating again
>every woman I go on a date with is a sloppy nasty drunk
>tries to pressure me into drinking with them
>imply that they would have sex with me if only I could just relax and have a few drinks knowing full well if I even get one in me I'm going off the rails
Why are women like this?

theyre literally hs teachers

that's pretty miserable user. stay away from those sloppy whores. or send them in my direction, I'm still an alkie and will likely send them away screaming when I reveal my power level and shit my pants after 4 bottles of wine

How can we make this movie even more degenerate?

We have some cool suggestions here.

>unprotected sex with students while druk on academy grounds
>blackmailing the scared twin into gay sex whilst druk
>cuckolding a depressed man who copes by getting even more druk

I got one
>the real reason the friend an heroes is because he turned into a zoophile and fucked his dog


what a dumb film

The leap at the end is him dying

kek. poorfag can't afford an alcohol addiction

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>not a single one of them has sex with a student
Maybe because they aren't filthy degenerates.

>family history of alcoholism
>slowly develop an alcohol dependency of my own that only gets worse when I'm struck with tfwnogf
>girl at work starts talking to me, we hit it off and eventually start going out
>her and her family don't drink at all
>slowly ween myself off the bottle just by being with her
>notice how much happier and more productive I'm becoming
>better focus, less anxious, work out more, eat better, etc
Sorry for blogposting, but I guess I'm just trying to say: keep at it. Eventually you'll find the one you need who is not only accepting of your decision, but supportive of it.
I still enjoy a drink on occasion, but it's not until I took a step back that I realized how ubiquitous alcohol is today. Ads are shoved down your throat everywhere you look, and it seems the selling point of any brunch spot now is a new drink instead of a good cup of coffee. Do we really need to be drinking first thing in the morning? And don't even get me started on the binge-drinking culture in colleges and even high schools now. It's ridiculous, and this is coming from someone who lived by it for years.

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kill yourself tranny

I’m a raging alcoholic bros. I’m only 29 but I’m starting to feel the effects.

Who is going insane? Did you mix up the movies? What the hell

>Norwegian country
>flashback 40 years ago
>nigs and mudslimes in all classes

Fucking Romania, jesus christ 13?

How do you have sex without penetration? That doesn't even make sense.


it's subjective. I'm way happier as a functioning alkie than I was as someone that went to the gym nearly everyday. having a couple shots of vodka before my weekly morning meetings at work makes it 1000x more bearable.

Yeah that's the point. Alcohol turns you into a filthy degenerate.
The movie was incredibly prudish about the depiction of being druk.
>no sex
>no violence, no fights
>no car crash
>no shitting in pants and puking on kids

If a woman jerks your dick or tittyfuck you, it's not penetration but it's still sex.
Not sure about sucking dick, as it's technically a penetration.

what effects you getting and how much you drinking? I'm getting by fine other than sky high blood pressure

I think you never really drink do you... Drunk people are mostly very wholesome and not degenerate. They break stuff but most of the time by accident. You only get violent if you are violent when sober anyways. Same with sex, you don't become a creepy molester by drinking, that's already in you

I burnt my fingers on the frying pan whilst cooking druk the other night and have blisters now. they hurt

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Its not the weekend yet

Not him, but I'm 33 and I can't do heavy drinking for more than 3 or 4 days in a row anymore because of high blood pressure. It also messes up my gut.

it's always the weekend when you're drinking newfriend

at least you know how to cook.

This. If you're a different person when you're drunk it means that you present a false self to others.

Genuine question: Are Americans even capable of understanding this movie? Every time I've heard Americans discuss it, it always boils down to "so.. it was about alcoholism and how its bad"

because that's prison time for a long time if you're a man. a women might get a slap on the wrist but a male teacher fucking a student is serious and you will go away for a long time.

Just make sure not to burn the house ya big dumbo.


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OHP pr at 185 for 3x

Rushed home.

They don't. Hollywood melted their brains


all the scandi countries have cucking in films and the guy is just supposed to put his head down and say sorry. same reason i couldn't watch a single episode of that fucking horrible norwegian military show on netflix.

Every holiday with my friends becomes drink heavy and nobody gets molested or beat up. I think either you don't drink at all or you and the people you do drink with are just douchebags regardless.

DRUK stories, lets hear them

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>late teens, going out a lot
>carry a large key with me at all times (like 12 inches)
>use it as my pickup line and ask if women want to come to my castle
>one night it works
>go to kebab shop nearby
>exclaim "I'm the lizard king I can do anything, I eat more chicken any man ever seen"
>order loads of fried chicken
>sit eating it whilst girl fondles my crotch
>start walking home with her
>so druk, I wander off and pass out down an alley

>husband suffers from mid-life crisis and stagnates
>don't try to help, not even a conversation
>just quietly fuck other dudes
>"idk i kinda miss the comfy house and having a provider teehee maybe i'll let him back"
Don't wanna sound like I'm from /r9k/ but this might be the most red-pilled movie about women in recent times. One of the boys' wife also did nothing but endlessly nagging. Throughout the movie Mads literally received more joy and affection from his buddies and his students than from all his family combined.

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I'm not gay but Mad's ballsack is looking pretty good in that photo. what a chad

I understood it because I’m druk all the time

based drukmerican

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>not gay
>looking at another man's ballsack

they're on par with the booba in that pic, you'd have to be blind not to notice, even whilst druk


>get out of bed
>wait for the clock to hit 12:00
>open up a beer
>play some WoW
>2 hours later reckon I could do with some rum
>by 17:00 I'm steaming and asking in LFG if anybody needs a healer
>get all sort of invites for the rest of the day
>up until 02:00 drinking and helping people
>talk to some cool people and have a good time
>throw up then go to bed


red-pilled about men having inexcusably shit taste in survival partners, maybe

>He fell for the getting married and having kids meme

This is my order of noticing on the photo
>oh hey its Mads
>who's mads' buddy here why is he so fucking red
>looks like some fancy nightclub
His ballsack didn't ever occur to me until you mentioned it. I agree though it does look pretty nice.

should I actually watch this?

It's a gymnasium, dumbass,