>character shaves
>has no cuts afterwards
Character shaves
How retarded are you?
He's only been shaving a few months, go easy on him
Does shaving cream actually do anything? I just shave in the shower or with hot water at the sink.
Some help make the skin less irritated if you're a sensitive fuck like me.
My wife enjoys shaving me and I enjoy having her huge boobs smashing into my face and shoulders while she does it. win/win
The good shit is good for your skin and helps skin not get so irritated but other than that I think its just a meme, could be wrong.
you fags shave? lmao
you beard is baby tier probably, I used to shave with water at 18 too
I haven't dragged a razor across my face in like 12 years, just trim with nice scissors, what are you shaving for?
>not using an electric razor
there's no need to be completely smooth for a short while
Reminder for youngins, shave with the grain grain, reapply shaving cream, then shave against the grain for baby smooth clean shave.
Moisturizes the skin and hairs during the shaving process. Your skin ultimately feels and looks nicer for a while than just water shaving generally gives you. It's by no means necessary but it's not expensive so why not?
>character needs to take a shit
>doesn't spend 20 minutes shaking with anxiety first
>doesn't start breathing like a woman in labor
>doesn't almost pass out whilst he has the most painful shit of his life
>isn't dripping blood from his ass afterwards
Totally ruins my immersion.
>show is set after 2020
>every character has long patchy reddit beard
Really? Learn to groom yourself dude, jesus
>disposable razor
get a proper razor
eat bran
drink water
do cardio
Unfathomably based. You made it, king.
Yea Forums can't do even basic things like shaving.
Be extra careful when shaving against the grain. That's when cuts are more likely to happen because the skin gets pulled
Who even shaves anymore
Get a trimmer, faggot
I just use an electric "shaver" that is really just a trimmer. Results 66% as good for 5% of the effort. You should always be looking to optimize your time wasted with shit like this.
Get a double-edge safety razor from Dollar Tree. Stop sacrificing your faceblood to the Gillette Jew.
>you fags shave? lmao
I ditched the Gillette Jew after THAT ad.
if you keep shaving with pic related then it is your own fault.
buy a safety razor or just a straight razor if you can
how the fuck i don't cut my self while shaving
What's the proper method, bros?
Can I get recommedatios for decent brands? It seems all the ones at the supermarkets go blunt after 2/3 uses, fucking merchants
Aye. There are plenty of other brands of quality razors who don't make commercials shitting on you for merely existing or show you the joys of teaching your tranny son to shave
Without the shaving cream it’s damn near impossible for me to shave, it’s just like ripping the hairs out of my face
safety razor + feather blades
dude go to the doctor
Imagine being raised in a single mother household.
stop being a faggot and get a straight razor. You'll be a lot more careful when it's a bigger sharper blade. and it's a better shave, and it's much cheaper to just resharpen those cunts than it is to keep buying your faggy little disposable razors or razors blades for the higher style ones that actually work more than half the time
I use soap
>I can't spend time on hygiene, I have to back to Yea Forums!!
lmao, you fucking woman
tell me what movie faggot I never seen someone take a shit in a movie
Shaving is more unhygienic in every possible way, redditor
See a doctor.
Source. I'm a doctor.
So come and see me, I want to get a good look on your asshole.
>tfw I use oneblade and get the best of both worlds
>character brushes teeth
>doesn't spit blood into the sink like a crime scene
Just use soap. The foam jew makes your beard feel like shit when it grows back.
>character shaves with cream
>somehow still has cuts
i hope that's not you user
pepe isn't a groyper stupid
only groypers have 3 arms
>character goes to sleep
>wakes up refreshed with a clear mind
thats his foot
lmao that's because you still have bum fluff. When it thickens out cream makes a huge difference.
You know what I mean!!!!
>character takes a dump
>they don't accidentally piss through the gap in the toilet seat and soak their socks with urine
How did you acquire my picture?
Anybody tried those hair removal creams?
aye this has happened to me more times than I care to admit so I hold my dick downward when I sit down to take a shit
>His electric razor doesn't make him completely smooth
Buy a better one.
>character takes a shit
>doesn't smell so awful that he has to flush after the first wave
>character doesn't brush teeth the entire movie
>other character's are able to talk to him without slowly moving backwards, eyes glazed over as they politely nod
>black dude at my company complained about facial hair policy because apparently shaving is too biologically spicy for them
>they scrapped the policy entirely so that I no longer have to shave either
We did it bros. It only took 400 years, but the white man finally benefitted from diversity.
How fucking small are your dicks? It's supposed to hang down due to its weight automatically.
Does your dick not touch the base of the toilet bowl whilst shitting?
>character is always clean shaven over several days even when he clearly hadn’t the time/facility to shave
>character shaves
>goes to bed
>visible stubble after waking up