Netflix's Narnia

Predict the cast and story of Netflix's Narnia

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>Predict the cast
oohhh boyy


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All blacks and trannies

The White Queen will 100% be black. Aslan will be voiced by Idris Elba. The Pevensies will be renamed the Pevenzales. Instead of taking Turkish Delights, Edmund with take HRT.

unbelievable. Perverting my childhood favorites was one thing but desecrating Christ is too far

Genocide NOW

>The White Queen

I take it you meant the black queen, sistah?

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what's the format? 2 episodes to a book?

Trannys and faggots


One 10 episode season per book.

It looked sexy from the thumbnail

Niggers trannies and queers.

is there enough for seven seasons? i vaguely remember the books

A bunch of niggers.

Please don't. I feel so defeated right now. Spotify is producing a Batman radio play and they cast a black voice actor as Bruce Wayne.

I never saw the movies. Should I bother with this?
Granny read me the books as a kid

I guarantee they will make it a white brother and sister and their adopted black brother and sister. Edmund will need to be white because he betrays them. White Witch will stay white as she's evil, Aslan will be voiced by some established black actor. Mr Tumnus is black for sure, implying Narnia is african.

You mean LeBruce Jaymes

Edmund will get an NFT instead of Turkish Delight

>Aslan will be voiced by Idris Elba
I support this casting.

Go with internal chronological order
Magician's Nephew > Lion, Witch & Wardrobe > Horse and his Boy > Caspian > Dawn Treader > Silver Chair > Last Battle

>"if Lucy had really met a faun... the result would have been a rape, not a tea party

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The females will be kikes pretending to be white, and the males will be niggers.

Not at all. They’re children’s books, and it’s not like there’s a bunch of lore to explore.

How are they going to deal with the Jesus Lion? Jews won't like that.

1950s England? Hell naw. 2022 Philly
4 cracker kids? Hell naw. 3 black teens and a pregnant whitey.
Aslan? Hell naw. Aslanda Jones
Wardrobe? Hell naw. Back door to a bike shop

Replace it with a more suitable hero animal.

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I didn't understand any of the religious comparisons in these books

As long as I get a cute, brown Tarkheena-fu I'm happy.

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So are they going to subvert the religious themes of the books?

Won't even come close to the 1988 kino
If they make Edmund white and Susan black just because of their actions in the first book that would be pretty funny.

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not even the last one where he beats you over the head with it?

for me it's the 1979 cartoon

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I was pretty young, and I don't really know much about Christianity even today desu

kek, you made my day

So who should they play?

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Perfect casting for Aslan

>edmund betrays his family (original sin, eve eating the apple, etc)
>aslan is killed by the queen as a substitute for edmund (Jesus' death on the cross)
>aslan resurrected using "old magic" (Jesus' resurrection)
>redemption, defeat of evil, etc


The question is not "if" and hasn't been for a while. The question is "how many?"

>Dies in the last book
>Post-death allowed to enter the "real" Narnia
>Susan who has stopped believing (although not dead) is revealed to not be worthy of real Narnia

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They'll all be refugees fleeing war in Africa, Middle East and Ukraine. The Christian themes of the books will be replaced with faggotry as they all have to hide in the closet from Euro bigots.

>le christianity is problematic, we will make fun of it

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The horse and his boy was kino

god I hate narnia
I mean the book, it was fucking shit, I will never understand why did it become so popular

Some of the books barely connect to the series so not sure how they will do that.

>noooo you have to copy my lore! You can't make up your own!
Was tolken the first chud?

I remember liking it but dont remember a damn think about it

The Hobbit didn't really connect to the lure but Peter Jackson fixed that and made close to the perfect film trilogy.

The competition was probably not all that great as it was released in the 50s and fantasy only started getting really big in the 70s.

My predictions:
>everybody is either woman, black, gay or trans
>it bombs
>they cancel it after season 1 and claim the toxic community

non binary Santa Clause


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Dey hea

It’s a good children’s book and an interesting read. Not sure why you didn’t like it user.

Plot twist...

Aslan is actually evil and has Narnia enslaved. It's up to 4 young PoC/women/LGBT youth to stop him before he instigates a Jan 6th of his own and Narnia falls to Christo-fascism. The younger trans-sister has a sword-finger too, it retracts like her feminine penis.

Sound about right?

why? If they are gonna cancel it after doing one season like they cancel every new show they made

you forgot
>"racist fans of the series are REALLY pissed that they changed everything about the series!... and heres why thats good!..."

My fucking sides

Blame the fans is 101 of marketing.

narration by obama and you pretty much nailed it


Keked and checked

Was he both a chad and a stud? Yes.

I dont remember a half-horse with a blue cloak in the books.