Sets the bar too high for 'medical' shows

>Sets the bar too high for 'medical' shows
Why did they do this?!

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Are there any medical shows even coming out anymore? It was pretty popular in the 00s then it fell of in the 10s. It died with House I guess.

I know of one called "New Amsterdam". It's as pozzed as you'd think, and they even made an episode about le coof

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>Mouse, MD
someone make a better joke out of this

I hate that show about the autist kid doctor. It's the same showrunner as House but it's so pozzed and crap.

because it had to be done.
btw, i really like that they are totally self-aware, with house being a avid medical drama enthusiast

>The Resident
>New Amsterdam
>Grey's Anatomy
>The Good Doctor

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I wouldn't compare that to those softporn soap show for houswives (Grey’s Anatomy). If anything Bones is more similar to House MD.

I honestly don't believe anything will be more in this genre.

>House finished a decade ago

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>Grey's Anatomy

CrazyCatLady femcel core

There was also a show in the late 2000s with the same name about a guy who was immortal or something

>If anything Bones is more similar to House MD.

Dear diary: Today, OP was right. It doesn't happen a lot. But there it is.

Forever?.. shitty

>Mouse HD

That's me...
I'm always right.

i think you are correct. it will be very hard to top this show.

It overstayed its welcome just a skosh

If you're a House lover, the only show that's like it is The Mentalist.

>Supremely charismatic smartass loose cannon lead
>All cast likeable
>Good drama
>Satisfying self-contained episodes
>No woke/pc shit at all

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i hate this show
i hate the aesthetic
i hate the color palette
i hate the theme music
i hate the pacing
i hate

The only scene I ever saw of Dr. House is where he does a skateboard trick in front of a hot woman. Obviously the actor didn't do the trick himself. The scene was so cringy that I never cared to watch the show.

wrong pic

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>i hate this show
>i hate the aesthetic
>i hate the color palette
>i hate the theme music
>i hate the pacing
>i hate

>Supremely charismatic smartass loose cannon lead
But is he deeply depressed, secretly reaching out for understanding, but too self-destructive and nihilistic to maintain any real connections?
I liked House because he was literally me.

they made 13 a lesbian for no reason
that's pretty woke

Although compared to shit that happens in todays movies and shows, that's lukewarm at best

and they made her do BBC

they set the bar so high they couldn't even meet their own standards after 3rd season

shit show
the guy is not charismatic he comes off as a retard jock his face seems unintelligent and punchable

Each season had plenty of good episodes
S4 had House’s Head/Wilson’s Heart
S5 had the hallucination episodes
S6 had Broken, The Tyrant, Lockdown, Help Me
S7 had the serial killer episode, 13 episode, House performing surgery on himself episode
S8 had the prison episode and the kino Chase arc

fuck you bones was comfy kino

Mogs all medical shows cowering in its shadow.

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why does his face look like that

It's just that almost all medical shows are romance dramas

Because he's a grouchy, autistic mega genius with terrible social skills who hates everyone. Martin Clunes plays the character to an absolute T.

i just watch the cheap russian ripoff instead

forgotten pic, i retard

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amazed I've never seen a meme of this

all tv used to have a shitty romance subplot, except recently when people are too broken to understand human relationships anymore, so we get all the sexual identity stuff instead

got hit with a shovel as a kid, look it up

don't understand why all russians shows have a shitty ex-wife subplot, at least in this one the protagonist doesn't cuck...

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I'm legitimately shocked that Grey's Anatomy is still on. It's like the NCIS of medical shows, it should've ended 10 seasons ago but keeps going for some fucking reason.


It's Ukrainian.

It’s because Putin had his wife killed

This show was like the Avengers of career television actors.

Ukraine is part of russia now user

colleagues in med school watch it for the 'drama'

yeah, i'm not gonna learn any country name to the east of germany, sorry, it's all the same to me

she is nagging on screen, not dead

>the asian girl looks horny
>the black guy looks funny
yeah, haven't seen it, but it's probably good

Didn't that bottom guy get a chopper dropped on him?

because it was a different time, they had free speech and less drama, they made jokes about fags, trannies, negros, chinks,whites etc. You can't make that stuff anymore, while now in new medical shows 70 % is just drama between characters and white and straight people bad.
those shows are so disgusting, espcially New Amsterdam and Good Doctor, full of fags, lesbians, trannies etc
>in one episode there was a tranny kid

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>Inappropriate? ‘Cause of the Jew thing?

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53 replies and no one's mentioned The Knick?

it even fell off itself after the first few seasons, couldn't match the early glory, save for a few great episodes.

just watch M*A*S*H and stop seeping eye liqiuds

Wrong season.

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Bones was okay. I liked Booth's character, show was fun, at most minimally cringe at times but not as bad as some other shows today. No other show holds the same kind of watchability that House holds though.

Most medical shows aren't about medicine and are full of errors and unlikable protagonists who would be fired in a week.
I enjoy Chicago Med because of trhis guy though.

Most medical shows did episodes about Covid. House, MD would have done at least one.
And he would have been pro-vax.

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>is consistently wrong 5 times per episode for narrative purposes
I really don't understand how a huge production like this would write, build sets, and shoot the week it is airing. Maybe write something the 29 weeks of the year you aren't doing fuck all?

Doctors are not intelligent. In fact given their extended stay in education they are probably some of the least intelligent and most likely to believe what they are told with no insight. Throw in massive debts that rely on government approval to have employment and they are the last people to take medical advice from.
House, who is an actor making a living lying, on a fake show did the vaccine propaganda early in season 1.

Go look at when vaccines were introduced and you'll find they all came after the disease was eliminated by running water and the populace no longer being exposed to farm animals regularly.

if you look closely every show made an episode about it - some of them even made those episodes a long time ago!

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>Go look at when vaccines were introduced

I don't want to kill the thread with a sterile discussion so I'll just say that you should look at the smallpox epidemics and how the vaccine was discovered.
Also I suppose that if you were bitten by an angry bat you would't take the Rabies vaccine ?

There are/were, but they're all female-centric soap opera bullshit where the medical problem-solving is just background dressing

they tried to get people to forget Dr. Cameron but Dr. Cameron was the best woman doctor next to Martha and Cuddy just sucked as a doctor she just talked every once in a while