Just finished watching the first episode of Game of Thrones...

Just finished watching the first episode of Game of Thrones, wow what a cool and mysterious symbol to end the episode on I wonder what it will end up meaning

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And who are you the proud writer said, that i must follow the canon?

time for sadness
but Elden Ring, O, Elden Ring!

>The last time a Sam or Sansa or Brienne chapter was released in a newly published book:
>Batman Begins had just been released, completely revitalizing the franchise. Nobody knew who or what an Iron Man was, aside from a Black Sabbath song.
>George W. Bush was close to the beginning of his second term and still popular. Saddam Hussein was still alive. Hurricane Katrina was recent news.
>Star Wars: Episode III had just been released in theatres.
>Fans were upset because it had taken J.K. Rowling two years to release Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince; they were even more upset when the book leaked and people began spoiling its big twist.
>Nintendo had recently revealed a new console under the codename Revolution, which only a year later would be released as the Wii.

Looks like an incomplete Brand of Sacrifice

Did the medieval filter originate with this show?

Well the show retcons itself and absolutely none of the plot points set up in season 1 amount to anything.

lmao this cant be true this shit happened almost 20 years ago

>Saddam Hussein was still alive

Imagine being this assmad about a young adult book series.

tbf the books have never resolved anything satisfactorily either, and they never will at this pace

op stole this post from the got subreddit

Ah, but the chapter where an old man gropes an underage Arya's tits hadn't been released onto the internet yet!

Season 8 still makes me mad but hopefully it will stay as an important lesson not to bastardise an ending like that again

Remember when they hinted it was going to start snowing in king's landing then completely dropped it?

Thats morgotts rune

Well user be careful. The jewish side of the jewish writers could emerge at any moment.

>an old man gropes an underage Arya's tits
haha oh no what??

I don't get why everyone still acts like season 8 is the only terrible season. Season 1 is the only great season, and everything after season 4 was garbage. I stopped watching in season 5 and only watched season 7 and 8 because of a girl I was with

I'm not kidding.


lt's not kid ourselves, the only reason the book ending is any better, is because it doesn't exist, the way GOT is constructed it can never have a satisfying ending

There is no such thing as an underage in the Games of Thrones (tm)

>book leaked and people began spoiling its big twist.
God damn I remember that as if it was today.

yeah, the only reason the previous seasons were seen as "better" is because there was still hope that later season could fix it somehow, but they were just as bad

but it's the same with the books

You're in a tiny tiny fringe minority. The general consensus amongst hard-core and casual fans is that season 1-4 were perfection, season 5 took a dip in quality but not enough to derail the show, season 6 picks up a bit but still isn't on the level of 1-4, but with hindsight you can definitely see the cracks and where it's going to go. Season 7, without hindsight was fine, but great, but if season 8 was perfection then seasons 5-6-7s dip in quality could've easily been forgiven, but with hindsight, yes, season 7 is on a free fall. Season 8 we all know what everyone think, arguably the biggest disasters in television history. How a show goes from starting so strong to ending so weak. How DnD destroyed this shows appeal is almost like an art form.

Yeah it can just end it normally and dont try to le subvert expectations

>1-4 were perfection

the same will happen with the books if they are ever finished "immoral nihilistic politics, but dragons and end of the world prophecies" can never be given a satisfying ending, they will have to sacrifice something and make half the fans very butt-hurt

though tbf the option they took on tv was even worse, they didn't sacrifice anything, but also didn't really complete anything, just gave a random ending that wasn't satisfying in any sense, i guess in that way the books could be a bit better

That Beyond The Wall episode in season 7 was the most nonsensical shit of the entire series

>Fans were upset because it had taken J.K. Rowling two years to release Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince; they were even more upset when the book leaked and people began spoiling its big twist.
I remember those days! My brother and his friends drove by every single book line of people waiting to buy the book and shouted over megaphone the spoilers of the book. The amount of salt and rage they farmed was incredible.

how can you end it normally? the whole point of the book is to subvert normal fantasy plots and show how heroes can't exist, at the same time there's the end of the world going on, there's no normal way to reconcile those 2 elements

Seasons 1-6 were great for me. 7 and 8 was nigger ass.

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Season 7 started all the characters teleporting all over the map. A forced romance with Jon and Danerys. A hyped up but terrible battle north of the wall (the core group ended up going with nameless, faceless extras just so they could get killed by a bear and wights, without any main cast actually dying. Completely fake "stakes"). Night King not killing Jon...

That's crap. Fan made theories about the potential ending were awesome. And they were built off the existing lore. The books could end great.


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user please just read the books
The books are way better than the tv series

fun fact: the symbol literally means pussy in some central european countries

>want to do this
>but also remember that the fat fuck will probably die before ever finishing the story, blue-balling me for eternity

Yeah, nah.

worst advice ever.
actual good advice: do NOT read the books, and if you already have (like me), just forget that they ever existed. No more books are ever coming out and the whole thing inevitably ends in a big dissapointment.

Idk DoD wasn't so bad, feast seemed like half thr PoV chapters were for characters I dgaf about

I like how the WoT show copied this shit 100% even to the point of it not making any sense and never coming up again.

>Hollywood jews

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I'm not saying the books were bad, they were fine, but they are never getting finished and you shouldn't invest in a story that abruptly stops in the middle

The first episode has snowy background and when the characters are speaking there's nothing coming out of their mouth
the snow looks so fake and cheap
Completely took me out

>lets put an edgy symbol here so if somehow a human will find it they will see how cool and dangerous we are and totally wont see it as juvenile attention seeking!!2

Kek see if you can find where martin reees about fanfiction then writes it himself
As it stands Jamie's killed Hermione, rand Al Thor, Cthulhu, and others

Its related to updog.

I didn’t get the outrage with season 8 because of how bad season 7 was. I don’t understand how anyone went into season 8 with any hope at all. The main plot of season 7 is that all our favorite characters are going to team up to kidnap a zombie in the north, then travel south with said zombie to convince Cersei fucking Lannister to help them. It’s the dumbest shit I’ve ever experienced.

>arya seducing that guy to feel up her tits
>licking his tongue
>"She could not give it up. She wanted him so bad."
I'm remembering popping my first boner reading the books as a kid

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At this rate Arya will have her first sex scene soon

It's kind of amazing this fat fuck has lasted this long. He's way overdue for a fattie death. Of course he knows this and has zero intention of actually finishing his series because he has no idea how to, he is a penny dreadful tier author who just relies on tweests and shock factor to carry his plot and now he's got nothing left in the chamber and no satisfying way to end the books without an asspull. We all know he plans to die before it's done and hope he goes down in history as a tragic author who never got to finish his magnum opus.

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Who’s updog?


>mad at season 8

It took you that long to figure out the show was garbage? The rot began in season 2 and got worse in 3 and 4 and as soon as it was revealed Tywin was banging Shae the show went directly off a cliff. Season 5-7 were just as shit as 8 but 2-4 weren't great either.

He's literally set for life, and famous enough in fantasy/sci-fi writing circles to get cush editorial work or shit out a Wildcards novel or whatever.
He cruises to different island nations and decimates their buffets and bangs their hoes and has no regerts.

Elden ring is so bad. It's trash. I am posting it a lot but it pains me how much of a list potential this game is. It should be reworked from the ground up. Also Joseph Anderson video on it is weak. He addressed only a single issue of ten at the very least

It'd be forgiveable if fatfuck embraced his decisions and stopped larping as some great literary mind and just admitted he doesn't want to finish the books and will let someone else do it after he expires from spending his last days being a hedonistic glutton, but he insists on trying to string his increasingly smaller fanbase along acting like he spends more than a minute a day thinking about the books while running around taking gimme jobs writing shitty video game plots and giving interviews about how shit other (far more productive writers who actually finished their books) are.

Didn't Thoros die on that expedition?

>le ebin drunk with a fire sword
who? did he had any point as a character?

im prety confident he'll release TWOW
even if he doesn't, there has to be so much material right now that we could get a 99% GRRM original posthumous release
we can only hope that he has enough ADOS stuff written already for that to be released too, posthumously ofc, with lots of writing from someone else

Was there a way to satisfying end it? Or did DD realize there was no realistic way out so just said fuck it

Are you 12?

The body arrangement trope will come back in later seasons, Season 7 I believe it was. the showrunners made it rhyme like george lucas. enjoy

Besides being a fun character and fleshing out the R'hllor religion, he's the only one in the series with the ability to bring back the dead.

S7 was ridiculous.
People shit on season 5-6 and while no masterpieces they were perfectly ok. S7 really really shat the bed.

There are 5 seasons of soap opera filler before the antagonists show up again.