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first for everything is fucking stupid

She should have kept the cool clockwork helmet on.

first for captain Pike

Edit: Thanks for the gold, kind stranger!

Time is something you wish you could reverse. The things you see, stars left on your soul; we wish we could backtrack them all.
into the infinite cosmos of time. Time echoes like a butterfly's wings. When we see things that change us as the people we once were but will soon become or grow into. If we reverse the time into our lives, we have to recognize the moments that we share with each other now are priceless. And if we take those moments in time and we appreciate them and love them and truly realize that when we look up at the night sky and see the stars as they are, those stars once were different stars, and we realize in here, we become something new.

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this bitch is the borg queen?
i havent been keeping up with the show obviously

Why is her face so weird?

In all seriousness that adult trek cartoon is some of the most reddit shit I've ever seen.

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Anges became a fucking Garbage Pail Kid

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Boog peaked with Locutochad. All Queens are shit.

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Can we just agree to never mention Picard seasons 1 and 2 ever again?

Did Picard actually talk about butterflies and time in the last episode?
I don't actually watch the show.

General Order 1 is for pussy bitches.

My favorite part of this show is when they showed the Jan 6th insurrection and talked about how awful it was. Anyway I'm glad Pike is a white man and this show isn't pozzed!

>watching the finale
>episode immediately starts with some mumbo jumbo nothing-speak
Fuck sake

she stores pork rinds in her cheeks.

This except unironically.

Niggers, give me cliffs on episode 10. It isn't out in the UK for another day.

Wait, so Wesley actually comes back in Picard?

There is a theory that there is no coordination between the writers whatsoever. They just map out the overall story and what plot milestones are supposed to be hit from 'sode to 'sode but within those 'sodes they basically do what they want. So you them just mentioning things in episodes that have no consequence later or the characters act like they never happened. I don't remember what term RLM used but they suggested the same thing. It's Chinese Whispers Effect or Phone Game -tier writing.


>Pike has PTSD from knowing he will be a vegetable
>Uhura is proud indepepdant black womyn prodidy
>Chapel is le quirky twitter girl
>Gorns killed and mutilated the native bitch's family and she is the sole survivor, so I guess that will be this show's klingons
>Riot where a bunch of redditors and poltards started the 2nd civil war and the eugenics war i guess
>Jim Kirk's brother is now working on the bridge with Spock

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It plays out pretty much as you'd expect.

thats every nutrek episode

Yes, and Will Wheaton's scene was probably the worst, dumbest part of the episode, not even joking
>shit acting
>his stupid, fat dumb grin
>Reneé instantly believing him, "Yes I believe this total stranger that's saying he's a time traveling inter-dimensional being"

I thought 'Arena' was the first time a Federation officer met a Gorn? Am I wrong or did SNW retcon that?

How fucking embarrassing is that?

Honestly if I hadn't been told that some of the stock footage was Jan 6th I wouldn't have known.
Its pretty inconsequential.

yes, and it wasnt actually that bad of a scene. it was pretty much disconnected from the rest of the plot of the series and a way to just end the "kore" story threads instantly.

Laan wasn't a Starfleet officer when the Gorn killed her family.

She was rescued by Starfleet later

is snw on episode 10 already?



faggot retard

Not knowing is even funnier than the people chimping out about it

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>last Picard episode showed that the Khan eugenics shenanigans happening in the 1990s is still canon in nutrek
What how does that even work

>Riot where a bunch of redditors and poltards started the 2nd civil war and the eugenics war i guess
That's literally half a second during a montage at the end of the episode. You act like that's some kind of huge plot point. It's not.

>Honestly if I hadn't been told that some of the stock footage was Jan 6th I wouldn't have known.
This, /pol/ lost its shit over nothing. Episode was actual, literal Trek kino.

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Start project in the 90s
See results in the 2020/30s I guess.

That wasn't Renee. That was nuSoji. I honestly don't even remember her name. That's how unremarkable and unimportant she was. But somehow she was important enough to get recruited by The Travelers.

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I wasn't even a Wesley hater back in the day, why is he so viscerally unpleasant to even look at now

Shit I don't know why I said Reneé

>the TNG crew commandeer La Serena
Why would they need to commandeer it? Isn't it currently in the Stargazer's shuttle bay? That's how 7 came aboard at the start of the season, right?

Prime Directive episodes are almost always bad but somehow Pike ones are 2/2

Who are also Gary Seven and Talinn's bosses.

Because he's basically a 50 year old man stuck with the mentality / emotional development of a 12 year old boy (that's probably when he was molested). So he's instinctively repugnant and obnoxious and annoying.

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A lifetime of selling out finally paid off.

True. That new Eden episode in Discovery is the best one of the show.

I wonder if SNW will get people to watch S2 of Discovery and if where in for a wave of ENT style "Well I skipped it when it came out because I heard it was shit but..." apologia to come.

I was sure that bitch died in one of the previous episodes.


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Were they? I didn't catch that. It's all such a mess it wouldn't surprise me.

>I was sure that bitch died in one of the previous episodes.
So, there were two Sojis in the first season. One dies a horrible fucking death that burns her from the inside out by disruptor. Then her twin takes over. This season we get a chick who isn't Soji at all but her ancestor and looks just like her along with a Soong who looks just like the other Soong from 25th century or whatever. This 21st century Soji then is allergic to sunlight that causes her to writhe in pain and shit to happen to her face that may have evoked the burning Soji from S1 so maybe that's why you're confused.

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What the fuck is this? I guess it was a good desicion to stop watching Picard after the third episode.

I rewatched the whole show recently and thought S2 was by far the best season, so, it wouldn't surprise me

Imagine how many brilliant scripts or ideas for Star Trek stories, characters etc that must exist after all this time. And this garbage is what gets funded.
What happened to Tarantinotrek btw? That would atleast have been interesting

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I've been playing this shitty Trek gacha called Timelines for a few months and I swear to God it has better writing than nutrek does. The characters at least sound like themselves

I think the premise of SNW actually sounds fine,I just wish it had a more original cast. I'd be much more open to the show than I am with anything else they're doing if it was just the same thing but not dragging out Spock again, and while Pike is less offputting in that regard, just having a completely original captain would also be preferable.

Reminder that Babylon 5 > Star Trek
DS9 stole more than half its initial ideas from Babylon 5's pilot which came out earlier.

>space station diplomatic outpost
>jump gate/wormhole nearby
>commander with mystical past and destiny
>commander chosen by the ancient magic precursor race
>female 2nd in command

Literally all stolen from Babylon V's pilot "The Gathering"

>"The Gathering" script written and shown to studios in 1989
>"Emissary" script written and shown to studios in 1992


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DS9 also did all of those things better than Babylon 5.

>Pike is less offputting in that regard, just having a completely original captain would also be preferable.
Pike was like theone bright spot od that season of STD. They desperately want to keep anything that "works."

if your script doesn't contain contemporary politics into the trash it goes.

It was more gay nuTrek. Shill harder faggot; I believe in you.

t. Rig Berman

He said he's not going to do it a couple of years ago, I think the script or some part f it is still floating about or something though, but if it happens Tarantino won't be directing it. I don't know how it would have worked anyway though becuse he said he wanted to do it based on Yesrerday's Enterprise, and while that does have a movie feel to it, it's also one of the few TNG episodes reliant on context from prior episodes to work, so setting the stage with Tasha and then moving into the start of Yesterday's Enterprise sounds like it would be a bit awkward.

>haha yeah guys just picard is bad
>discovery and snw are good tho!
Just kill yourself retard.

No. If we take any risks we might lose money. God forbid. Much better to put out this inoffensive memberberry shit. Star Trek isn't known as a franchise for being cutting edge or taking risks. We're making TV for old people who grew up with TOS.

>stars left on your soul
Scars, not stars


Just another clear indicator of how retarded and woke this show will be, just like Picard. Keep crying though nigger.

This. The weird hate just for Picard is moronic when all of it is fucking garbage.

I genuinely laughed

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Star Trek has always been about looking ahead and focusing on the future. And it has been made by people for the last decade who are myopically focused on the present and the immediate past. This is the root cause of all the issues.

No, you’re a retarded faggot and STD is just as bad as the rest of nuTrek, season 2 is especially awful. I honestly recommend suicide.

SNW was pretty good which makes me wonder how the same people made Picard, a fucking horrible piece of shit. I don't have much faith in SNW keeping good.

I felt like SNW was "political" the way The Batman was "political". It almost felt like there was a checklist of things they had to include, and they included them but it was so fleeting and inconsequential that you can completely ignore it. Meanwhile, the shit you WILL remember is decidedly not woke. There was more hetereosexual sex in this episode of SNW than i've seen in new movies or tv shows in probably six months. And by that I mean two instances. But that's a huge unexpected occurrence.

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she has a proper borg head...I like it.

Has this Adam Soong - Khan connection finally given an in-universe explanation of the bizarre 'Noonien-Singh'-'Noonian Soong' coincidence?

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hahahaha they fucking did it that ugly fucking pig face fat cunt le quirky tumblr girl is the borg queen hahahahahahahahahaha

its just a fucking name. like alexander/aleksandr differences in regional etymology. go fuck yourself and die miserable

Remember that episode in TOS about half black and half white people or the TNG episode about Troi and abortion? The difference between then and now is that boardrooms then trusted writers to do their own shit and we're less involved. Star Trek is being made by a corporation like it's some kind of thing to be mass produced, and in my opinion it is this lack of creativity and capitalist sterilization that goes against the thesis of Star Trek.

You make Star Trek to tell a story, not to make a profit off your streaming service. You're intentions are wrong so your product is shit.

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Geez Rebecca Romain-Stammets that burger is huge.

It's not a coincidence, they were given similar last names because they were both named after the same person that Gene knew, and lost contact with.

Tutsi liar

there IS a checklist.
When developing a new animated flick Disney tells their writers what they have to include. Netflix has a department that checks for "good messages" such as diversity is our strength and such.
Everyone who is not a shit eating corporate brand worshipper has to be fed up with this bullshit by now, even if you agree with the views. It is fucking enough already.


>Fetal alcohol syndrome casting ?

>Yeah, get me the most fucked up head you got

The clockwork Borg Queen is CGI only, so they just CGIed her face onto the model.