/who/ - Doctor Who general

Tenninch edition

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Soon, lads.

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doccy who


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Jenna Coleman has never shagged a black man

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She's starred in quite a lot of BBC productions.

I'm getting worried about this new companion. She seems pretty one-note, you know?

If Doctor Who wasn't on the BBC (funded by public money), would it have been cancelled again by now?

You bet.

Best Doctor

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he was great desu

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Reminder that VNA author John Peel leaves mildly amusing reviews on Goodreads.

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Yes doctor who is pretty much gripping onto the bbc for dear life

David will unironically be who Jodie regenerates into.

He'll be known as the "Summoned Doctor" for the 60th Anniversary because he had some unfinished business as the 10th Doctor.
Then he'll finally regenerate into the 14th Doctor at the end.

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Kinda is overrated

The snake is really big tho uwu

i dont reckon they will announce the new Dr Who until Jodeh regenerates

BBC very lowkey mentioned in some article that we should expect an announcement within weeks. Doesn't guarantee anything but still. For all we know the Centenary special could just end mid-regeneration, it would be understandable because of covid and other problems.
I think literally everyone wants this to happen, and this is exactly why it won't happen. I kinda wish we got one last Jodie adventure not under Chibnall, but they won't do that either because that'd be throwing Chib under the bus.

That sounds stupid

>John Peel thinks the story that pulls a huge retcon to undo the destruction of one of the most important planets in the series is confusing, poorly written and dragged out
lmaoing at the irony

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does the private for-profit side of Doctor Who look cancelled to you?

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>I think literally everyone wants this to happen
Literally not

It's hard to tell because it would've been run by different people. There are private franchises in the world that keep churning out content for decades, so who knows. But it'd probably end up being a much more toy-focused show, as that shit makes a lot of money, and they'd start minting >NFTs and making lootbox mobile games.

I stopped watching like 10 years ago, is that female doctor any good

No, stay away until at least november next year

Urrr I NEED her juicy cock in my mouth errrrrrrghhh

get a life virgins

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He also thought this forgettable cash-in was worth 5 stars.

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The female doctor herself is okay, but the scripts are so atrocious that just... don't. We'll get a better female doctor eventually, best to skip.

The rumours are starting to wear me down where they no longer sound ridiculously unlikely.

I'm honestly amazed it didn't leak already. It begins to feel as if they haven't decided themselves yet.

For me, the thing that makes it sound the most realistic is that introducing a new Doctor during an Anniversary Special would be a mess


>poorly written story undoes one of the Doctor’s greatest victories with a tiresome but elaborate plan
>fans hate it
>poorly written story undoes one of the Doctor’s greatest failures with an overdone shitty timey-wimey sleight of hand
>fans love it
why are fans so superficial?

>introducing a new Doctor during an Anniversary Special would be a mess

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He technically first "appeared" in the specials, but he properly debuted in the season itself where he had the stories to himself. The situation now is different, the doctor regenerates at the end of one anniversary special, and the next episode is an even bigger anniversary special. Not the best choice for a post-regeneration episode where the Doctor is usually confused about their own identity and often out of it for half of the very introductory story, whereas a big anniversary normally expects something on a grander scale. Of course traditions can be changed, but that's not so easy. This is why everyone keeps talking about a one-off Doctor for the anniversary, with Tennant being an obvious choice due to his enormous popularity within the fandom.

When did these rumors start? Not to sound like [that one meme] but one of my friends has bbc contacts and told me about Tennant briefly taking over to refresh the show like a year ago "as a joke".

WatermarkAnon is back, lads!

they could rip-off The Eight Doctors.
the newly regenerated Doctor has to meet their old selves to get out of their post-regen confusion, the meetings are used to slowly reveal the personality of the new Doctor by contrasting them with the old ones.

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Yeah, I'm sure there's fundamentally no difference between a two-second cameo of someone's eyebrows and a leading role.

>The female doctor herself is okay
No she isn't. Fuck off.

Tennant coming back has been rumoured for probably almost as long as he's been gone. It's just this time it seems slightly more plausible.

Oh sure I just mean specifically taking over from Jodie for a limited time to usher in the real 14th.

Fans just don't get the genius of War of the Daleks. If only they could understand that Davros is a retard and the Dalek Prime is the true genius.

this. it’s literally a teenage fangirl meme from 2011, but those fangirls now use twitter instead of tumblr. combined with their simps, the gays, and everyone’s memories fading away, they now have much more clout than ever before.

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Wow it would be cool if one of the two actors who completely nailed the role came back to play the doctor. Look forward to seeing David again!

War kind of weird reconstruction is this?
Yes, Sixie killed 7. Deepest lore.

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>Wow it would be cool if one of the two actors who completely nailed the role came back to play the doctor.
already happened.

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>not understanding it's bait

Everything is bad when you're in showrunner seethe mode, and ten years down the line it'll be liked.

You know, before Tom came along that's totally true

The 60th will be absolute dogshit that only tumblr fangirls from the 2010s would be able to enjoy unless mcgann is in it, in which case it'll be 10/10 kino!

Yes. and of course it’s plagiarized.

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Mattbros.. we still look weird in wigs...

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>tfw Russian
>new 9th audios have a story about False Dimitry
...is there anywhere I could download it?


Yes, go on BigFinish.com[\spoiler]. for the love of stories.

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>Overall, The False Dimitry is sadly the weakest offering from the Ninth Doctor Adventures so far
Oh well.