Will we ever get Romanov kino?
Will we ever get Romanov kino?
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how about russia restores its old imperial family at its throne and be done with its past communism
there are several movies about this
>how about putting some retards back in command?
Monarchism loses them a world war.
Communism wins them a world war and makes them a superpower for half a century.
I don't think they will.
Its retarded
Which of the 4 daughters would you wife?
for me, its the chubby leftmost she has cutest face and probably a nice ass. Though the daughter on the right behind the Tsar has shit hair but an interesting face. Kind of anya taylor joy vibes
>with this characters death, the thread of prophecy is severed
Pyotr Wrangel miniseries, por favor...
the romanovs werent the only imperial family...surely the russians could find a good king
ideology also made germany the first power in the world before dying, made angloshpere dominate the world before cracking; ideology is a poor, short subsitition to better forms of power and history
>historical nightmare
You're telling me the movie about Anastasia surviving her assassination and suffering amnesia isn't accurate to history?
Woah, that's crazy. Doesn't make it bad or retarded though, but it does make you look incredibly autistic.
Turn the son into my boywife when she comes of age
anya taylor romanov for me, i would kill for her reign
but will we ever get Bismark kino?
>ywn be the Bolshevik who touched the tzarinas vagina
a show about the Okhrana greatest hits would be pure kino
>Sergey Petrovich Degayev (also spelled Degaev; Russian: Cepгéй Пeтpoвич Дeгaeв; 1857 in Moscow – 1921 in Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania)[1] was a Russian revolutionary terrorist, Okhrana agent, and the murderer of inspector of secret police Georgy Sudeykin. After emigrating to the United States, Degayev took the name Alexander Pell and became a prominent American mathematician, the founder of school of Engineering at the University of South Dakota.
From Pierre Gilliard's perspective
>how many famous revolutionary figures were actually agents of the Okhrana?
>well, only most of them
Happy Birthday to the most important philosopher in 200 years. Stay litty.
As long as it exposes the commie revolutionaries as the scum they were. Real pieces of shit who will be wiped off on the toilet paper of history.
He misunderstood Hegel so bad he killed millions, that's how retarded he was.
Hegel was a retard too btw
Good riddance
Marx didn't kill anyone what are you talking about?
Nicholas's father, while iron fisted was also one of the strongest leaders Russia ever had.
hitler was based
>Communism wins
They don't win shit without Lend Lease from capitalist countries
the same people who did this now rule america and their plan is to genocide white ppl with policy rather than force
I obviously meant indirectly
These are quite good. But I agree, there's more kino to be made
they're currently trying to label russians "orcs" as they fund nazi terrorists in ukraine and threaten the entire world with nuclear war over a competing natural gas pipeline in israel
I guess Jesus is the most brutal monster of all human history by your retard logic
more like Germany devastating Europe then the US doing all the work for them, saving them from defeat, building all their economy and giving them half the continent on a platter makes them a superpower for half a century
you think Bolsheviks rule America?
the time for discussion is over. im coming for you. make peace with your satanic god.
I don't have a god
Were the two world wars religious wars?
Nope, Russia is cancelled, and deservedly so.
There's been far more religious wars then there's been world wars. Hell Bush even said God told him to invade Iraq
there are no important philosophers
He is
about the guy who was the last true autocratic monarch in europe, who was in charge during pic related? absolutely the fuck not.
Cast her
Yes, and D-day was a large scale blood spell. Unironically.
theres been more non religious wars than religious ones and they have had more casualties too
The one at the bottom
Reminder that killing them off was a good thing and the same thing will eventually happen to the cabal of nu-elites.
what movie
if this lil nigger had lived 20 more years he could've saved us all
My parents grew up in soviet russia and were unironic monarchists after the union collapsed. they were all around europe searching for descendants of the royal family so they could help them reinstate the monarchy. there are none that have a legitimate claim to power and my whole family cringes at the memory of how much time and money they wasted trying to revive an empire that was not only shitty but also got completely uprooted like a century ago
Does anybody know the nationality of the soldiers bayonetting the children do death? I forgot.
every russian deserves a bullet
good thing OP posted a picture of a bunch of germans
I was really surprised when I first learned that most European countries didn't kill off their ruling families. It just seems like such a natural thing to do. More than that, some still have those royal fucks breathing and walking around all posh among them! Europeans are weird.
Leftists: Killing children is LE GOOD we are LE GOOD GUYS
If you think Putin's and Stalin's imperialism is bad wait till you read what the russian royal family did in the 19th century.
marx unironically would've been horrified to learn that asiatic mongrel russians were the first to attempt communism
>all wars are religious as they all honour khorne
d-day wasnt even that bloody, only like 20 000 people died
the a-bombs did way more than that in a day
Why? They'll just make it into a corny soapie and how dey din do nuffin' wrong, all the while being detestable parasites along with their entire extended fucking family all the way to the British faggots.
>When cheered by a crowd in a railway station several years after his abdication, he stuck his head out of the train's window and shouted "Ihr seid mer ja scheene Demogradn!" (Saxon for "You're a fine lot of republicans, I'll say!"[3]).
ah yes, the army of bureaucrats that is now running things could never be described as parasites
everyone knows how efficiently taxes are spent
Nicholas and Alexandra
You will hear no complains from me if you manage to shoot them too.