What is the verdict?
What is the verdict?
keep it in the /trek/ general thread
Star trek was only good for like a couple of episodes in TOS and a season or two of TNG
I liked it. I was expecting the worst but honestly it wasn't trying to shit all over itself with politics or vile humor. It was sincere. It was trying to be Star Trek. I saw the cast and was expecting to hate it but the characters are pretty much all likeable people who want to get along (despite their looks). If you're worried about wokeness it's really not there, or it goes by so quickly you won't notice. Meanwhile, there's basically a pretty chauvinistic line where Pike essentially swings his dick at a lady president of an alien planet. I know what the people who make this shit think about politics anyway. I honestly don't care as long as they aren't trying to shit down our collective throats with it and SNW first episode was a MASSIVE course correction in that regard. It felt like they were going hard for The Orville audience and normies.
A pleasant surprise. Some kinda cringe dialogue
>ready for warp five by five
five by five means the same as loud and clear. It literally means on a scale of one to five I am receiving your transmission five loud and five clear.
>ready for warp loud and clear
But the fact that's my worst criticism so far is frankly astonishing. Well done desu.
That was a sick beard.
I thought it was a matrix of check conditions or some shit. It's why whats-her-face uses the phrase in Aliens when they're ready to land the dropship.
omg its just like america current year!! she was like a female trump alien fascist!!! wow that was so cool
When she uses it in aliens she's following the landing beacon which transmitting a beam (the pipe) for her to follow to the landing pad and the signal from that is being recieved loud and clear.
>The signal beacon is loud and clear.
Cameron is pro at not explaining shit that experts already know and laymen don't need to.
all it was, was lazy political bullshit..
So you didn't watch it? Because there was basically no political bullshit in the episode to speak of unless you count Pike's presentation slideshow at the end and you literally could have sneezed and missed the overtly political content there (assuming that's even what it was).
literally just watched it
Right. So you're giga-triggered by phantom wokeness or lying then.
NTA. Don't pay attention to faggots like that, they're literally just leftists. They use the exact same method (post modern deconstruction) to parse everything they see purely so they can be offended by it.
nuUhura basically subverts the fuck out of fat Ensign ginger from STD. She has a quip at the end where she basically repeats the "so fucking cool" line in a similar context but the expletive is gone and it's just "cool" and then instead of agreeing with her like a weak idiot she gets a stare from Pike and she composes herself. Looks like trannies are gonna be on suicide watch because nuTrek just got a bit more Trekkier.
>that shot of the January 6th “insurrection”
lmao it’s just as bad as std or picard or the cartoon it’s just more nutrek
Incredible. A return to form for trek but also manages to feel entirely new.
when is he coming back?
almost lost me at the horse in the snow but he's stupidly charismatic so I continued.
He's too busy gangraping Tasha Yar's corpse. Just like on her home planet.
Why is the black guy wearing the closest thing to the classic TOS female uniform?
the first episode was surprisingly good
I will literally watch it right now.
Didn't know it was out.
lol for sure bro
was being killed by a tar monster better or worse than being a romulan sex slave and then being betrayed by your daughter
Thanks for reminding me. Downloading now. I'm not holding my breath that it will be good, but a glimmer of hope remains.
I see what you mean now. Still, I think I appreciate them at least trying to incorporate some realistic, military-sounding, technical/procedural banter in the way the ship operates. That's been sorely missing from Star Trek.
Six of one, half-dozen of the other
January 6th directly leads to Khan and the Eugenics Wars according to NuTrek. I shit you not.
I'm subscribing to Paramount Plus (Thats Paramount Plus dot com!) to watch right now! This is the Star Trek us classic fans have been waiting for! Not that the other trek shows are bad ha ha, but really in these dark times, finally, star trek is back!
>Thanks for reminding me. Downloading now. I'm not holding my breath that it will be good, but a glimmer of hope remains.
I was super skeptical at first. Give it a chance. There is literally two (2)! scenes of heterosexual sex in the episode. Back to back! There were so many times when I thought it was going to lose me. Like bam, bam, bam, one after the other danger haired female. The bridge is full of them. But, they were all charming, like-able people who compose themselves (mostly) and get the job done. They seem to like each other. A few people have personal problems but nobody is breaking down hysterically like STD. And the whole thing wraps up in an hour. Story complete. New story next week. Just like Trek is supposed to be. I'm pretty stoked.
lmao and this is the show the shills are saying is a course correction for nutrek
>sir, we have a captain black
>well I'm sure she's strong and brave
>sir I meant we found a body
>well I'm sure it's strong and brave
You CBS niggers can’t even sound organic in your shilling no wonder the dialogue in all your shows is so fucking terrible.
As you can see here and in the /trek/ thread the shitposters have had to abruptly change their tactic since they weren't expecting this episode to be watchable. Pretty amusing to witness.
How did the actor breathe under all that?
Now THIS is the power of math!
he didn't, the actor died later on set because they couldn't get the outfit off him in time
It feels more like Star Trek than anything since Enterprise.
Thats a victory in my book, but in current year my bar is pretty low.
Who the hell is Samuel Kirk?
Kirk was jewish the whole time??
You best be joking nigga
Shill thread.
I'm not. There's a scene where Pike is waxing poetic on man's inhumanity towards man and how the second civil war led to WW3 and the Eugenics Wars, with footage of the Jan 6th "insurrection" being played for the officers he's telling this all to.
Reminder that the Eugenicist forces and Khan are objectively correct - humans are shit tier physically compared to 90% of species in Trek and if augments are available they should all take them to become CHAD like Khan and absolute dab on the Klingnogs
Star Trek?
More like
Star Kino is Back!
We don't know, she could have been a rabid Hillary as well.
>Eugenics Wars happen in the 1990s
>Jan 6th was in 2020
Yup doesn’t make sense
The main issue with khan is his augmented intelligence created ambition that exceeded contemporary possibilities. He also made sure to surround himself with lessers, because he couldn’t tolerate an equal.
This is hands down the best bit of post-Berman trek, including the movies. I would even say it's the first time anything out of the Nutrek era felt like Star Trek. Live action at least.
I could rewatch this easily. Which is more than I can say about any of the other Kurtzman era shows.
When I watched hypernormalization five years ago I thought it was a load of wank. Now I see what it’s talking about everywhere.
this shit isnt star trek fuck you kikes
reminder: kiwifarms has a thread devoted to trekkies. They think they’re trolling (read: milking lolcows) by praising nutrek.
Those radicalized neo-liberals like FDR and his like need to be stop.
Eugenics Wars keeps getting pushed further and further into the future as it fails to happen in real-time.
Mysteriously, shilling stops
Straight drooooooopppp
Adam Curtis will literally make you paranoid and demoralized. Be careful with that shit, user.
Nu-Spock's hair looks Godawful. What happened in between STD season 2 and this?
I knew what astorturfing was before, but the idea it’s working on most people is what’s demoralizing me.