And why is it "Possession"?
Best movie for teaching a young man about the true nature of women?
Romper Stomper
Streetcar Named Desire, unironically
It also teaches men how to be men
Doctor Zhivago
>Possession teaches young men about the true nature of women.
Which is what?
based and Zulawski pilled
Possession is about a cuck, not about how evil women are.
Explain the true nature of women in a single sentence
Seed and feed
I'll do it in a word rather than a sentence: parasitism
Forrest gump
The true nature of women is the true nature of humans.
Possession is about possession, not about a cuck.
And who here said evil?
The true nature of women and the true nature of men are very different things. Both can be beautiful and both can be repulsive, but in their own unique ways
>not about a cuck
Wife is an evil bitch but he still follows her.
Blue Valentine
Excellent picks.
Sam Neill abuse her tho
Oh! Celia, Celia, Celia shits!
this movie is for teaching a young man about actual kino, which they need today since most just watch marvel or dc
Heavenly Creatures
Doesn’t she fuck some other dude? And the cuck gets his ass beat by the lover?
oh yeah, guys, we hate women, right?
Telling the truth about them doesn't mean that I hate them.
Gone girl
So tell me, what's the truth about them?
Women are evil and they worship satan.
they scheme to steal our dicks at night and make magic necklaces with them
Have you watched Possession?
Supernatural elements aside, it's a very accurate depiction of the female psyche.
hey I know this guy..
Should I watch the movie if I only watch kinos?
somebody please post the webm
Gone girl is written by a woman, then the protagonist was a true Mary Sue.
Especially the fat ones, I think
When you absolutely, positively have to make every woman in the room anhero. Accept no substitutes.
fucking spoilers. all of the spoilers.
>be post-wall bitter drunk roastie
>husband is sick of your shit because you are post-wall bitter drunk roastie
>husband is scientist researching ageing
>one day negress claiming to be 152yrs old former slave comes to barter magic nigger powder for airfare back to her tribe in Africa
>husband sees chance to get rich and reclaim cunny for all time
>husband makes up with you and pretends to like your old ass again to get you to Africa
>get to tribe and have old negress tell you how worthless old women are and how awesome it is to be an old distinguished man
>watch old negress kill a man and use his vital bodily fluids + nigger powder + grape drank to become sweet bunda ready for snu snu again
>kill husband
>be young again
>run off with african(white) guide who stole the nigger powder and other items for ritual
>immediately spread your legs for the guide
>ju ju wears off
>kill guide and get hot again
>go home pretend to be your niece
>immediately try to fuck your engaged lawyer after he and his fiancee bring you from the airport
>get old before you can milk his prostate with your big toe and kick him out
>his fiancee is already sick as fuck of your shit
>kill some other guy you didn't try to fuck and get young again
>invite lawyer over for coitus resumptus
>fiancee finds out and beats him over to your place
>pulls a gun on you to make you leave town
>kill fiancee, drain her vital bodily fluids for later and stuff her in a closet
>try to fuck lawyer with his dead fiancee in the closet
>cops show up because your dumb roastie ass left your calling card at the murder of the guy you didn't try to fuck
>get old while they are all there
>lose your shit and run to your room to suck the fiancee's juice
>it doesn't work
>anhero out window looking like a mummy
wew lads.
Buy and large women are children
Society and cuck men have bred an environment where they are incapable of making their own decisions as well as dealing with the consequences of those decisions
A man's entire role in the dating process based on current trends is to support their dumb cunt of a girlfriend, and be her surrogate father. Ie let her do what she wants and clean up her mess
Do not fall for this. Women are still human and can learn they just have to be broken of these habits. Refuse to play their games. Record everything to protect yourself.
The Mummy has the two extremes
this thread goes very hard love from kazakhstan i hate women so much it's unreal.
True. Every woman but my mom and my abuelita are agents of Moloch.
500 days of summer fuck that bitch
Anyone who loves their mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves their daughter more than me is not worthy of me. 38 Whoever does not take up their cross and follow me is not worthy of me. 39 Whoever finds their life will lose it, and whoever loses their life for my sake will find it.
>A man's entire role in the dating process based on current trends is to support their dumb cunt of a girlfriend, and be her surrogate father.
So you tell me it's all the men's fault and we need to give women their independence and responsibility.
Nice try, feminist shill.
“I deserve better”
STFU Moloch you won't gaslisght me to hate my mom and my abuelita with the some cringe ass misinterpretation of the Holy Bible stupid ass demon you don't even believe in Christ (our lord and saviour)
The author actually gets attacked by feminists pretty often for writing female characters who are manipulative, petty, and narcissistic to the point of sociopathy
Gone Girl
just as a part of product advertising
everyone should hate women by default so they can find the perfect one for them
a 26yo MCR-obsessed tranny recommended this to me. It was fucking awful
Bad choice. Gone with the wind is more about egoistic spoiled woman.
>Reading comprehension
I know you're joking but I'll make reality clear
Women should not be allowed to vote. They regularly demand they not face accountability. If they can't deal with consequences they shouldn't be allowed to make decisions. Especially ones that effect the country
Now that you mention it, i think Falling Down also applies. It's implied in the movie that D-Fens got divorce raped by that bitch and got him acting crazy.
>I know you're joking
I'm glad you get it
good taste user
>roastie fucks everyone on earth except you
>shows up when you have money, now she has AIDs and a child with some random guy she bumped into at a Jefferson Airplane concert
>"hey Forest, I've always loved you! Let's get married!"
Seeing this was an important blackpill.