Chud tradlcaths btfo
Chud tradlcaths btfo
its a trick question because they're both renders, not actual photos, aka not real.
and Ian would abort them both
They still grow up to be independent and make their own choices when they've grown up so I don't get what being a dog or an elephant has to deal with the fact.
Point still stands.
> so you dont want to kill babies but cant tell the difference between dog and human fetus? Owned u chud
Wow there is no coming back from that
>Chud tradlcaths
speak english nigger
I like elephants and dogs too
that only debunks the human part, not the independence part.
They should just fertilize animal eggs with my cum and produce a bunch of nightmarish abominations, because there's a chance that one of them might be cool
Not everyone lives on Twitter all day. Stop copypasting your flamewars to these board, this isn't Twitter
Maybe you shouldn't go into christcuck fedora tipping mode each time you see a picture of a mammal fetus
Checked and based.
These people have made me pro-life because of how much I’ve come to despise their whole nihilistic worldview of treating abortion like it’s something to be proud of getting and some sort of fundamental societal right.
Fedora tipping is an atheist trait leftypol
wtf, i support mass tax-payer funded elephant and dog abortion facilities now
Shut the fuck up you fedora tipping christcuck tradlarp redditor
Dial 8
>Shut the fuck up you fedora tipping christcuck tradlarp redditor
I couldnt care less if mutts want to kill their half negro quarter scotch irish quarter spic spawns, just pointing out how ridiculous that "dunk" is
tv & film?
Elephants have abortions?
They're both renders, not actual embryos.
Too many r/christianity fags in this thread
I mean, you learn pretty early on in life that almost all mammilian embryos look similar, and that even animals like Whales have similar hands and shit as we do. What is this proving exactly? Are elephants not intelligent and capable of making tbeir own choices?
I dont think she would have been able to differntiate between an elephant and fox embryo either before she posted those pictures. All mammal embryos look pretty similar at certain stages, its one of the proofs scientists use for evolution.
Besides, isnt killing animal babies also looked down upon in america? If i aborted a cat's babies, american lefties would probably lynch me
abortion is the termination of a pregnancy
If you support abortion to the extent leftists do, you reveal yourself to be anti-humanistic.
must be a lot of them screeching about rape and incest, huh?
Why is that guy implying it would be ok to abort that elephant embryo?
Good, fuck them elephants and dogs.
I just think if you're the type of person who ends up in situations where you "need" an abortion, then you also are absolutely the type that I don't want responsible for kids and I support whatever will keep you from being a parent.
That's the part that I kinda don't get about pro-lifers. They fundamentally don't agree with the values, judgment, or life choices of pro-choicers, but they somehow want them all to be responsible for children.
It was in 2012. Contrarian christniggers and polfags are the new fedoras unironically
Okay leftypol fedora tipper
Can't women just get their tubes tied and then adopt later?
I for one support the mass slaughter is unborn niggers and spics
can't you?
>ban abortion
you arent gonna stop babies from dying, theyre just now going to die in dumpsters, while fully grown.
maybe this is ideal in some peoples mind
because it's the principle and a precedent
no demonic roastie should be the sole arbiter of taking a life
let some of them idiots face the consequences of their actions and it will filter throughout time to return having unprotected sex the life altering act that it is meant to be
Niggers and jews should be aborted en masse.
wow user that’s wild
ever heard of adoption? you fucking retard?
but no you’re right we should just kill every child raised by an incompetent parent you’re a genius
I'm double vaxxed and boosted I'm infertile.
Niggers have a literal 50/50 chance of being aborted
Why should i care if promiscuous women kill their own unborn fetuses?
I think the point is that if you're that concerned about what happens to a fetus you should know enough about the circumstances to actually explain your position.
I would think the abortion thing would be an issue for conservatives, because getting rid of it isn't going to increase white populations, it's going to increase minority populations even more.
Redditors mad
Honestly, I have no strong opinions one way or the other about abortion because I have a tallywhacker and people with tallywhackers don't get pregnant so it doesn't impact me one way or the other but the thing that I find silly is all the hoops people jump through trying to rationalize away a fetus being "alive" in any capacity. It's a person. You wanna murder a person living rent-free inside you, go ahead. Just don't expect me to pat your ass your ass and say the little person you flushed out is anything other than a little person.
Maybe I think this way because I have a tallywhacker and people with tallywhackers are smarter than people who do not have tallywhackers.
>killing kids just because the parents are assholes
Man this society is genuinely too fucked up to continue like this.
>let some of them idiots face the consequences of their actions
Won't it be the kids suffering?
Life begins at conception but I'm okay with murdering babies for the good of the state.
Excuse me sweaty but men can get pregnant too
>jews should be aborted en masse.
Jesus was a Jew
False flag
Why do Americans love murdering their offspring so much?
Kill all nigger babies, kill all spic babies and FUCK jannys
are you gonna take care of them kids? no? then shut the fuck up
Why do you care?
Pro-lifetards are the flat earthers of human sexuality
Television and Film
can't be worse suffering than having their limbs ripped off
and then from the "sacrifice" of those that weren't terminated, their will be ripples down the line preventing more suffering
Tie your tubes and capitalize your words roastie.
More baby sacrifices to your patron demon Moloch will appease him.
They are subhuman creatures shackled to consumerist barbarism.
Grow up
Literally has never been an answer to unwanted pregnancy en masse. People generally don't want to raise other people's kids. There's not some stable two parent household out there waiting for every kid who parents didn't want them. They end up in foster care and orphanages and shit, same as they always did. God, you're retarded.
*there will be
t. wears a handmaiden’s tale outfit to rallies
Why do you try to rewrite history so often?
Abortion SHOULD be harder to get so women stop treating it like some kind of slut rite of passage and instead as a moment to reflect on their poor choices and never make those mistakes again, not heading over to the 24/7 Kill-A-Kid drive thru abortion and sipping tequila before heading out the next weekend to do it again.
Fucking revolting whores, they should be vacuumed up along with their spawn.
Wow, a whole one post.
The right to choose is a right. It's up to the individual to decide whether or not to do it. You want to take the choice away completely to be a vindictive asshole. And you don't care about the consequences, or how it will embolden the right to just go after other things, like birth control, morning after pill, contraceptives, etc. Which btw are already banned in some red state trigger laws.
>you should know enough about the circumstances to actually explain your position
ok i googled how abortion works
>stretch the opening of your cervix with a series of dilating rods. insert a thin tube through your cervix into your uterus. use a combination of medical tools and a suction device to gently take the pregnancy tissue out of your uterus.
basically they suck the babby out of you. did i say babby? i meant "pregnancy tissue" top kek
Cope, freak
Shit take, those whores could only raise thugs and incels anyway.
The best arguments against a baitposter like OP are replies who are completely ignored like these two. You can just tell that OP looked at these posts, started typing up his reply, realized he had no comeback, and scrolled down.
yeah you dont get it at all
why is there never any in-between? I don't think you should be able to abort a baby a day before it would otherwise be born, but I also don't think it's an issue to abort something shortly after conception
No one likes nerds
The fact that people act out of pure emotion without understanding the facts. You show an animal embryo and they will react in true Pavlovian fashion and scream HUMAN BABY LIFE IS SACRED and then just get flustered when you say no that's an animal embryo and you don't seem to understand anything about how the biological processes works.
oh and they scrape it off after
>they may also use a small surgical tool called a curette to remove any tissue that’s left in your uterus, or check to make sure your uterus is totally empty.