are we the bad guys?
Are we the bad guys?
literally yes, by banning abortion you will create a population explosion of blacks
and hispanics. conservatives are about 100 lightyears behind on this issue
>being anti-abortion to own the libs
This isn’t even ideological, it’s just narcissistic spite
I’m just glad I don’t live in the US
>are we the bad guys?
we don't murder our own babies
>you lost babykiller WOOOOO
holy kek
>my motives are pure and good
>the other side's motives are disingenuous and evil
woah that's crazy i feel the same way
The other side literally murder babies
Women driven by emotion think this will ban abortion. Prime example why women should not be able to vote
yeah top kek, the DC whore will still be able to use abortion as a condom to her heart's content
It wasn't supposed to be documentary...
There are people on this board, which is full of people who hate women and consider them to be evil, supports Amber Heard over Johnny Depp despite the clear cut evidence of abuse in that trial, simply because it’s the unpopular stance. There are no values good or bad here. There’s only contrarianism and post hoc rationalisation to justify that contrarianism.
abortion should be legal and public but fetuses should be given names and have a proper burial
>ackshually, the babykillers are the good guys
It's not the blacks and spics the ones who are encouraged to abort after screwing around
I support Amber because she is hot
Cope and seethe baby killer! You fucking lost!!! Forever and ever
>voting makes a difference
Finding a filthy psycho kike hot. Disgusting degenerate
it's a living
I don't get it, how that works?
Are we gonna vote or something?
its gonna be hilarious because the entire deep south is also 30%~ black , and these are all the states set to ban abortion if this goes through. without all those overwhelmingly black abortions controlling the nog population, all these states are gonna get absolutely flooded by nogs in the coming years.
>intensify the replacement of the white race to own the libs!
/pol/s already coping with this by pretending they're antiracists that love black babies and want to ensure those unaborted black babies go on to live long enough to pop out even more black babies
>that fucking voice
embarassing. i hope i don't sound like that.
This post is evidence that you are retarded and if you aren’t underage and actually leave the house from time to time to be able to vote you should have your voting rights rescinded simply to maximise the possibility of a good outcome in the next election.
woah user maybe it's two different groups of people you're talking about and you're not exposing any hypocrisy
they don't need to be "encouraged" because they make up a large majority of abortions already.
Fucking embarrassing. Idgaf about abortions but if you use Yea Forums lingo irl you're an embarrassing cringy faggot
Why can't females just keep their legs closed until they're ready to be a mother? Are they really so weak minded they no self control?
You still making a Yea Forums janitor's wage for your simpery, faggot?
That was like 5 people
Also, this has been brewing for 10 or so years. There has been discussion of federal over-reach in many areas, and that it would also apply to Roe v Wade etc. It has essentially nothing to do women's rights and everything to do with federal overstepping. States will be free to create their own laws, and they will...which is the point of overturning it, but that cant happen unless its overturned.
Your too smart for modern politics
balkanization when
>motivated exclusively by contrarianism
you goofball
I'm fine with abortion but I also don't think anything is going to get better societally so I'm just sitting back and watching people get mad.
Ask me how I know you also shill for Ukraine and the vax
We are already Balkanized we are called the United States ffs.
Anyone who memes Balkanization is just a third worlder who doesn’t understand what they are talking about.
Encouraged, no. But they're still the ones that get them.
Others usually have the foresight to use less repulsive means of contraception.
Which is the greater evil, allowing such a vile practice or letting those who willingly make use of it pass on their genes? That's the paradox of abortion.
We would run out of land very quick
>implying they won’t just shoot each other per usual
lol no. In fact I'm going to set up a backalley nigger abortion clinic if this goes through. Free of charge. Also compulsory.
>sperg and cry for literally days
>haha ! you are so mad!!!!!
Why do both sides care about abortion so much?
>Texas,It's Like A Whole Other Country
This, America balkanized itself from the very beginning
Abortion is the number one issue for female voters. Its crazy. Not war, poverty, immigration or corruption, abortion is the biggest thing they care about.
Churchmouse bro's i dont feel too good
but jewbook said babykilling bad.
>the most lawless demographic will certainly obey this law!
Why do retards think this?
It should be illegal for my ethnic group and mandatory for all others, simple as, where is the controversy
>Pushes you up against the Coke machine and pulls your church mouse panties down
ABORT THIS! No, seriously, abort this when I'm finished qt church mouse I don't want to raise your shitty mousebabby.
its not about obeying the law or not, its about making abortions MORE accessible to them so they voluntarily control their own population
its such a win win its unreal but conservatives are dumb as fuck
This. Except mandatory also for uggos and freaks even of my ethnic group. Aktion T4 best day of my life.
Unreasonably based
Why does he sound so odd? The inflection and tone of voice makes it sound like some cartoon character voice over
Jesus christ bitch did you learn a new word today or something?
why not both?
i did
because both sides are retards who think the show politics matter. any issue that would have a real impact is not part of discourse. when le cobid happened there was no vote on it, they simpy enacted whatever they wanted. If they thought some dumb abortion law would matter they would just forcibly change it.