So did anything happen or was it skippable as predicted?

So did anything happen or was it skippable as predicted?

Attached: moon-knight-417593.jpg (214x317, 8.04K)

don't care, looks stupid, barely made it through Endgame. Just let it die already

I liked it. Last episode was probably the worst.

Yeah I'm not the shill. I want to know if anyone actually bothered to watch it.

Well the first episode was boring af, so I shouldn't bother?

Wow. So without the shill to bump literally nobody on Yea Forums gives a fuck about this show.
That's a bad sign for Disney+, a really bad sign.

Moon Knight is one of my favorite Marvel heroes and I didn't watch this shit. From what I hear it's nothing like his comic version and the show is boring and dumb anyway. All the D+ shows are shit.

Just skip it, it's boring more than anything.

>Are you egyptian superhero?
What an autistic writing

Dude Euphoria is more popular than The Mandalorian, how many more bad signs does this dead on arrival streaming turd need? Shut it down already for fucks sake

It's ok. Could be better, but not as boring as Hawkeye and Loki got so far by episode 4. Def not as good as DD was.

>Are you egyptian superhero?
Bravo Feige, Bravo

Who thought making all of Moon Knight's schizo delusions from the comics be real would be a good idea in the show when the whole point of his character is that he is a delusional schizo?

>layla becoming taweret's avatar
So fucking hot.

If Kenobi flops then you know Disney+ should end. It always should've been a $5 a month access to all old and new Disney as it came out with no exclusive Plus content. Only parents and babysitters use Disney+ for the kids.

I don't know about shutting it down given that it's been the dumping ground for Fox' (and presumably eventually Sony's) back catalogue.
But it should definitely light a fire under Chapek and co. They need to reform or it will take down the whole company.

Cute croc mega mommy kaiju
They ran out of money so it was all set at night and looked pretty shit
Hippofu was barely in it
Only good part was cute jewfro Egyptianfu

Reminder that Egypt has the highest rate of female circumcision in the world. That woman was very likely circumcised. The main girl, too.

When the show was trying to be Mr Robot I half-checked out. When the show went full ham and had a giantess crocodile as the villain I had fun.

The show is 40% kino and the rest is filler. Above average for Marvel Disney+ show. Would be utter shit if it wasn't Oscar Isaac carrying the whole thing.

the only decent disney plus show
won't get a secon season
fuck disney

>are you an EGYPTIAN superhero?
>i am

how fucking subtle

My heart can't handle this Kenobi show being bad. I'm really not asking for much, just have decent writing, but the trailers do not look promising. Hopefully this will be the bellwether for Disney to get their act together, HBOMax is kicking their ass already.

Pure kino


Not a chance. The trailer showing a black Inquisitor villain, who will obviously turn to the good side to lecture Obi-wan made that immediately clear. The fact that we have not heard any serious change in creative control for new Disney content also did.

>Moon Knight is one of my favorite Marvel heroes and I didn't watch this shit
This is cap

>Are you egyptian superhero?

Attached: Super Terrorist.webm (1920x1080, 2.82M)

>Oscar Isaac

Hard pass. The guy is a charisma void


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>implying anybody watched it

>implying (you) didn't

They made him Jewish. Also they teased Jake Lockley at the end and made him Mexican.

Hot though


if only her tits were bigger so she could actually fill in her super suit down to the last crease

He always was jewish

I liked everything about the show besides the direction. If an edgar wright type directed this it would have been way better. As it is now I think most people will quit after the second episode

First I wanted to fuck the hippo, now I want to fuck the croc with the hippo
also this shit sucked, ep 1 was the only good one

Worth watching for sure, better than anything Raimi will release with a theatrical budget

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It's just a story about a schizo beating up a cripple.

How much did Disney pay for that meme?

I like Moon Knight and didn't watch it, but had a friend who tried.
It sounds like a missed opportunity having a horror director and not making Moon Knight the horror monster and the object of the show rather than the main character. Could have been schizo kino with other characters observing him alternating between being a rich socialite, uber driver living like a hobo, and a slasher going after people they've encountered.

easily best marvel show, but I agree the last episode was probably the worst - typical marvel capeshit. Previous three episodes were top tier kino tho, especially the asylum one

>not making Moon Knight the horror monster
His reveal in the first episode felt like a horror movie. It was pretty neat and creative

Right, but episode 6 shot itself.

Worth watching for Oscar Isaac acting the shit out of his role(s). Story is ok and has it's moments, with 5 being the strongest, but is dragged down a notch or two by uneven pacing. There's also some strange choices characters make for the sake to keep the plot or drama going. The series is a strange beast, with having some really high highs, but also some pretty deep lows. As such, it's a more uneven ride than the other marvel series. Overall connection to the MCU is negligible, though with some of the events therein, you have to wonder why no Avengers show up and take a look at what's going on here. Overall, I'm happy I watched the series for some of the performances (Isaac, Hawke) and would love to see Oscar Isaac reprise the role on tv or the big screen.

It felt rushed tbqh

What are the deep lows? At worst it's just fun capeshit

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>hmm, i think i should try to stop the car instead of flying with that woman or telling that her to run

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I don't like Oscar Isaac, and I refuse to elaborate

5 > 1 > 2 > 6 > 4 > 3

I'm glad we can finally have an adult show that deals with mental illness. That's a conversation we NEED to have, especially in these trying times where women are being stripped of their rights

watched the first eps and blacked out immediately into the latest eps, guess the other me likes it

For me, the pacing issues fuck with the breathing room for some talking head scenes or for an issue to be properly conveyed. Some character stupidity demanded by the script, like the entire trial scene, or Mark having a rather groan inducing "Hero moment" after being called back by Leyla, to not kill Harrow. Didn't have problems murderstabbing the shit out of his lackeys a minute ago and the fucking giant Crocodile swallowed a sizable chunk of the souls of the Cairo citizens and will try to do it again. "You do it, Konshu" my ass. Of all the times to be a moralfag, Mark and Leyla too. Leyla having a melt-down and starting an argument about her dad while Harrow is almost upon them in the pyramid, so Mark has to stay behind and get shot. That kind of thing. It takes you out of the really strong scenes that are there as well. Should have been 1 or 2 more episodes, to have more time to establish things and to be able avoid character stupidity shorcuts, in order to get to story checkpoint A or B faster.

So where the FUCK was the fat hippo when Thanos was doing his thing?


Speaking of the final scene with Harrow. Leyla yelling "Don't do it, Mark! You have a choice :D" is fucking rich, coming from her, considering earlier in the episode, she was about to try to kill Harrow with a knife, right before Happy Hippo called out to her.

It was miles better than all the other Disney shows, if only because Isaac is a great actor. And Layla was hot as fuck, best capeshit girl

This show was just Legion for dummies.

It literally butchers the character of Moon Knight. I wish I hadn't watched it like you.

I liked when the spell started and the giant croc didn't understand the feelings inside of her, she looked confused and cute!