>OH N-

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Other urls found in this thread:


>early 20s-something armed with a knife can't even tackle 48 year old man

Did they really think they could stand a chance against him?

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how does a knife help you tackling someone?

If you stab someone it tends to make tackling them easier. He couldn't even do that though.

lol I mean he looks great but it does feel a little bit like they took skinny dave chapelle's head and stuck it on a muscley guys body. like when carson daily or jimmy kimmel got skinny. the head didn't go with the body

The only thing liberals work out is their assholes.


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"Was that Will Smith?!" - Chris Rock

ohhh they beat him up real good and proper

Did he really yell "protect trans kids" when he rushed the stage?

lemme guess

incel: who was in the wrong here?
virgin 2, 3 and 5: the woman, of course
incel 3: why?
all in unison: because shes a woman!!! (snivelling, raucous laughter)

deranged jobless schizo who was not loved by his mother: n - word!!

virgins who would piss themselves if a woman made eye contact with them: rape! rape rape rape!!

basement dweller leeching off social welfare: look at these fbi crime statistics!!!

wow thanks everyone what a wonderful thread on Yea Forums.org just wonderful truly a benefit to society as a whole

>lemme guess
>incel: who was in the wrong here?
>virgin 2, 3 and 5: the woman, of course
>incel 3: why?
>all in unison: because shes a woman!!! (snivelling, raucous laughter)
>deranged jobless schizo who was not loved by his mother: n - word!!
>virgins who would piss themselves if a woman made eye contact with them: rape! rape rape rape!!
>basement dweller leeching off social welfare: look at these fbi crime statistics!!!
>wow thanks everyone what a wonderful thread on Yea Forums.org just wonderful truly a benefit to society as a whole

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>Chapelle: "That was a man"
>"a trans man"
>audience erupts in laughter
Reminder that the entire world views these """"people"""" as mentally ill jokes

Yea Forums is site for losers. if you're reading this there's a high chance you're one of them,so I'll say this:
If you take pride in the suffering of a group of people which has nothing to do with you,you're just coping with your own struggles, and you're likely to be afraid that if you voice them you'll be called a fucking pussy.
I personally couldn't give a rat's ass about trannies and I don't think I'd ever date one,and a lot of people are like me,an you can be as well. But the truth is that for a trannie this fact is something truly hurtful, just think of all the pussy you don't get and it is quite easy to empathise. You don't need to be an "lgbt ally" , you don't need to give a shit about their stupid fucking speech rules, but for your own sake,and for the sake of literally everyone, you can simply have empathy for other people that have their own problems,and maybe you'll be able to cope better with your own. And if some blue haired faggot comes up to you and stars talking shit,just ignore'em cause they're literally just crying babies and nobody cares.
But never let the opinions of dumbfucks ruin your own psycology. Be kind to everyone

Funny how I haven't heard a peep about this from people who virtue-signaled that Will Smith slapping Chris Rock meant everyone would have free reign to attack comedians while they were performing.

Big surprise… this is all Drumpfs fault!

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There's no fucking way this isn't Photoshopped

they got him this time for sure


>Yea Forums is site for losers. if you're reading this there's a high chance you're one of them,so I'll say this:
>If you take pride in the suffering of a group of people which has nothing to do with you,you're just coping with your own struggles, and you're likely to be afraid that if you voice them you'll be called a fucking pussy.
>I personally couldn't give a rat's ass about trannies and I don't think I'd ever date one,and a lot of people are like me,an you can be as well. But the truth is that for a trannie this fact is something truly hurtful, just think of all the pussy you don't get and it is quite easy to empathise. You don't need to be an "lgbt ally" , you don't need to give a shit about their stupid fucking speech rules, but for your own sake,and for the sake of literally everyone, you can simply have empathy for other people that have their own problems,and maybe you'll be able to cope better with your own. And if some blue haired faggot comes up to you and stars talking shit,just ignore'em cause they're literally just crying babies and nobody cares.
>But never let the opinions of dumbfucks ruin your own psycology. Be kind to everyone

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the tranny fuck. put these fucking people in hospitals already

I knew it

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The white man marches on

You gotta be a troll lmao

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Lmao it’s real

He can’t keep getting away with it!

I thought this would be bigger news today but nope. I think they're going to memory hole this one.

his hoodie stole the Thrasher logo?

Looks like it says Helltroon

He's built like a fucking NFL linebacker.

I don't want anyone to suffer and honestly couldn't care less what you do with your genitals I'm just here to talk shit

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Because it’s a staged event, like at the Oscars, to discourage anyone from attempting to recreate it.

48 year old men aren't fragile or anything, I generally wouldn't expect young age to be an advantage against an enemy up untill they are in their 60s. Maybe some of them, but not most

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people start falling apart at 30

The View is pure cringekino


It's been 6 years for crying out loud

Exactly what I thought. The reddit manipulators hid it, mainstream press hid it (except for the NY Post), even though that creature was armed (that is, he tried to murder one of the USA best known comedians onstage) and he was beat up (not a peep from the antiviolence types who usually whine about le brutality etc).
It's like something out of The Onion. Those dried-up low IQ hags should be have been taken off the air years ago.

Black don't crack fr fr no cap

They broke both his arms. Pretty realistic for a "staged event".

For fat fucks yes

You know him personally right? You actually saw him for real? Because Yea Forums says shit like mass shootings, 9/11 and the moon landing were somehow faked, but anons like you always vehemently and angrily defend grainy pictures and video of hollywood celebs. It’s weird.

You will never be a woman.

>This is how lefties react when one of them attempts to kill someone
Fucking deranged

take your meds schizo

You don't have to drink all the Kool-Aid

Kek never an actual response, just old memes.

Every brand ripped that shit off years ago at this point.

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Nothing ever happens bro

Everything is a psy-op. Nothing ever actually happens.

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Have you seen society this past decade my man

There is the pic above, plus multiple videos. An entire audience saw him be beaten into a bloody pulp.
You're implying Chappelle, his bodyguards, LAPD, the audience, the paramedics, the hospital where this thing is being currently held and the NY Post and other journalists are all lying and part of a conspiracy?

>nothing ever happens xD
This doesn’t work when you know most of this site thinks the CIA did everything in history, but also gets pissy if someone says a Hollywood celebrity faked an event. Anons are all gullible retards that fall for anything and think they are geniuses for regurgitating conspiracies about shootings or other shit that obviously actually happened.

yeah and that's still gay

>multiple grainy videos
Kek and I guarantee you have posted about how 9/11 was a fucking hologram or something. The moon landing was Kubrick but some shitty videos trying to make people be discouraged from recreating the slap is completely absurd? KEK


Meds. Now.

Or maybe i have friends who are trannies who i know are messing their lives so i laugh at online trannies to cope.

>take meds because you know most conspiracy theories are bullshit and that the same conspiracy theorists always take fake celebrity gossip extremely seriously
Dale Gribble style delusion

Meds, schizo.

Haha he posted the same meme phrase again, it’s partytime!

CIA did Chappelles anti tranny special!!!

>the CIA has done everything in history! Hehe nothing has ever actually happened, it’s all a jew conspiracy you see!

What's kek?

the most surprising thing about this is that one of them actually pushed back

>HOLLYWOOD FAKED THIS FOR RATINGS!!!!!1111!!!!!!!!!!!11!!!

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if it was a clear video you would point to that as an evidence that it was staged and professionally produced. Eat your fucking meds.