Where are we supposed to talk about the depp v heard trial?

where are we supposed to talk about the depp v heard trial?
before you remove this thread. just tell me the board where it's okay to talk about it.

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Yea Forums and /trash/ aka shithole boards where discussion is impossible

wtf is going on anyways? when will they give Johnny the victory?

The communication is so unclear nobody knows. A thread got moved from Yea Forums to /pol/ today and over there it got deleted. I don't even know who runs this place anymore and it's clearly not Hiromoot.

Almost every board has absolute trash moderators today. Just learn to use Twitter

Yea Forumss moderators are actually pretty good. They nuke wojak shit on sight and not much else.


I'll never forgive them for ending sakurafish

Mods are never clear on what makes a thread off topic or on topic. They’re so inconsistent and then they ban us for replying to off topic garbage when they don’t make the rules clear

the jannies and mods have been infiltrated by leftists and trannies for a decade now

2 or 3 weeks. they gave proof she was hitting him in the first week so it was over even then.

why go through all the motions then? every single clip I've seen is incriminating her anyways, even when her team of lawyers is speaking

The evidence is so damning, that Amber has to illustrate the possibility that Johnny instigated the abuse, and that he gave just as much as he got, if not more. Right now her team is running with the narrative that he becomes Mr. Hyde when he's doped up. "The Monster" is what they're calling it.

Amber's lawyers are probably trying to settle the case, but Johnny wants to clear his name so he can work again and therefore wants to get a verdict.

it's honestly one of the gayest things to happen to Yea Forums in a while
this is very much film and tv related you faggot jannies

No, there's no proof of physical abuse on Johnny's part, but Amber herself said on audio: "I wasn't punching you, I was hitting you. I didn't slug you I hit you."

how dare you insult the janitorial staff

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If he kept hitting her over and over again...shouldn't someone have noticed? If you keep punching someone it's not something you can just cover with makeup.

They're bringing up new allegations of abuse with zero evidence. Amber was banking on her acting skills to make her bullshit believable, but she didn't sell it. Supposedly a lot of people witnessed Depp abusing her and others, but he bribed them or threatened them so no one will testify.

How kino would it be if Amber starts begging Johnny to take her back while on the stand? Would that make her more sympathetic?

>banking on her acting skills
Heard is just now finding out she was hired for other reasons besides her acting "skills"

it trivialize her abuse claims if she was willing to reunite with him

kill yourself bootlicker

***it would trivialize

She's claiming he groomed her now, so abusing him and begging him to get back together again is entirely his fault.

Unironically are normies hating on amber heard too?
I just heard my sisters talking about it and how amber heard is clearly a bpd manipulator whose testimony seems to be pure manipulation
I absolutely did not expect my sister to be like that

>where are we supposed to talk about this?
It's like how there's no board where you're allowed to talk about travel youtubers, because both the Yea Forums and /trv/ trannies delete them

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This board is for celebrity gossip. This is literally where tabloid stuff SHOULD be. Any mod who removes it doesn't know this board and should be fired. fuck you

>Yea Forumss moderators are actually pretty good.

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niggers keep deleting threads its literally the most important and significant thing culturally in 20 years and will have influence in all future movies

"All actress and actor discussion should pertain directly to their roles and careers."
This is directly related to the careers of 2 high profile hollywood actors. By their own rules, this is on-topic.

They clearly have an agenda against this particular topic specifically, as whenever they go on a deletion spree they target Depp threads and ignore the multitude of other off-topic threads in the catalog (and yes I've tried reporting them, it makes no difference)

You obviously haven't watched shit since it doesn't matter how much they beat each other. This is a defamation trial. She already won in 2018 in the UK so it's only natural she's going to take him down again in the US where we have freedom of speech. They're either going to settle next week, or Amber will win in the end. Johnny knows that too, he's just using this as an excuse to clear his name and get his words out there. Go watch the Vic Mignogna/Funimation trial which went down pretty much identical to this one and see how that turned out for comparison.

Wojak shit is a blight. I couldn't care less about the state of a janny's genitals so long as they diligently ban it.

women hate pretty women.


the first 12 days or so was all Johnny's team presenting their case, they've only just started on Amber's side of the story and from her testimony so far its wildly accusatory so it'll be interesting to see if they have any evidence to support it.

That board isn't what you think it is

>Hey Janny, if I was gonna rustle your jimmies, I'd tell you to go eat your hotpockets.
>Now this nigger, this nigger was great. They, they used to call him Little Janny Hotpockets. I swear to God! Now he'd make your board look like fuckin' Reddit, excuse my language. He was terrific, he was the best, and he did it for free too.

>No more racism, Pepe.


>I said no more racism. Maybe you didn't hear about it, you've been banned for a long time; they didn't go to 8ch and tell you. 4Channel.org is a safe-for-work site and you can't say offensive things here anymore.

>Relax, will ya? You flipped right out, what's gotten into you? I'm rustlin' your jimmies a little bit, that's all. I'm only shitpostin'.

>Sometimes you don't sound like you're just shitposting, you know? There's a lotta lurkers around...

>Janny, I'm only shitposting. This is a quality thread and I just hopped IPs, and I haven't posted in a long time, and I'm rustling your jimmies, and right away you're getting fuckin' triggered. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you.

>I'm sorry too. It's okay. No problem.

>Okay, salud.
>...Now go home and eat your fucking hotpockets

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You low-t basedfiends are truly a cancer.



lefties have taught them to always bring up imaginary shit like predatory behaviour and 'power dynamics' & it's ridiculousness is all on display here.

This is the board for Depp kino

The UK defamation trial was against a newspaper, not Amber you dumb fuck

She actually stole lines from movies in her testimony. She quotes a monologue from The Talented Mr Ripley verbatim very early on. There's others and I'm sure someone will post the twitter thread some more on here.

I AM NOT CRAZY! ...I am not crazy. He abused our dogs, I know he did. As if I could ever make up such a story. Never. Never! I just- I just couldn’t prove it. H-he covered his tracks, he got that idiot Bettany to lie for him. You think this is something? You think this is bad? This? This abuse? He's done worse. Those poor women. You mean to tell me their wrists just happened to get snapped like that? No, he broke them. Johnny. He carried out a cavity search! And I married him! I shouldn't have. I thought he was the love of my life, what was I thinking? He'll never change. He'll never change, ever since that dress, always the same. But not our Johnny! Couldn't be our precious Johnny! Drinking his megapints. And he gets to be the victim? What a sick joke! I should have left him when I had the chance! Now you have to clear these charges, you--

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why did she do this, just talking normal would suffice.

>She actually stole lines from movies in her testimony.
kek, I suspected as much when she claimed Depp grabbed some woman by the wrist and said in the most mustache twirling way
>Do you know how many pounds of force it takes to break a human wrist?
Even the most ardent Turd fanboys are probably second guessing her after all these ridiculous claims.

You obviously haven't watched shit either since Amber didn't win anything, Depp sued a UK tabloid for libel and not her. Defamation or libel lawsuits are notoriously difficult to win there since newspapers in the UK constantly shit talk each other all the time and have lawyers ready to neutralize any lawsuits, they have tabloids infamous for basically being libel machines.

Pretty sure that's a parody of Better Call Saul

The sad part is there are people out there who only consume movies who think it's not a performance.

>in the US where we have freedom of speech.

Libel, Slander, and Incitement, are not covered under Freedom of Speech.

>They ban memes I don't like so it's a good board
Doesn't work that way

If board culture is posting cute waifus, then ugly wojaks are antithetical to that.

Everything is grooming nowadays, I am so so so tired. Back when the world made sense it was correctly used as a term to describe adults who knowingly brainwash unaware children/teenagers to engage with them sexually. Nowadays you literally see two adults getting married and ITS GROOOMING NOOO HE BOUGHT HER A GIFT HE TRICKED HER INTO THE MARRIAGE. This is just incredibly demoralizing and makes me think trying to explain common sense to people is pointless.

Guess what? You're always impressionable and prone to manipulation to a degree, and this never fully goes away with age and experience. So by that definition, everything is grooming forever. You entered a relationship with someone 1 day older than you? You were obviously groomed sweetie because you don't have 180 IQ and five degrees+bank accounts under your belt. You were 19 and had sex with a 25 year old? Uh sweetie you were groomed by a pedophile. You got married when you were in your mid twenties? Obvious grooming, he must have influenced you and taken advantage of your inexperience.

Just nuke us already.

good morning sirs how is my beuatiful wife amber

I said last night that she’s saying it in such a way when she wins and turns it into a self insert docudrama oscar bait movie the writers have plenty to work with
>after the night I was violently raped whilst high on mushrooms and I remember looking at the lights, I walked out in the morning and my dog stood on a bed, the bed representing my soul and Johnny as a savage teacup yorkie.
>Amber Heard as Amber Heard
>Johnny Depp as James Franko
>Directed by Seth Rogen
“Megapint:The Amber Heard’s Survivors Story”

Apparently she was so scared for her life and PTSD-ridden that... she bought Depp a knife and inscribed it with a proverb about death? Yeah haha good one Amber.

>Pedo loli anime is fine but MSPaint memes are where I draw the line

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It’s funny how she’s that traumatised she was smiling and laughing about how great he was, then one day he got “dark” also if you watch back at any of the times “mid cry” when an objection was called, emotions straight off, if it’s THAT traumatic, the word objection isn’t going to stop you.

>board culture
Not a thing. Just something permanently-online people say because they develop a parasocial relationship with an imageboard and consider them actual friend replacements.

>she is counter-suing for 100million
>she is likely going to take all of depp's money

So is she denying that she hit him or just saying that they both abused each other? Because the latter is not completely implausible, but I am not sure where that leaves her defamation defense.

Bros, who's hype to do this all over again?

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this one will be even better since ERW could face actual consequences if the stuff about the FBI is true

If the jury was a bunch of married middle aged white dudes, maybe she'd speak like a normal person
But apparently it's a few white women, 1 black one and the rest are pajeets so all these theatrics and faces might work

Proof means nothing in court.
I'm serious.

>Have to wait a week for cross
This is bullshit

I don't particularly care about manson. Johnny Depp is genuinely a good guy.

celebrities aren't good people


>In the suit, it is alleged that Wood and Gore spent three years contacting his former girlfriends and provided "checklists and scripts" to prospective accusers in order to corroborate Wood's claims,[338][339] and that the pair impersonated and falsified documents from an FBI agent.[340] The suit additionally claims Gore hacked into Manson's computers and social media, and created fake email accounts to manufacture evidence he had been distributing "illicit pornography".[341] It is also alleged that Gore swatted Manson by calling the FBI claiming to be a friend concerned about an "emergency" at his home. As a result of the call, several police officers were dispatched to his property, where "there was no emergency"

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Depp and Manson are bff's
They're probably on par as people.

>no defecation joke

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It's too early for that, her testimony needs to reach that part.

>1 week of Amber Heard acting like the victim

>be more famous
>but wish you were a musician
must be an interesting dynamic between them