Not even five minutes into dr strange and hes being insulted for not speaking spanish...

Not even five minutes into dr strange and hes being insulted for not speaking spanish, attending the wedding of the girl he wants (readhead) whos marrying a black man and the pews are filled with muslims, asians and blacks for no apparent reason. in reality a interracial marriage would have black people on one side and white people on the other. the point is the cucking of the white race has gone so mainstream the average person cant even see whats going on and on the slim chance they do theres a 0% chance they say anything negative. what can we do besides wait for the world to cave in on itself when whites are outright banned

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>Mr. Strange, you don't have two moms?
>Ugh, boomer.
Actual line from the movie.

Sounds like an instant classic, as far as modern american movies go.
Thank you for showing us your progressive values in your country's cinematography, they are noted.

It's because he's in a multiverse of madness


Anglogermcucks will continue to suffer until they face and accept their Asian heritage and stop pretending to be something they’re not (European)

At least they didn't make her real wife black too.

Americans haven't made anything good since 9/11, and I'm tired of pretending they have.

You mean...breed with an asian?

Half Life Alyx

>Episode 2 ends on a cliffhanger
>Alyx lasts 12 seconds later and ends...on a fucking cliffhanger
Yeah no.


>valve AAA shits the bed
>boneworks mogs it

>ace combat 7 AAA shits the bed
>project wingman mogs it

Indiechads, we won...

holy shit i cannot imagine obsessing over the extras at a wedding scene as much as this

how do you watch movies

>attending the wedding of the girl he wants (readhead) whos marrying a black man
Literally 0 chance in the world I will ever watch this trash now. There is nothing more disrespecting and tone deaf than this shit. Everyone will look at it and think that it's wrong, even the most leftist retard will think about race. It fucks the immersion. They still do it. It's not art

holy cope you’ll get to play it one day cucks

well adjusted people literally dont immediately think about the race of the groom when they see a wedding

>boneworks mogs it

i think he played half life alyx user

It's just something to notice. I watched Doctor Strange 1 the other day noticed that when he's in Nepal he is mugged by a gang of white men. OP is just more autistic and more racist

not if I blow my brains out first

nah I didn't I just got the impression that Alyx was a solid game but played it safe and utilized the tech poorly, to the point that they consulted Boneworks devs on some stuff.


oh thats all a misconception. valve never actually consulted with boneworks devs, i think the only last-minute adjustment was smooth loco and that was due to industry pressure.

boneworks is a much better game imo but you can't compete with the literal millions poured into half life alyx, it's holodeck kino

Stop watching.

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When that scene happened, like over half the theater groaned. People are so sick of this shit.

You are programmed not to notice real things.

It’s the best VR game with the best physics and graphics in any game. It’s Half Life 2 on steroids.

i don't care what races make up the extras in a wedding scene for a fictional character, and if i notice that the casting is weird or whatever, i don't immediately jump to global jewish conspiracy theories

You'd think Valve would be leading in physics sandbox kino since it was their entire schtick while they still made games.

>bmwf couples
>tons of cgi
>girl power
quintessentially american

I was wondering if I should pirate it but if this and the groom being black are real I'll pass

sounds good to me bro! if you insist!

Who else could mug him in Nepal? The natives are all peaceful Buddhists and brownies can't afford to vacation there.

It has the best physics of any game out there. You don’t know what you’re talking about and won’t know until you play it.

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>if i notice that the casting is weird or whatever, i don't immediately jump to global jewish conspiracy theories
You are programmed to run to the "conspiracy" defense mechanism whenever you are confronted with realities you were conditioned to feel anxiety about noticing. It's fallacious.

Uh, no sweaty, you'll be wiped out.

I believe you.

boneworks does feel distinctively half-life 2 era gmody compared to half-life alyx, which doesn't even have melee weapons. half life alyx does have the better modding community though

>It has the best physics of any game out there
c'mon user, it's really neat when you put the bottles in the container and they don't immediately explode but the physics are really underbaked and underutilized. there's not even a physical player controller.

liquid in the bottles is kinda cool tho

>what can we do besides wait for the world to cave in on itself when whites are outright banned
1) Two things. Your fault for letting women and narcissistic men with no loyalty to the nation state get into positions of power.
2) The "entire world" will not cave in. Maybe the shitskin dominated segment of it but not the entire world. You think the Chinks, SEA monkeys and the nips are in trouble?

Boneworks does it better. VR is a lame meme though.

no, I run to the conspiracy defense because it's deliberately triggering to the kind of niggers who believe this shit

>the media infestation is so bad in the US that even the normies can call out the jew instantly
>but they have been conditioned against connecting the dots all their life
america is WILD lol

Nepal is Hindu, lmao. You're thinking of Tibet.

>rich white guys paid very expensive flight tickets to rob a guy there

Based anglogermcuck user

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Cope. Boneworks is janky and boring garbage. Half Life Alyx is a masterpiece of game design.

Good. White people are a disease and needs to be eradicated

well adjusted to what? please, seriously. what is it i need to adjust to? you’re so close.

adjusted to demoralization

Is this why even IGN was shitting on the script?

im not close to anything your deranged mind thinks you delirious nigger, humans exist along side each other in a social community and human beings, regardless of the state of society, are expected to act to a social standard otherwise you're a genetic deadend. interacting with your peers, expanding your world view and learning how the material world works is part of that. when you don't do that you end up malformed and think shit like doctor strange wants to kill white people or some stupid shit

take your meds, ease off the paranoia, and look around you as to what your peers are doing and thinking. it's not my fault if you're convinced your peers are NPCs or something.

thankfully my peers aren't globohomo npcs so I don't have that user's problem

I thought they were the same place.

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kek. so angry at strangers online that he’s writing me an entire novel, yet calls me the maladjusted one. olé!

Gib name of the camrip!

it's four sentences nigger, in grade school that constitutes a single paragraph


It's because Dr. Strange was dead for 5 years.
You are kind of a racist retard though Marvel can be bad with this forced diversity stuff obviously

No...that certainly can't be real. I guess I'll find out when it gets posted on /gif/. Definitely not watching this garbage.

>Frogposter is retarded
Not surprised.

oh sorry those four sentences were so poorly constructed that i didn’t bother to read, much less keep count. still…

you don't need to prove to me any further that you're a maladjusted dumb faggot, and i woouldn't keep trying to convince yourself.

I dunno

In this movie a white women
>Crushes a niggress Captain Marvel
>Slice in half female Captain America

it’s ok you can go take your nap now. try to watch your blood pressure ok?

it's not. She only has two moms because she's from a dimension of only women.

sounds too good to be true

Thanks now I am not going to watch this movie at the kinoplex I'm Gonna cuddle my moms milkers and pirate it