Did they really make a sith a loud angry black woman?
Did they really make a sith a loud angry black woman?
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since when were there black women in star wars?
So sick of niggers. Fuck Star Wars and fuck Niggers. Put them on Soul Plane. Not Star Wars. But too late for that. Disney will NEVER get another dollar from me. Ever.
It's better to not watch anything the anglo countries make anymore. Other countries can make movies and tv shows better at this point so why bother.
Fuck she’s ugly
I thought she was supposed to be an inquisitor. The jedi hunters.
Can’t there only be two sith?
She huntin' them white bois. And business is boomin.
Lol fuck watching this shit.
oh god, not another ugly black loudmouth…its all so tiresone at this point
Wish they casted the the Inquisitor from the Fallen Order game instead, she has style for a role like this, unlike the McDonald worker from OP pic
Imagine the bleaching...
I couldn't imagine black inbetweeners being any different to white inbetweeners to be honest
I would mind being pleasantly surprised by this character. But the second she beats up Obi Wan or comments on his Jedi privilege or something I'm turning it off.
do you chuds like crabman?
>the villain is a black woman
>the villain
>is black
>this means the story is pozzed and about BLM
>because the villain
>the bad guy
>the antagonist
>is a black woman
She's the foil villain for Obi Wan. That bald guy with the horrible makeup is the main bad guy and Vader is there for fan service and hopefully a well done emotional sequence.
Yeah, sorry chief but after 10 years of inane token black characters being crammed into everything people have no faith in Hollywood to deliver a black character that isn't an insipid pandering power fantasy.
This is the future you chose.
That mutt from Falcon and the Winter Soldier was the villain and Mackie did a whole speech at end about how she's a dindu and was right
The aesthetic is related to WWII films, and it's been established. Black Imperials are disruptive to the aesthetic. You can have black people in Star Wars but they need to be playing the right characters. This is about aesthetic continuity. The factions that are based on the Western Allies fighting the Germans in WWII movies shouldn't have black actors.
Lando had to have come from SOMEwhere
this show would be based, just niggas bein niggas
>We could've gotten a nice 3-4 episode miniseries detailing Luke growing up and Obi Wan contemplating his life and morality
>Instead it's more of le sith lightsaber and one of the showrunners leaking that Darth Vader/Obi Wan inevitable fight before they fought again on the Death Star
I'm burying the franchise at this point.
Yes, it was a different time
>We could've gotten a nice 3-4 episode miniseries detailing Luke growing up and Obi Wan contemplating his life and morality
Sounds like absolute shit, user. It's a pointless prequel either way, you may as well try to make it entertaining.
>that Darth Vader/Obi Wan inevitable fight before they fought again on the Death Star
>inane token black characters
Amazing, Star Wars legit had black actors the whole time, but they weren’t ‘black characters’. Eg - Billy Dee doesn’t play a nigger.
Star Wars always had blacks, they want to add niggers - different thing.
I have negro fatigue.
what were they thinking...
no she's suppose to be an anti-hero like jonaquin's Joker that people sympathize with
she's probably gonna loudly yell how she dindu nuffins and it's society's fault she became a sith
Niggers niggers niggers, I LOVE NIGGERS
Back then the black characters were respectable and believable even if they were scoundrels like Lando. Now they're such shallow token characters it's embarrassing.
I'm expecting a Cal reference in this that I'll miss because Fallen Order looks boring.
it is pozzed because never ever has there been a black woman in star wars in 6 fucking movies
Leia was also pretty much the only woman with lines in the OT. I can only think of Mon Mothma, the girl who says "stand by ion control, fire" and Beru.
but she isn't the villain, she's a victim. she turns and saves everybody.
she bad but not bad like everybody else
her story is central to the entire franchise without her there would be no Star Wars.
I don't even need to see it to know that's exactly what they'll do because she's black. I don't care about blacks in movies but fuck it's all so predictable and garbage.
Obi wan will probably fall in love with her, she will turn "good," then Vader will kill her, and Obi Wan will fight him for a bit before running away.
Why not some hot latina, why it always must be ugly sheboon? I didn't bother with last Star Wars single player game because of it.
They better fucking not because Obiwan already had his love fling in TCW.
>black person is a hero, Yea Forums seethes
>black person is a villain, Yea Forums seethes
Why does the mere presence of a black people set you autists off now? It's a fantasy space world, who gives a shit? When you aren't complaining about black people, you're complaining about how shitty Star Wars has been the past two decades (correctly), so why do you give such a shit?
Yeah the inquisitor chick from the game was cool. Hot too. Way better than the fucking shemonkey Disney hired
probably but at that point you have wonder how bad will they make it
Cor blimey look at that face.
Tired of pretending this shit is "cool" when some poser, talentless diversity hire who only got the role because of the shade of their skin
It's not cool, it's not beautiful, it's fucking cancer
Because she's obviously going to have a redemption arc and it's going to be woke as shit. The main bad guy here is the goofy looking bald guy.
because they were never in the series? it's like not getting mad if in die hard or mission impossible they start fighting aliens
Black people skin look like poop.
Cropping it makes it look weirder. Literally a gorilla.
this is the worst board on this site
Dey Hea Nigga!!! I be tryin to tell you that nigga! But you didn't believe me nigga!
why did they not cast Dennis Rodman
Why does modern Hollywood feel compelled to cast the ugliest blacks they can find? This bitch looks like a goblin next to Billy Dee Williams.
Bill Dee was a 10/10 black guy, it's pretty hard to compete.
Actors are getting uglier in general. It’s more relatable to American audiences these days
7 years ago May the 4th was a massive day for Star Wars.. Fans loved sharing content and people were excited about the future of the franchise.
7 years later and May the 4th passed like a fart in the wind. No one gives a shit and it has been incredible to watch Star Wars fizzle out like this.. Damn thing use to have a strangle hold on pop culture.
they but they never notice or make a big deal.
here's a Mexican and a Brazilian. funny how it isn't brave or stunning
The rent-a-nigger extras in every movie now, especially Disney, is out of control
It's racist.
Like other user said, it's not about race. Billy Dee was awesome. Look at the still OP posted. She has a lost expression on her face that has nothing to do with the scene being played and looks completely out of place.
Yup, never in a million years did I ever think it be like this.