Movies about hitting your early 30s and realizing your life will only get worse with every year and you wasted your 20s?
Movies about hitting your early 30s and realizing your life will only get worse with every year and you wasted your 20s?
what's NOT a waste in this day and age?
I'm in the same boat user, What should we do?
user you can turn it around
Any movies about disappearing into Thailand and Indonesia after pocketing 300,000$ intended for a mortgage?
Movies about being in your early 30s and realizing your life is based and will only get better with every year and you made the most of your 20s?
man i hope they solve the problem of aging within the next 30-40 years.
at least i assume if they can prevent people from aging, they should be able to reverse aging back to your 20s or something right? there's gotta be non-damaged DNA somewhere in your body to use as a template to restore yourself...
40s are the prime years for a man, relax.
It doesn't get worse it gets different and if you try to fight it you get boring. Have fun there's so much out there.
I'm getting a six-pack because why the fuck not, I've never had a six-pack.
Only fucking girls I think I'm better looking than now so I've got to work on myself alot.
Life is fun if you keep changing the game, playing the same game for ten years is boring.
>tfw turning 34 next week and I'm hiding my birthday from facebook so no one bothers me about it
get a decent job, get a comfy apartment with a comfy bed and couch, good tv, set of speakers, and bookshelf. learn to cook. pick up a hobby aside from video games and movies, like say, painting, playing an instrument, or a sport or something. find a 6 or 7/10 and settle down. get drunk once or twice a week. travel somewhere cool with her once every 6 months. boom. what else do you guys want really. why are you so dissatisfied
If you're a woman yeah, if you're a man you only get better looking and more intelligent for almost your entire life.
it just sucks becoming an atheist and realizing nothing matters and we're all gonna rot into the dirt after a short few decades
that's not atheism that's you having a small mindset
peaked too early
My finest VHS rental experience was renting Clerks, Office Space, and American Beauty all at the same time. All of these movies fit this thread
I compare my life to someone who went to prison at 15 for shooting someone over some shoes
At least I'm not that guy I guess
23 year old kissless virgin. Any advice besides suicide?
Bro, once you fall for the family meme say goodbye to ALL of your fucking free time. All of it. I love my family, but I also miss the freedom of being young and single.
that monk lifepath keeps getting more tempting
i'm too honest to indulge in spiritual feel good pep talk man. i've heard all the platitudes about life and it's all nonsense.
it's actually kinda funny when people talk about living life to your fullest before you die when in actuality, dying means that none of it will have mattered at all. you won't exist to look back on your life fondly or some stupid shit like that.
Shut the fuck up I wasn't talking about spirituality. You can be atheist and still see a bigger picture and not be a bitch like you.
Holy based!
So far my life has only gotten better since my 20s and 30s. Seniors say the best decade of their lives was their 60s.
try being a 30yr kissless virgin ya crybaby
You really only have two options at that point.
Accept it and try your hardest anyway
Go crazy, sell everything and move off grid or buy a boat in a foreign country and live there
This. I'm so tired. I'm glad I have my family, love my kids and all that but it is exhausting and it's really hard to get free time, much less have energy in your free time to do anything that interesting.
So to any younger people reading this, assuming you don't end up incels, enjoy your freedom and do things now. Also dating and making friends becomes extraordinarily difficult the older you get to be careful with that.
>still see a bigger picture
like i said i'm too honest for spiritual bullshit
I agree. I'm surprised more neets, nerds, incels, don't just become monks and life a peaceful life.
pick one
lmfao you have to be kidding me
go away
>bigger picture
lol no
ignore them I understand your plight and it's tragic if God isn't real and all of this is just pointless, billions upon billions of lives being lived for nothing
cry more about how your life sucks little bitch
it's not atheism it's your little penis
Most of these people end up that way because of extreme social anxiety and other asocial tendancies. You really think a group of people who probably struggle at a drive thru are going to fly to a foreign country and join a cult all on their own?
thanks man. i wish i believed in god. i remember as a kid i thought god existed and i'd try to talk to him sometimes and it made me feel better. i don't have that option any more
that's another thing about life that sucks especially when you're a guy. you have to be some stoic figure and act like nothing bothers you. but how can nothing bother me if life is so pointless? yea my dick is only 4.5 inches around and it fucking sucks.
I just fail to understand your need for some greater meaning or inherent purpose to the universe. Those are manmade concepts. And the fact that you feel sad about the void means that you believe an alternative is viable. And it is. You just have stop anchoring your fulfillment to understanding and attach yourself more to the physical world. Simple things will make you happy, but you're literally choosing to be be miserable because of a silly string of philosophical logic.
even if you think your life doesn't matter countless people have worked thier ass off in this society to raise and protect you in one way or another not even including your parents. you're basically saying fuck you to those people that invested in you when you turn all gay and nihilistic. Frankly it's a selfish way to think.
> doesn't matter countless people have worked thier ass off in this society to raise and protect you in one way or another not even including your parents
shut up nigga you literally DO NOT know me or my life, you're clueless for making retarded assumptions
Literally me, I’m 28. I feel like I should be planning for the future more. I’ve started stretching daily and working out more and trying to save $2000/month
I'm 32, just got out of rehab and had to move in with my father. It's unironically over for me, isn't it?
is that angie varona
the fact that you can read and write is proof enough that at least you went to school. do you think schools just exist in thin air? no, people invested in your future whether through money, or their hard work.
Great, now you have something difficult to occupy yourself.
There's too many people as is. They'll NEVER release that kind of capability to the public.
school is designed to make people barely literate so they can work meaningless jobs and make american corporations more money
my school taught ZIP about financial literacy and I learned it all myself later, I wonder why? really makes me think...
you literally don't fucking know shit, you're a fucking faggot
>doomer do literally nothing all day
>why am i miserable waaah the universe waaaah etc waaaah
you guys are so pathetic and tiring
Honest isn’t what you are. You’re an 110 IQ midwit who can’t conceive of the joy of pursuing meaning because your dopamine receptors are fried to hell by your stimuli diet. Unironically go read a fucking book and get off this website
No, your life is just beginning
>Honest isn’t what you are.
i am
>110 IQ midwit
i chose my words carefully. i didn't say i was smart, just honest. i'm much more honest than people far smarter than me.
>who can’t conceive of the joy of pursuing meaning
why bother conceiving of it? it's all pointless. we're all gonna die.
So what if we all die? We got to live first. The baseline in this universe is insensate matter. We got a ticket to ride a hedonic roller coaster, enjoy it because it’s brief
How so? I have nothing and never had a real job beyond washing dishes or mowing lawns. My STEM degree was useless and only left with me crippling debt. Suicide may be my only way out.
>enjoy it because it’s brief
you're gonna die. might as well not enjoy it. you won't be around to regret it.
you can laugh it of all you want but people did invest in you, people cared about you enough to raise you, I would even streth to say that people love and care about you. Don't go down the miserable self loathing path, it's a disgrace. It's such a first world issue because you have so much already made for you that you can't even appreciate it. You could be some aids ridden illiterate african but instead your an educated westerner. Celebrate.
cringe and unenlightenedpilled
CIA's remote viewing experiments indirectly BTFO'd atheism/materialism.
Tattoo on her vag... not even once.
The adage about taking more muscles to frown than smile is trite but apparently it actually applies to you. You’re expending unnecessary energy to mope and feel bad for yourself. I understand how some people get through life on instinct without much of an inner dialogue, but you’re just being the aforementioned emo zoomer, intentionally bending your thoughts away from the organization and analysis of new sensation into meaning to dwell on how sad it is that everything eventually ends.
Maybe this is youth speaking but the love and forced responsibility that comes with a family has got to be better than just consuming all day. Don't get me wrong i love sitting back and chilling but I wanna do something. A family forces you into action. forces you to be sharp and hold a household together.
tick tick BOOM
as long as your addiction didn't get you in trouble with the law. and still have family that are willing to support you, and you're not in a halfway house?
believe me when I tell you you're on easy street chum. for a lot of people with addictions, replace the 'just got out of rehab' in your story with 'just got out of prison'
I have literally never met anyone blood related to me, you seriously don't know shit and your assumptions are completely off base
You wont last a week without your first world conveniences.
You can't get through to these people. They're just superficial aesthetic nihilists. They don't even really think life is pointless, otherwise they wouldn't do anything. What's the point in complaining about a lack of point? Especially when the whole dichotomy between meaning and the void is all in your head anyway? They're frauds.
That's not how mortgages work. They don't just deposit 300k in your account lmao.
the why don't you tell me your story. were you picked up in a basket as a baby as moses?
The fuck? Learn options trading, make 20-50k a month. Invest your way into wealth. Have bitches crawling at your feet. It’s not hard
>not wanting to leave a better world behind when you are gone so that future generations inherit a place worth living in
worthless people like you are the reason we are knee deep in shit
>muh bitches
You know there's a lot more to life than women right
Becoming a wagecuck honestly ruined my life. I was so depressed as a NEET that I was not contributing to society, that I only had 17k saved by age 25, I took the first job I could working 7 to 3:30 in a factory. Been there 2 years now. Having 40 hours of my life just gone to mind numbingly watching machines run, changed my entire perspective on life. I started sleeping 5 hours a night. I literally feel numb to reality. I first noticed in June 2020. While hiking I realized life didn't feel real. I used to lie in bed and sometimes have mini sleep where I'd suddenly lucid dream being st my computer where the power suddenly went out and numbers began flashing on screen. Or I'd be in a forest, a tunnel of trees, and there was howling wind and screaming. Then I'd wake up and kick the side of my bed with myclonic jerk. Pretty sure my subconscious is like 2 years behind, I sitll have dreams of this multilevel place with stairs and I think it's my old job location but can't be sure. I kept falling asleep at work so I started drinking coffee after 3 months. That when I started sleeping less and less. My brain is beyond fucked and the creative inspiration I used to have that gave me ideas for DnD adventures is gone. My musical inspiration is gone. My life is fucked..I exercise I hike I eat well but I can't stand to give up another 3 hours for shekelstein. I feel so numb to everything. Don't even understand the point of writing books or making creative shit..I don't even have the energy to consoom anything anymore. Why am I helping make stuff that will half just go in the fucking trash? I used to volunteer and do stuff but I can't even imagine doing that anymore. Gave up most of my hobbies. Thank god I live with my parents and I can save up 60k but my life is fucked my brain is fucked I don't have any creative spark or drive anymore I just feel so fucking dead inside. It's all just one steady hum and the future is only getting worse.
can we at least agree that the platitude is straight up nonsensical at face value?
wrong. actions don't necessarily entail beliefs. people are biologically wired to act certain ways but it doesn't mean they're wrong about life being pointless and hopeless.
why would i bother? it won't benefit me and i don't want your pity, especially since you have no idea what you're talking about
Certainly, I wouldn't give up my situation. Again, I love my family and having them is profoundly wonderful in a way that I can't describe. But the daily feeling I have is still that of exhaustion and wanting more time to myself to just relax. I do have hope for the future as soon as the toddler stage ends.
>only 17k saved up by 25
user, I...
That’s true. I’m just saying that comes with earning a better life. Or unless you wanna settle down with the first girl you meet