Why is it so divisive?
Why is it so divisive?
Because opening weekend the studio pays people to post favorably.
more like Doctor Strange and the Multiverse of Midness
>woman is le bad
You can say that in this age and day, chud.
Yeah Disney really wants the Yea Forums audience
No Tom Cruise Iron Man
I don't have your meds, find another corner to panhandle
You jest but are you seriously this dense? Disney pays millions for commercials, but won't spend a couple bucks for an intern to post anonymously on free-to-post high traffic sites? Come on now.
Your type never ceases to amaze me. Every time someone wants to talk about something it's a shill. That corporate spook trying to trick you.
Today is the first day in months there hasn't been ban evaders shitting up Yea Forums for hours at a time. I don't think that is a coincidence. But then, I'm not a tourist, unfortunately.
I haven't watched it yet and I am already regretting buying a ticket.
meh, at least I am going to get laid to a nerdy chick who is into the MC.
>Every time someone wants to talk about something it's a shill.
Deny all you want. There's definitely organic posters here, but if you think there are NO shills, especially for big budget films here on Yea Forums, then you are sorely mistaken. Every studio know about where they can post. I learned about plebbit over a decade ago from a girl who worked at Sony. They're here, you're queer, get used to it.
Yes user. My issue is that it's like saying the CIA committed a crime, like no shit but you could never prove it unless they admit it.
Who are you quoting? The shrill yelling in your head isn't me, it's you.
Those big budget shillers posting major spoiler leaks of MC deaths? Ok. I didn't say they weren't here but you're barking up the wrong tree this time. This franchise makes billions EASILY every year. Why the fuck would they risk being involved with the Anonymous Hackers known as Yea Forums? If onlyfans girls and Naughty Dog can get stuff taken down from Yea Forums for copyright infringement then I'm sure the house of mouse could do it even more easily for their billion dollar movie but it's more likely they don't give a shit about Yea Forums at all.
Now that that is settled, you're a fucking retard.
>but it's more likely they don't give a shit about Yea Forums at all.
>Now that that is settled, you're a fucking retard.
You're either a colossal retard or an actual shill. Do you know how many people even lurk here? Free advertising is free advertising, and the numbers add up. Studios love to leak shit all the time. Hell, the studio would put every massive spoiler in the trailer if they could get away with it. Amazing how little your brain can comprehend, you completely lack critical thinking ability, so all you can do is call me a retard. Dense.
Probably "too dark" for your average capeshitter
Yea Forums is still the #1 source of memes in many areas
your most effective use of resources is targeting the upstream source and letting it trickle down
Its cape shit who cares
>psycho wanda goes around rekking capeshitters
Sounds like a good time to me
Missed opportunity for Brie to be in this to get torn to shreds by Wanda never to be seen again. Would make the movie 10/10
>Why is it so divisive?
No Way Home set expectations too high, now people think every multiverse MCU movie must have a huge amount of fanservice. The Illuminati is disappointing and they all job very quickly to Wanda, and not even in an entertaining way.
Why do people pretend any of these movies are above a 5/10? They are horrible
>any of
Why do you pretend they're horrible? Also, why are you in a thread about something that you don't like? Don't answer, I don't care. I'm just pointing out how dumb you are.
Strip away everything and it comes down to this:
>People liked the multiverse gimmick in No Way Home.
>The same gimmick isn't used to the same effect here.
Don't bother with that retard
t. mouseshill
I don't pretend they are horrible, they are dogshit compared to any good or great blockbuster made since the late 70s
>if our movie is shit just don't post about it lol
Based painfully obvious viral marketer
You idiot. In NWH, which was one of the worst movies ever made, it was a gimmick because it made no sense. The characters appeared for no reason. NONE. The spell had nothing to do with anything in any other dimension or reality. It also doesn't explain why PP's enemies would just show up.
In DS2 the shit you're calling a gimmick is literally part of the plot. You dumb retarded idiot. Stop posting and fuck off you're too retarded to be on Yea Forums.
>lousy catch all opinion
They are horrible because they don't hold up to your favourite movies from back in the day? It makes them not as good as whatever the fuck you have in mind. It doesn't make them horrible.
Sorry you can't comprehend that they are horrible to every single movie I like from the 70s, 80s, 90s, 00s, and 10s you dumb marvelshill
Fuck off DC shill. I've been here longer than you've been alive, sadly.
>it repeats it
Oh, good one.
What was the rationale for including black bond?
lmaooo get new material disney shill
Gotta go fast
I hope it happens shit would be lit af fr fr
Someone please just post the Gargantos scenes so I can get it over with. I already heard his stupid Godzilla screams but AI want to know why he's in the movie and what his relation to Shuma Gorath is.
He just there as a henchman to get Chavez, he is not in the movie for very long
because it is literally the first marvel movie which has some *style*
it's actually and surprisingly more Raimiesque than, say, Spiderman
maybe Raimi has some dirt on Feige, idk
slight difference being Strange2 is actually watchable while NWH is pure trash for retards.
(I mean that in the literal sense, if you liked that garbage then you need to get Putined asap).
Marvel making this movie just 2 hour longs, and making reshoots to remove important parts of the plot is wack. Such a WB tier decision.
Movie feels undercooked, and kinda pointless for Dr Strange. He got almost no character development.
Sam Raimi however, goes all in with his horror influence. I wish he had more freedom with the movie.
>new disney product LE GOOD
>old disney product LE BAD (see? we're not shills hehe)
You're fooling nobody disneybros
Your only opinion on MoM is that it's better than NWH?
>zoomers piss and shit themselves over this "horror"
how many liminal spaces were there
I would watch a bad Raimi movie over generic boring Marvel capeshit any day desu.
based bruce
Sorry I didn't know you weren't allowed to answer to a specific post but had to post a full review of the movie instead. I'm a bit new here, please downvot and/or report my poorly thought out post.
I watched it expecting to get some Raimi shit but it ended up being way more Raimi than I expected.
Spoiler: It actually is a Sam Raimi movie.
this movie's writer is literally just a ricky and morty writer, it's trash, generic capeshit
Just saw it about 40minutes ago, it was defiantly a generic marvel movie & holy shit is the CGI getting worse with every new movie?
>Initial fight with the giant tentacle eye monster
>Wong getting kicked is so fucking horrific with CGI he goes a different colour
I'll probaly forget most of the movie and what happened in it about 3-4 hours. Also wtf was that ending
4/10, the horror scenes were the only good parts.
The movie's plot was god fuckin awful.
The writing isn't impressive but Raimi's visuals elevate it.
No real good fight scenes and the cameos were worthless.Movie also felt like half of it was missing even with a 2 hour run time.
Cute pussy
It gets a 2/10 for the horror & another 2/10 for Bruce's cameo.
no u
Thanks shill!
It's not your average MCU flick, lots of horror and Wanda gets shit on. Zombie Strange is cool tho
yes it's still an AI generated generic mcu script, but bro this is the first Raimi movie since 2013, and it looks like an evil dead sequel. i'd say it's on par with Drag me to hell in terms of enjoyment.
>No real good fight scenes
strange v evil strange hurling music notes at eachother.
It's a generic MCU movie livened up with Raimi's humor, jump scares and visual style. The script is below average even by MCU standards.
dies the same way as Starro
it's shit, but most MCU watchers enjoy the flavor of rancid fecal matter.
He has nothing to do with Shuma Gorath. He's just some creature Wanda sent to pursue and kidnap America so Wanda could steal her powers.
You must barely watch films if you think his visuals are impressive
That's funny. Early leaks made it seem like Wanda was under the influence of Gargantos/Gorath the whole time, and he used her as a way to get Chavez
I think it was a very good movie, not quite excellent. The hype for it was enormous so it probably got my expectations unreasonably high. That being said I do think it sucked that Shuma Gorath was fodderized and that they completely flipped the power levels on Wanda and Strange. Also expected Strange Supreme, was disappointed.
nah. Sam Raimi has GOAT camera work. Only a total fucking pleb would honestly try to knock Raimi's visual skills.
>Sam Raimi has GOAT camera work
kek, reddit statement
MCU babbies can't handle Raimi.
>dude dutch angles and eye torture tier CGI
The visuals were almost as bad as the script, god helps us all
MCU babbies have been shilling Raimi all over this board, twitter and the entire internet
Marvel retards cant handle a real movie or authentic filmmaking. Play anything resembling one to them and they will seethe
>authentic filmmaking
>this forgettable and bad looking capeshit trash
You guys can't be serious.
He does you fucking retard. Like it or not he has an extremely distinct visual style. You can accuse facts of being "reddit" as much as you like you're still a dipshit.
If your idea of visuals relies completely on cgi youre retarded. Let me guess, vidya fan?
>the sequence where Mordo is explaining dreamwalking
>not total kino.
Based Sam. Knew hed deliver on this department.
No bitches?
He has a distinct style but that style isn't GOAT. It's only very suitable for horror and comedy. He doesn't know what to do with a serious script.
>movie is over 90% CGI including background, needless props and the fucking costumes
>CGI looks like absolute shit
Funny you say that shill, there are videogames with better visuals than this.
Is his only move hitting you with yellow strings or making yellow circles? What a lame wizard
>bring beloved characters back only to kill them
Did JJ abrams or rian johnson write this?
Kys faggot
those two are shills Tryna gaslight you. They only have two responses
>lol Yea Forums audience is so small why would anyone want to talk about it