Why did they completely change his face in TLJ?
Why did they completely change his face in TLJ?
I mean...seriously, what the fuck is this?!
What was his name again?
Grand Admiral Snooki
I still don't understand who this character was supposed to be
That’s the super clever part about him, you aren’t supposed to! Isn’t that fuckin cool?
i REALLY liked this guy in TFA. i know even then he was just a palpatine knockoff but he had a cool presence and i was looking forward to this dude fucking with our heroes. GUESS MY EXPECTATIONS WERE SUBVERTED!
They literally changed their minds *several* times when it came to this character.
JJ still tries to pretend he didn't, even when he literally did just that.
I thought he was a giant the first time... Might have been more interesting if he was
Why the fuck did Palpatine have a lab filled with copies of this guy?
neither do the people who made the films
could have just made him a CGI shitfest though... you know how modern films are.
Would have been at least mildly different, you never get huge humanoid aliens
Nothing about Snoke makes sense.
Because they will never ever give up on trying to sell you the sequels
The shock of their fuck up was too great
I guarantee if you got to sit in a closed door meeting it’d still be them doing zoom calls talking about how amazing it was and how powerful it was
He was supposed to be. The original interviews and everything about TFA made mention that he's a huge alien with mysterious knowledge of the Force and different goals from the Sith. Then TLJ and TRoS changed him to just a 7 or 8 foot tall weird clone of Palpatine or whatever.
>your snoke theory sucks
>replaces it with literally nothing and has him die in the dumbest way possible
Considering the most prominent acknowledgement of the Sequels since RoS came out is a Lego game where all the ST era levels are just bashing those movies I'm not so sure they're still confident in what they made.
Rian wanted to crash and burn Star Wars and got away with it. Pretty based if you ask me
All the main Disney attractions including that dumbass new hotel are about the sequel trilogy. They forced the tv shows to involve sequel imagery/content.
They are completely determined to sell it.
You’d need a full house clean sweep to get them to change course.
Won’t happen.
I remember when TFA first came out and everyone was like “THAT WAS HECKIN AWESOME :DDD
....except for that Snoke guy that’s a giant red flag”
The writing was on the wall from the beginning
I still don't understand how people didn't see TFA for what it was at the time. Willful blindness I suppose
It was the same kind of hope with LOST
"oh everything will make sense by the last episode! It's all planned out"
TFA was good fun even if it was a rehash of ANH.
wish I could give you the will smith treatment
It’s the definition of an amusement park ride movie. By the third time I saw it I realized it was fucking soulless. Knowing where it leads to makes it utterly unwatchable now
and get yourself eternally cucked?
General Sneed
oh it made sense alright
>Big giant hologram leading to many implications about him possibly being very giant or even very small
>he ends up being a normal sized weirdo who wears gold and is completely forgettable
These Hollywood folks got no imagination, I’m tellin ya
I did. I remember sitting through it in theaters for the first time and the whole movie going by in the blink of an eye. I walked out feeling nothing and thought to myself “that was good I think?” but then immediately knowing that dredging up this franchise needed way more than just okay to be justified
Would have loved it if he was like 40 ft tall and had a ginormous lightsaber and it swung suuuuper slow
The action sucked. The Sequel's largest crime was having absolutely no good space battles
TROS has some decent aesethetics, I like Exogol.
Best compliment I can give these movies. It was entirely wasted, of course.
If you didn't realize it was shit by the time Kanji Club show up you were probably prepubescent.
Same here, and then my mind immediately wandered to a giant ancient Sith like being teaching Kylo Ren lightsaber techniques by swinging his giant fucking red lightsaber around in the air
Tell that to Kanjiclub
Harrison Ford's easiest paycheck. I bet I could buy a house with whatever they paid him to for some out of place hallucination scene
TFA is a dumb, derivative, and soulless film but it is very well crafted to keep you distracted from how derivative it is, at least while you're watching it.
Its pacing is really fast and it throws special effects eye candy or some form of member berries nostalgia at you with enough regularity that you don't have a lot of time to think about how dumb and lazy it is. I remember when I watched it in the theater I left thinking that it was good albeit not great but as the evening went on I started thinking about all the plot holes and my opinion of it steadily declined. Normies don't do this sort of introspection, they don't think about the film after they watched it they just watch it and then look for the next stimuli to keep them distracted. That's how TFA fooled so many people, it kept them distracted enough that they didn't notice how stupid it was.
That said, TFA was salvageable. It wasn't a great film but it set up all the pieces for a second film that could have built it into something interesting. Instead Rian Johnson took a shit on the floor and ran the series off a cliff out of spite.
>Hire the dudes from the Raid who got famous for their athletic abilities and martial arts skill
>They do absolutely nothing but get attacked by a CGI squid monster for 5 minutes
Im of the belief that we live in a simulation designed to annoy us by this point.
retard take
Sheev looks nothing alike in ESB v. RotJ. who cares
Fucking Last Jedi writers had a reference to actual kino in the movie.
TLJ was so bad I didn’t even watch the last one
Darth Antagonist
This cope is and will always be pathetic.
wow, I didn’t even know Han was in this one. TLJ ruined Star Wars for me.
Lego Star Wars makes fun of every Star Wars movie, you're just an autistic manchild with severe confirmation bias
I think it's just a fake caption
Mr E. Box
>Why did they completely change his face in TLJ?
What even was the point of Snoke?
Same. Real deceptive jj but apparently if you were hardcore into star wars you'd know holograms could do that
I thought he'd be a midge that was doing a Wizard of Oz trick.
He was supposed to be the Big Bad but JJ was too lazy to write any back story for him, and then Rian decided to subvert our expectations
Changed him from evil grey alien lookin mf to Goldmember
jewjew abrams mystery box