What do we think of the God's Not Dead franchise?

What do we think of the God's Not Dead franchise?

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Unfathomably based if real.

This guy gets less pussy than your average Yea Forums user fucking kek

Based Hercules

>food analogy


You can still sell the child for one

>This guy gets less pussy than your average Yea Forums user fucking kek

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Have sex with a prostitute

kevin sorbo has gotten a ton of puss, what are you on about

not that there's anything wrong with being an incel

I wonder how many abortions he has forced his companions to do

Abortion is murder and I approve of murdering blacks

>it's another "Yea Forums pretends an awful actor is good because they're contrarian" episode
I'm getting tired of this trope desu

Kevin Sorbo’s career is dead. You played a daytime television version of Hercules. What’d you expect? To transition to being a movie star?

>republicans do everything they can to make every aspect of our lives completely miserable as they work with the dems to see who can suck corpo dick harder
>they then turn their focus to ruin the last thing we can enjoy, sex

I hate America so much.

yeah, because all contraceptive methods have a 100% efficacy

I'm a protestant but I found it obnoxious. The whole atheist philosophy professor bit was just retarded. Religion and philosophy, especially Christianity, are deeply entwined. So no philosophy professor, even an atheist one, is going to go full fedora tipper and ask for proofs of God because he would already be familiar with all the arguments.
And then the arguments the student replied with were retarded themselves and not really reflective of Christian theology.

No. Anyone who has sex supports abortion. You don't have to be a full lefty but no one wants to get some random roastie pregnant.

Right-wingers are 100% okay with abortion when they or someone in their family needs one.

The debate is over at "abortion is evil." I never see them address that elephant in the room they always go straight to their hollywood "what if she was raped by her patriarchal father and she needed to get an abortion so she could go to law school and also if she had that baby the stress of childbirth will kill her!!!" These people live in la la land. It's not even a religious thing, you're objectively killing a human. The pig fetuses I dissected in biology class were objectively pigs even though they were never born. There is no arbitrary point where it suddenly "becomes" a human either.

They will NEVER address that and just threaten to not have sex with you (no thanks), make up a story or come up with false argument like "if you hate abortion why don't you adopt kids!?!" Correct answer to all of those is "not my problem."

contrarianism isn't real

Do you know how much birth control you can buy for the price of an abortion? Cope harder faggot.

>I'm a protestant
Cringe, take tradpill

>abortion is evil
Abortion is murder*

True. God's not dead is literally evangelical midwit the movie.

>he would already be familiar with all the arguments.
You'd be surprised. There's a lot of specialization in the field of Philosophy.


Sure bud. Totally not what happens on Yea Forums, especially Yea Forums every day. All of these angry faggots totally just hate every popular movie/show because they're smarter than everybody else

Yeah, most philosophy professors dont know much about the philosophy of religion, but none of them would be even half as ignorant as the strawman the movie proposed. Even more ridiculous was the great reveal that he ackshually hates God because he's sad and bitter. It's just not an honest movie

The entire religious argument is there to wag the dog. Make you argue over something irrelevant to their true end goal. They want soldiers and menial laborers and they can’t have that if the birth rate is declining because poor people can decide to have kids when they can afford to give them a better life. These people at the highest echelons of the economic strata view people at the bottom as cattle. If the rich seem ghoulish in how inhuman and callous they are it’s because they are

Giving women choices is bad, but killing kids is based.

>The debate is over
>90% of Americans don't want roe over turned
>70% of Texans don't want the abortion ban
Yeah nice cope

Wow, that's an unusually contrarian take. I think you're right.

>most philosophy professors dont know much about the philosophy of religion
...you think "most philosophy professors" aren't familiar with Augustine, Aquinas, Descartes, Kant, etc?

this, killing babies is cool, but i don't want women to rights

>I'm a protestant
Ew, kill yourself.

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Who the fuck cares about the death of kids you despise anyway? You gotta stop them early befor they start to grow into being gibs and starting to demand rights too.

You know what society REALLY needs is a massive influx of single mothers raising children they resent and never wanted in the first place.

I don't have any religious objections to abortion and honestly I wouldn't give a shit if you sucked some third trimester FAS mutant out of the mother's womb with a shop vac before launching it back into the air and blasting it with a shotgun, but it's fun watching women try to justify themselves like this. Yeah, I let some total stranger fuck me raw fully aware of what would happen afterwards and now am off to have our child obliterated, but why should I have ever have to be accountable for my actions?

True that. If you have money and famous you're going to be fucking a lot of bitches no matter what and when one of them eventually gets pregnant, of course you're going to have them get an abortion.

No thats not what I said at all. I acknowledged that philosophy has specialized fields, that most professors do not specialize in the philosophy of religion, but then reasserted my original point that some parts of philosophy are fundamentally tied to religion and so no professor would be as ignorant as the movie portrayed.


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>Yeah, most philosophy professors dont know much about the philosophy of religion
Pfffft. I think you mean they don't know a lot about all the different theologies within religion like Baptist, Methodist etc. Philosophy Proffesors absolutely know about the philosophy of religion.

Maybe stop having sex

Maybe once sex ceases to become consequence free society will return to basic morality.


Oh, genius idea, we should start a book of rules and create a fearsome deity to enforce them. Maybe someone in the sky who may bring them peace if they do what we say for a century. And if they break the rules, he will punish them.

that sounds like a very jewish idea

Or maybe just dont have sex if you're not prepared to raise a child. What do you think people did in the whole of human history prior to contraceptives?

Go ahead and show a non-biased poll that backs these claims.

Children might push a woman into an early grave. Abortions prevent that.

you eat fucking TVs?

had sex anyway

>This guy gets less pussy than your average Yea Forums user fucking kek

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You seem upset you actually have to use your human sensibilities and not act like some wild animal

are you trying to say women didn't have abortions before?

And yet there was hardly any single motherhood back then

Even if you do support it I wish people wouldn't act like it's such a cut-and-dry issue. The line you draw at whatever stage of development before which abortion is okay isn't any less arbitrary than the line drawn at conception.

It's called a condom and plan B, there is no excuse.

This is why Elon bought twitter (((they))) want the white men to feel safe to come back to twitter. Shitholes like gab are unironically getting too powerful.

Maybe you could read my post, rub those two little brain cells together, and figure out what I'm trying to say.

I want to fuck like a wild animal
I want to live hedonistically
I want to return to monkey

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>t. Failed middle school biology

are you fucking kidding?

hardly any living past 30hood too

Abortion extends life expectancy? Thats ironic.

Plan B is also murder based upon the arguments most conservatives make.

>Plan B is also murder based upon the arguments most conservatives make
Nice strawman.

People had sex out of wedlock before and had abortions too, because sex is enjoyable. You can't take that away from anyone, you massive retard

>Anyone who has sex supports abortion.
This is what soulless baby-killing Gestapo tell themselves.

even if not a single person believed the truth, it would still be the truth.

there is no magical transition when the child is born. it is still what it was. a human. when an egg is inseminated, and the DNA is twined into a new combination and growth begins. that's a new life. it's an unique human being, and killing it is murder.

when do you think a life begins? when you know your name? when memories begin? should we be able to kill a 1 year old because it's dumb, like a fetus is dumb? if it's not a human being, and not a person, should you be able to cook a 1 year old alive while it screams? surely there wouldn't be anything wrong with that, since it's not a person.

but it's ok to do that to someone who hasn't left their mothers body? why? what's the difference, in the end?

abortion is murder. and i hate niggers and want to murder nigger babies, but the fact is, women are a bigger problem then niggers, and reigning them in, and making them accountable for their actions even a little, is a big win. we've come so far from human life, maybe WE should be aborted, if we can't return to normal life.

No one is though, there are consequences for the act tho

Yeah Im sure there was 2 million abortions a year back then.

you can just make the woman have the child and leave it to die on a hill somewhere

>i..its literally impossible to buy a condom!

the absolute state of low iq retards

libtards destroyed

>Life begins at conception
>Plan B literally stops conception from occurring
How is this a straw man?

Because conception didn't yet occur

Condoms are for highschoolers. No adult straight man uses a condom, unless the skank really stink.

Conservatives position on abortion is the same kind of virtue signalling and moral grandstanding that faggot twitter SJWs do.
None of you care about newborns or children. Otherwise you would all be lining up to adopt some whores unwanted child.

literally the opposite of a strawman. if life begins at conception, then plan b is murder. how is it not?

>republicans do everything they can to make every aspect of our lives completely miserable
Lol fucking what? Last thing Republicans did that directly affected me was lowee my taxes. Last I checked the people doing things that negatively impacted my life, i.e. importing millions of illegals, enforcing censorship, raising taxes, abolishing the police, putting CRT and LGBTBBQ+ shit in Kindergaten classes, etc., were Democrats.

>What do we think of the God's Not Dead franchise?
Its shit
If you want to watch religious kino, you have a huge selection to pick from


Exactly the problem and why I support abortion. You just want to punish people for breaking your fictional sky daddy's rules. You don't give a shit about their children and will gladly let the babies starve to death after birth. Then pretend you have the high road and your morals mean anything. Also, abortion is not anywhere near as pleasant as your ignorant ass assumes.

>Do you know how much birth control you can buy for the price of an abortion?
Yeah, because evangelicals totally won't ban that next

Wait so Abortion IS just a condom stand-in for you people?
You faggots swore up and down for YEARS that that wasn't what it was about and it was instead about "women's rights" or some shit.

>preventing God's plan of a fertile egg and sperm meeting isn't literally the same thing as drying a nigger on the electric chair
are you sure you're really a conservative? This sounds Jewish to me...

no I wouldn't because I didn't make it, I take care of every single one of the kids I do make though because it's my personal responsibility for engaging in the act of procreation.

Not a burger with your left right shit

Don't waste your time arguing with Leftwingers

Gaslighting and deflection is one of their main strategies, just like the Establishment, Elites, and NWO

Your taxes went up under Democrats? You must make a shit ton of money user. What do you do?

>reallocate funds from planned parenthood and child benefits
>cash reward for single mothers who give up their child and get sterilized
>faster screening of adoption candidates
>free condom machines
Problem solved.

>if you genuinely think it's wrong for me to drop a brick on a brick on a babys head then you have to raise the baby yourself. Otherwise you're virtue signalling

Lol is that what you tell yourself to cope?

this exactly only with rightwingers desu

This is the retard shit they teach blacks to ensure they keep having unwanted babies and stay poor

According to Leviticus 20:9 it's a parents right to kill their child, so I don't know why the secular state thinks they can violate my 1st Amendment rights to free exercise of religion.


>I dont want to argue so the conversation is finished!
Fuck you faggot, you are so low IQ you are bringing down the average.

i mean it's objective fact so it's not really something i "tell myself"

and the consequence doesn't affect you at all, why do you care so much?, do you really want to spend your taxes raising an unwanted kid of someone you don't give a fuck?. Legal or not women will continue to do it
It wasn't that widespread like now because it was very taboo, but you can't really deny your nature, especially now that most people don't believe in god

So why haven't they then? It's been within their power to do so, so why haven't they made a stab at it? You clearly don't understand jack shit about religious people.

If conception were God's plan then the baby would have been conceived. Otherwise you're denying Gods providence

So good for you then faggot.
Just admit you have zero empathy and don't give a single fuck about these newborns and children once they're born because their parents are going to burdened with debt because of Americas shitty health care system. So God forbid your kid is healthy because you're fucked financially but if your kid is born with life altering birth defects that you would have otherwise aborted... where will the conservatives be to lend a hand then? lmao

OLD Testament trannie

That's all jewish you gaslighting fuck

The exact opposite, I'd be much more mad about someone in my family getting an abortion than a NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER.
Abortions should be illegal for white people and mandatory for NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER NIGGERS

>uh if you really believed in toilets you'd let me shit and piss in your mouth
yeah man

The bullshit that Abortionists tell themselves to feel better about their own abhorrent views and quell their cognitive dissonance sometimes outright staggers me.