Do the Illuminati know about Kang/TVA and vice versa? Surely multiversal shit would interfere with the TVA's anti-variant boner.
Do the Illuminati know about Kang/TVA and vice versa? Surely multiversal shit would interfere with the TVA's anti-variant boner.
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Once again first reply, I just broke this thread's hymen. Anyone else who posts after me is getting my sloppy seconds, my leftovers.
Just remember that the first reply is the most special reply and you'll never experience this thread the way I did and this thread will never feel the way it felt about me about you.
It's Over , you might as well just go post on Reddit and talk about how much of a "man" you are for replying on a thread that I pump and dumped. Have fun with my scraps, cucks
We wuz Kang
Porbably not, but the fact that Kang died in Loki's tv series is why all of this multiverse shit is happening now. Presumably ,he had it on lock before to ensure this could of crap does happen and everything is contained into one single "verse."
Do the other Illuminati members know about Captain Carter doing this?
First bad choice for ramie
The TVA only had an anti-variant boner and purged timelines that would have resulted in a future alternate Kang. They don't give a shit about anything else.
Don’t think it has too. Loki takes place in 2012, Dr Strange in 2023/24. There’s plenty time to assemble the Illuminati
Now how time works for the TVA and between different multiverses… who fucking knows
Asking again since last thread just died, what are some good comics where heroes die? It's not a must but bonus points if its super hero on super hero murder, already read the civil war and zombie shit.
Well that's confusing. If they killed their strange because he was using the darkhold book why did they have against MCU Strange?
Also, didn't he tell them that Wanda using the darkhold? The shit they are scared of?
Looks like the Illuminati were retarded as fuck.
what the fuck when did the MCU do kang the conqueror shit? you're telling me i need to watch MULTIPLE MCU spin offs to understand multiverse of madness and not just wandavision?
that's actually kind of cool just like muh comic crossover set ups
This Illuminati-verse and all the other ones could only come in to existence without being reset after Kang was killed in Loki
Why are the illuminati all jobbers? I thought they were the strongest most experienced iterations
this can't be real
>wtf why are they weak
and not
>wtf she's out of control and incredibly powerful
You've never read a comic book.
Imagine the smell of her cooch
over confident and arrogant just like the illuminati in the comics
the execution leaves a lot to be desired though
So you tell me that canonically Xavier from 90' s cartoon became a part of Illuminati and was killed by Wanda? It isn't what i had in mind for X-Men sequel....
I believe they purged ALL alternate timelines which leads me to this question - did the Illuminati exist before Kang was killed or are their memories of the past "fake" as in retroactively created? Did timelines start to diverge chronologically after Kang's death or dis they go back in time to split before contemporary time thus creating ebtire histories up to our own time out of nothing and everyone living in them having memories that were instantly created. I hope I explained it clear enough kek.
Fake but I will jack off to it.
Their mini-seires introductory comic series is all about how they job and get literally buttfucked and probed by aliens for months.
It isn't
No I haven't read a single comic in my life aside from naruto - I'm not a loser
probing captain atwell..
>Did timelines start to diverge chronologically after Kang's death
Probably, but I wouldn't making sense of it time-wise.
Just assuming the branching could happen at any point in history, which already leads to an endless multiverse were X-Men or Fantastic Four can exist.
Read actually good comics like Watchmen or X-Statix. X-Statix kinda came out before reality hit it's peak so it's a story about celebrity X-Men that go on life or death missions. The series starts a bit earlier in X-Force so just look it up to find out where to get started.
No one knows what's the purpose of new TVA & Kang. At the end of Loki old Kang (prime?) and TVA die with him
mmm yes
You know she has actual nudes right? She even posted one from when she just turned 18
On another note how does Wanda kill captain nigger? Pretty sure they’d be equals
wanda absorbs her power and turns her back into a regular human before dropping the statue on her
>Just assuming the branching could happen at any point in history,
That would make the most sense I think. An already formed multiverse.
>Why is the time bending, reality warping wizard who can do anything because magic the most dangerous
Why indeed.
is strange even in this movie?
that's headcanon
Why is Wanda so strong?
is the loki series worth watching for the kang stuff?
No, this 20 second clip is the whole movie.
She's daughter of one of the most powerful mutants after all
no it isnt, it's in the leaked scene
YT took it down but it was in the last thread
How much of the lesbian genderqueer sassy latino is in this?
Cool, i'll check it out, but honestly i just want to watch heroes die or at least have an actual hard time, not necessarily having a "bad guy wins lamo" kinda meme, i just want to see the brutality of their strength being displayed.
why is raimi /qa/ shitposting in his movie
Eeeeeehh it has some nice apocalyptic scenery and a comfy feel to it. Kang appears in the last episode. It's also a bait and switch with a female Loki taking the lead.
Should’ve lynched her.
And scarlet witch isn't a bigger treat? They thought she was a jobber 5 minutes before she whoop their asses.
But, from that, would the TVA always have been useless? The people arrested for the ‘sacred timeline’ would just have another universes version where they weren’t, making Kang’s whole thing a sham, and Loki’s finale meaningless
I saw it, but didn't see taking the power.
cool it with the racism bro
>She even posted one from when she just turned 18
She what?
this user forgot to mentions she's cute
nice pun
Oh ZAMN bruh, Ashy Will in this? Sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesh fr fr? Might watch the movie for taht alone, cuz this shit BUSSIN!!!
That's pretty good.
because she's diet strange lite and also these movies and most comics are extremely poorly written.
Divergent timelines are shown to be born all across the time stream at any point in time and not just at what we consider to be the present. With the removal of He Who Remains and the TVA no longer resetting divergent timelines, the Illuminati-verse could have come into existence any number of years, centuries, millennia ect ago
it's a 7/10 tv show, I enjoyed it. If you don't mind wasting your time , go for it.
It was pretty useful as long as it functioned as intended. A multiverse being created instantly doesn't delete their success up to that point. It worked for millions? of years.
Why didn't Wanda solo Thanos?
they say raimi is pretty fun and chill to work w/ I hope its true
She is a remarkably average bongistani post-wall roastie with a rat face
they had a little beam battle and then her suit and power starting melting off, how else do explain it? energy absorption is one of wandas known powers in the mcu.