Start watching first 5 minutes of a movie on my pc

>start watching first 5 minutes of a movie on my pc
>pause movie to check on Yea Forums threads
>watch a bit of a youtube video
>go back to movie
>start up a video game, run around for a bit, close game after 10 minutes
>go back to movie
>get bored and go back to random Yea Forums threads

I'm so sick of this shit bros, is my brain broken?

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you ever feel relieved when your thread dies, like you can finally do something else and not have to check on it, but then you start a new thread anyways?
i hate that

Yes, it's over.
I'm the same. I actually can't make myself do anything productive in two weeks, feel bored at all times, lazy and unmotivated, nothing seems interesting. Barely forced myself to make a meal to not be starving despite it taking like 20 minutes of my time.

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>on my pc
Just watch it on your TV (if available). Problem solved.

it's all really boring one you take an objective look at it, user
i don't understand how i ever could spend hours upon hours playing the same damn game

unironically how do I stop browsing Yea Forums? I eat, sleep, work, click back and forth between a few boards. This place is destroying me. I can't set a lock because I can just disable it. Set me free

it's all so banal, compared to other things you could be doing

Try shrooms or acid, im exactly like you but i marathoned a couple series and movies on psychedelics, it just subliminally locks in your focus

or do some coke
that'll focus your ass too with some luck
tripping distorts the view too much for it to be watchable i find

>tripping distorts the view too much for it to be watchable i find
Or enhances it
Anime gets a new level, bleak, desaturated movies like some snyder kinos or tokyo vice look great with that colorama edge acid puts on it

i refuse to watch garbage that turns "people" into trannies

>is my brain broken?
Yes, social media (Yea Forums included) has been a disaster for attention spans and memory. It's hapenning to me as well, I remember things I was thinking about 10 mins ago

for me I see if the video is on VHS and then buy it super cheap on ebay and then just pop it in and watch

easier this way
watching on computers is a distraction when instant dopamine hits on Yea Forums is a few clicks away
even dvds with menus can be a distraction

with VHS I watch the movie immediately
yeah it's oldschool but I find it comfy

Meh, your loss
theres too much accessible media of all forms for one person to consoom in one lifetime, but anime is a nice genre to come to occasionally

Stop going on the computer and get some out door hobbies. The nice thing is you can do things outdoors solitarily. Go hike in the mountain or something.

Literally me.

Yes your brain is broken, but it can be fixed. Find something meaningful to do instead of things that are basically a waste of time (if you can't even concentrate on them)

I can't even watch an 11 minute cartoon in one sitting

Not a bad idea. Whenever I take edibles movies are 1000% more interesting and I will watch it all uninterrupted. In fact everything is more interesting when you are high

Yup. Tired of living this way.

i don't feel like i'm missing out
but thanks all the same


Weed? I've only done an edible once (put it on pizza and baked it lol) and it was the best high of my life.

time to get back into nature
give it some time and it'll fix itself
the brain is amazing like that

dopamine fukup you ruined your reward centre way easy to fix than people say way less fun to fix than people say

your brain is programmed for fast twitch response to interesting stimuli
>when an abundance of this stimuli is available it seeks it you seek it because it feels good doing long ardious or non instantly rewarding things looses apeal when in an enviroment with easy acess to shot term benefits

atleast thats what i gather from random youtube vids and Yea Forums

it's easy to recover from it should you want it, but it is still quite the uphill battle

Yeah this thread was a bit of a wake up call. I think im going to start limiting my screen time. Thanks fren

you're welcome and good luck
it all starts with little steps
if your brain tells you to do something regarding dopamine, tell it to fuck of and go for a walk
you'll see improvement soon enough
don't sweat it if you relapse, it happens to the best of us
>the will to want it (get better) is everything

Speed the movie up 2 times and you can finish faster

You need to reset your brain. To do this you need to unplug pretty much all of your electronics. Force yourself to just be bored, and entertain yourself via non-electronic means, like books or crafts. Slowly phase electronic entertainment back into your life, starting with just listening to music, then single episodes of TV shows. Over time you'll slowly rebuild your attention span. However, if you go back to your old habits, you'll end up in the same place quickly.

Lol you porn addicted retards are something else. I wonder what your iq is

post steps on how to recover

i think its decently complex but as with almost anything reduces to simple steps
the idea is
absetenance of instant gratification
re-asosication of gratification with long term goal

theres probably more to in

but for example how do you make a habbit
well you could become addicted to stamping on your foot if every day when you wake up you stamp on your foot do a line of coke then scream in enjoyment

do that long enough and you will assosicate stamping on your foot with having a fat line of coke ect

a crude and retarded example but you get the idea

also re-asociation isnt just physical its mental you have to imagine shit aswell as actually do shit

thanks fren, ill try

This. Much easier to stick with a movie or show if you watch it away from your computer. Turn your phone off too - or leave it in another room.

next time you want to do whatever it is you want to stop doing flood your brain with feel good chemicals and dont do it then imagine in your mind that not doing that thing is why you now feel good

its actually true so not hard to do

id try that as a first step
probably specific chemicals are better for this i wouldnt know though

the classics dopamine seratonin adrenaline ect check them out probably a study on what chemicals best for it

for example have a strong coffie for adren go for a long run for endorph or try some of the batshit crazy mediation for dope

like refreshing Yea Forums you mean?

kek we all fall for this trap its a dope trap or so i hear

I tried to watch "the hot chick" on shrooms but i stopped watching before rob schneider even appeared. "ace venture: when nature calls" was fucking insanely good on shrooms though

i cant even watch movies anymore. i can barely watch tv shows.

you'll know you've descended into madness when you start watching reaction videos

This is why I go to the theater, no distractions. Just two hours of brain turned off

what might be a real problem here is if the reason your doing the thing is because you want to feel bad kek that would suck especially if it was a subconches thought or feeling wherein you trick your conches self into thinking it will be good but on an internal level are self destructing lmao

then you cant just flood with feel goods you probably have to do some priory of sion nonsense to get the desired effect and will probably be a ball ache to fix but still very fixable imo kek

just keep that in mind if the feel good isnt working after a month

get out of my head

Social media, including Yea Forums, is the worst thing you can do to yourself. It's even worse than porn, in many cases. At least with porn, after you nut you're done for a while. With social media, you just gotta keep scrolling forever. I can't remember the last time browsing Yea Forums was time well spent, but I still come here every night.

I'm addicted, I wish I wasn't itt right now.

I already have unfortunately. For me, it's Mr Video.

Have you tried reading a book?

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how the fuck are people eating shrooms or acid and doing gay mundane shit like watching movies. whew. go outside man.

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can i please get a (you) guys
i've had a really rough week

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Good morning sir

step 1) eat shrooms
step 2) put on a movie

nothing wrong with it really. you can eat shrooms more than once and try different things

I even do this with porn now

I got my son a tablet and I realized when I take it away, he's like a zombie. Did I fuck up?

All the other kids will have shit like that and he'll probably resent you if he doesn't have it too. Kids now are fucked either way.

maybe try and treat yourself better. live in a world where you go out to dinner to give yourself that sensation you crave. watch the movie because it was the one you wanted to watch. play that video game because you had an imagination of something it would be and you wanted to figure that out for yourself

>going out to dinner alone
Yeah that would be great, being stared at by normalfags who are secretly laughing at me for having anyone to bring with me. Fuck you.

you're getting this one, but that's it. you gotta wean off it, and the best time to do that is when life is hardest

normalfags don't even notice you're there man, just do it

cheer up

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>>go back to movie
>>get bored and go back to random Yea Forums threads
It's just a bad movie, so stop watching it. You don't have to finish it if it's bad.

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because watching movies is a social activity
a friendless loser will never understand

ADHD, which is treatable, and there are effective non stimulant medications for it too.