Stargate: Kiss My Asguard

Stargate: Kiss My Asguard

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>Kiss My Ass
if you insist

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Based GOOLD poster

were there any female asguards


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The Asgard did not have genders technically because they made clones of their bodies and transferred their consciousnesses into them, from one body to the next, so they had a form of immortality. They had genders a long time ago, though.

Cadet Cutie reporting in, Sir!

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At ease, whiz kid.

>feel giant tauri tits for the first time
>you have no genitals
No wonder they were willing to die.

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Heimdall says that they were unable to sexually reproduce for like 1000 years or something, so there probably used to be genders before the cloning began.

I’d end it too, it would so be over.

>10,000 year old ayy
>40 year old woman
Sam is a loli by Asgard standards.

Never underestimate your audience. They're generally sensitive, intelligent people that respond positively to quality entertainment.

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he really does come into his own once they get past like the first 7 episodes and his whole getting the band back together shtick

landry and dr lee scenes are complete episode killers though and the last two seasons are just full of them

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best carter coming through, if you disagree please keep your pleb opinions in your pleb universe

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And then there is that Dr. lamb babe

Now that I've watched Farscape I have much more disdain for the last 2 seasons because I've seen where they were copying their homework from, so to speak. Some of the episodes, like the space race one, really do feel like scripts that were discarded from it and repurposed.

I'd rather have Dr Janet operate on me though. In Stargate universe booba determines brains.

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she's a qt in every universe

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been thinking about this episode lately
what if we're just living in this timeline because someone fucked up the original?

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Even when evil. No wonder Nirtii wanted her for next host.

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tfw no tradwife carter

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i've fapped to that episode

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>tradwife carter
Watching that episode at a young age had the opposite of the intended "stronk independent whamen" effect on me. I realized that in the warlord's place I'd totally spoil Sam. I'd become even more of a male chauvinist in the effort to make my smart adorable captive comfy.

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what a gentleman. side note, why did o'neilll turn her down? is he gay?

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>made clones of their bodies and transferred their consciousnesses into them
Do they still remember the time before the cloning started, given that they're immortal? Also why did they have to go looking for an older version of themselves? I would have thought if you embarked on cloning for immortality, keeping some of your old DNA preserve would be a top priority.

should I bother alternating between episodes of SG-1 and Atlantis when watching them? if not, should I bother with alternating seasons or just watch Atlantis after SG-1?

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You're not supposed to fuck people in your chain of command. Traditionally it was never a problem because women weren't serving in the same units with men (and homos were expected to remain closeted on duty), but nowadays it's more of a big deal. You can't afford to form a romantic relationship with someone you might have to send into combat, because your personal feelings would impair your judgement.

Start with the film. Then watch SG1 in order.

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Possible. There are anons on /x/ who think this is for real.

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i'd suggest alternating (from s8 on) , i'm doing it now. it helps stretch out the good bits of each series

I guess they didnt foresee the disastrous effects of cloning indefinitely

Honestly this show sucked as, I tried to watch this ancient 90s crap and the CGI and costumes look like someone in high school computer class made them

It has been so long that they had no remaining record from the time when they had genders. They discovered a ship once with a crew in stasis that still had its junk intact and they were studying it to figure out how to get sexual reproduction going again so they didn’t die out. I believe it’s implied that they’d been cloning bodies for thousands of years, maybe more. So, the information was lost.

No don’t alternate. It’s okay to watch one and then the other. I would watch Atlantis second, however.

You missed out on a great show. The CGI gets better. The budget expanded a lot over the years. And it was quite good for its time. Focus on the story and characters. Never know you might like it.

>no remaining record
They're supposed to retain memories between clones aren't they? Surely at least one of them remembers where to find old records or DNA.

It’s a valid point. Maybe the replicators destroyed some of their databases. They were destroying whole consuming whole Asgard worlds, after all.

didint the spartans encourage homosexual relations in their troops for exactly the opposite reason?
their idea was if you go into the field with someone you love you fight harder for them.

Good point. The only reason I can think of is that military tactics were different for them. Phalanx formations require everyone to be heroic at the same time, so that the line doesn't break and the front line doesn't shift to the right due to soldiers hiding behind the shield of the man next to them. Everyone is put at risk for the group, but no one is singled out to take an individual risk.
Modern infantry is the exact opposite, with loose formations to present a smaller target to the enemy. A commander has to regularly choose individuals to take point, breach doors, throw grenades, etc. Having any favouritism for an individual would prevent you from giving them the correct orders for the situation.

Have fun, fren.

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Some plotlines stretch across many episodes though, so you need to watch them in order to make sure you understand what is going on. Unless you're a Rain Man level autist who never forgets anything.

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The only thing that breaks the immersion is their uniform pockets don't have room for P90 magazines. Otherwise there's really nothing wrong with the production.

How are the blu-rays? Kind of tired of 360p or whatever the fuck the early season torrents are.

What episode and how many minutes in is this scene, someone always asks but never any answers?

I don’t think there are blu-rays of the early seasons of SG-1 because of the cameras they were shooting with, like they aren’t good for conversion somehow.

I remember when I watched them on TV they would air SG-1 on Friday night and then Atlantis right after, so I imagine they were designed to be watch alternatively.

>could take anyone as a host
>chose her
What did Baal mean by this?

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You can torrent the blu-ray version, it's especially useful to appreciate the frontal nudity in the first episode.

I really liked her big tits spilling out of her shirt when she was in the farscape spoof shot

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>mogging the actual Chiana who had to have makeup applied to her chest to give the appearance of a cleavage

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lmao there is no coming back from this

Damn, she is hot. Any nudes?

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how can you call someone with those shotgun barrel nostrils cute?
literal creatura for 720p streaming. for 720p Blu-ray mega links.
Have fun

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I'm gonna KREEEEE


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I remember being very confused the first time I saw that episode, having never seen an episode of farscape, or even heard of it

Atlantis doctor coming through.

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