What did they eat

What did they eat

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Looks like ice cream from what I can tell. Also, the goth looking one is pretty hot.

they have a personal chef at their headquarters. this was the plot of the very first episode.


They eat one giant meal before bedtime in order to be healthy

we're mostly water
bleach is mostly water
therefore, we are bleach
here, drink this
>uh cants we just puts the bleachs in the piss cups?

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They go to the food library


But how does he rent food from food libraries?

Hamburger time

food libreareee
foood lie-breeh-aaa-reee
food lib-br-breaaa-aareeee..

Season 3 was so comfy. I used to watch in study hall on my ipod classic

Does this meals haves cilantro in it?


fuck yous, seasons one and two ams the best
three and four are too digital

Doomstar Requiem stucks the landings

I can't remember season 4. Saw it when it came out and that was it. The song sequences in s3 are top tier. Tokis cat song, pickles vs rehab, that badass song in the first episode of s3 at the end when the manager comes back. It's just a badass season

sorry, i dont watch musicals

For me? It’s Detharmonic and the how can I be your hero song

Skyhunter and the Depths of Humanity for me

>Depths of humanity
Anytime in television and film when I see henchmen start to dance, I know I’m about to witness kinography

thunderhorse and skyhunter

>he doesn't Ejaculate Fire

How did this never get a billion dollar budget live action, action/comedy/horror movie.... WHAT... THE... FUCK...

They'd rather fuck Brendan out of $20


It was cancelled for bullshit behind the scenes shenanigans.

[AS] was retarded enough to give up music rights, in full, to the show for no reason, and got REALLY assblasted when it turned out album sales were making more money than the show itself.
Fans successfully crowdfunded another season after it was cancelled and AS turned it down (literal free, guaranteed money if they say yes), thats how assblasted they were.

AS is pretty infamous for being shitty and underhanded towards the people keeping them afloat, makes me so angry

explain and elaborate

>Home Movies guy makes metal albums
>it's better than almost everything else on the market
They might not have been right to get upset, but who the fuck would've bothered securing those rights beforehand.

as a big fan of the show, the music he put in the shows was waaaaay better than what was on the album. I dunno how or why, but it was.

it was a #metoo thing iirc

Metalocalypse's creator was hated by Mike Lazzo, the guy who ran adult swim before and nuked any chances of it coming back. There was a huge campaign on Hulu to bring it back a while ago that gained a lot of traction but Mike still threw a fit. However it’s getting a movie on HBO max now

Lazzo also contributed to the general death of Adult Swim when he prioritized money for shit like Mr. Pickles over VB, keeping VB only because Doc is a competent writer who can unfuck other shows into a state in which they can actually be funny. Canceling metalocalypse, superjail and athf in a spree on the retarded premise that AS needed to 'move on' to new things also fucked them up. I genuinely don't see AS lasting another five years, which is a shame, but it's been on so long it's starting to feel like a relic of the 2000s rather than the hip new thing. Teenagers would rather watch funny ass videos on twitch and youtube anyway, the late-night comedy show format has become as dated as the music videos it replaced.

Mike Lazzo cancelled Space Ghost because he personally hated it
Mike Lazzo cancelled Aqua Teen because he never liked it
Mike Lazzo cancelled Metalocalypse because he had personal beef with Brendon Small
Mike Lazzo cancelled World Peace because he's a triggered Clintonista
Mike Lazzo cancelled Moral Orel because he thought Season 3 was "retarded and not funny"
Mike Lazzo refused to greenlight Smiling Friends and wanted to give the Mr Pickles spinoff another season

Mike Lazzo looks like Kurt Cobain

>but who the fuck would've bothered securing those rights beforehand.
The rights were theirs by default.
They could've just said no.
They could've kept them or not but demanded to split a % of profits.
They chose to give them away entirely, because they thought that they'd be near worthless and it meant getting a better deal on the other earnings.
They were wrong and it backfired horribly.

>it's about mermaid murder

Scotch and beer

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Idiot. Season 3 was peak kino. The episode with the tribute bands was fucking hilarious, also Dory McClean.

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In fairness he also greenlit all those shows in the first place, and with World Peace him and Walter Newman were the only ones defending it at Adult Swim, all their woke underlings were trying everything to get it canned.

And also, as soon as Lazzo retired we got a million female created shows like Birdgirl and Teenage Euthanasia which are about as funny at catshit.

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take me back to the 2000s please

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And she only fourteen

Everything about his show was kino then they started doing the gay toki sing alongs. Wtf happened.

how the FUCK was their music so good? like it's genuinely great metal

Laughed my ass off when Toki got caught in a cover band. Such a stupid gag but I was dying

Brendon Small is a genius.

Dont let Yea Forums metalfags hear you say that
Theyll start seething by calling it fake metal because it has a discernible melody and sub-classifying it to cope with the fact that the cartoon metal parody outsold most other metal albums


you shouldn't have told me
i'm gonna go shitpost on Yea Forums

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Skwisgaar eats g-milfs.

neither do I but it was fucking fantastic

pfft, its dildos

no, the singing gets old after a few minutes, just give me normal fucking dialogue
that prancing la la bullshit is not brutal or metal

Filtered, if you didn’t enjoy Doomstar you’re simply taking Metalocalypse too seriously and I don’t know how that’s even possible

>taking too seriously
what are you talking about
the only fucking problem is everything said is sung
and not sung like how they do the actual music
not sung like regular talking but fancy voices instead
sung with slow, slow entonations of every bloody syllable
it becomes grating very quickly
have you seriously never met anyone that wasn't into opera you posh cocksucker

For me its Galaktikon II

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this is a dethklok thread fuck off

>He doesn't know
Galak II was the 'official' ending for Metalocalypse until they announced it was getting another movie

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