My friend has watched Breaking Bad 5 times and has watched each season of Better Call Saul twice

>my friend has watched Breaking Bad 5 times and has watched each season of Better Call Saul twice
What compels people to watch the same thing over again? There's so many good shows out there to last a lifetime without repeating.

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your friend sounds cool

my friend watches all the new marvel movies in cinema at least 5+ times

Mental illness

Name 5

Hey fuck you, i told you that in confidence.

If it's kino it's worth rewatching. Simple as

I have seen Mad Men in it's entirety at least five times and everytime I try to watch some other show I just wish I was watching Mad Men instead. Your friend is probably a similar case except he is a plen

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I don't watch anything twice, movies or TV shows. I ingest them, and let them remain that way in my memory indefinitely. I also generally find new music, listen to it heavily for a while, then move onto something new. No clue why, but I've been this way my entire adult life, just constantly finding new media to consume, enjoy, and leave behind.

I'd say I'm your friend but I don't have any and have also watched both shows more times. Probably some latent form of autism combined with not being interested in watching anything else at the time. Surprises are nice but knowing exactly what happens then seeing it happen makes my brain feel good.

Most people have the memory of goldfishes so they don't get bothered rewatching the same shit over and over.
Only people who have an edetic memory view this as insane behavior because it would be torture for them.

>start to lose touch with reality again
>have to watch an old movie or tv show from my childhood in order to stop myself from disassociating

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what fucking schizo

I've rewatched Miami Vice 20 times in the last decade.

There’s some shows I can understand watching a few times. In fact I watched game of thrones twice around season 6 before I knew how shit it was heading. But breaking bad seems like a pretty retarded to show to watch more than once. It’s not actually something you’ll pick up more from seeing it twice for the most part

I've probably rewatched Deadwood twenty times.

>There's so many good shows out there
not really

some people like reliability I suppose

I've watched each episode of dateline: to catch a predator with chris hansen at least 5 times

I've probably watched Naruto and Yu Yu Hakusho 50+ times at this point

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Oftentimes you notice things you didn't see on first watch. How retarded are you to not realize this?

What compels you to swallow so much semen?

>There's so many good shows out there to last a lifetime without repeating

I've watched Trailer Park Boys, Always Sunny and Breaking Bad 5 times through each, Sons of Anarchy 2 times, UK Office like 7 times, Peep Show 4+ times etc. etc.
I watch the same movies all the time since childhood, why waste movie time on some bullshit that is 95% guaranteed to be shit

i know two women that can quote every line of every episode of The Office. they always tell me shit like "omg user youre SUCH a Toby" and then theyll start giggling. i wish I knew what that meant but they wont tell me and i cant stomach more than 30 seconds of the show.

but user mad men is just as plebby as breaking bad or better call saul. mad men is great don't get me wrong but it was definitely normie-bait while it was airing

Most shows coming out now are woke pieces of shit, and I’m a liberal who is willing to admit it. Writers responsible are barely educated. Jumbled plots, no character depth, retarded pacing, you name it.

>I also generally find new music, listen to it heavily for a while, then move onto something new.
Are you me?

Never understood why people watch the same show over and over. You have to be psychotic to do that.
>There's so many good shows out there to last a lifetime without repeating.
1000% agreed. People just hate leaving their comfort zones and are opposed to trying new things.

I've watched True Detective Season 1 6 times. Twice in one 9hr sitting.

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being able to enjoy the same thing multiple times is a gift.

I can't recall how many times i've rewatched just the Dark Tournament.

You're retarded

im one of those people the rewatches the same stuff all the time. i dont konw why but the first two episodes of any show are always really hard for me to get through, almost feels like a chore. the only series in the last decade to immediately captivate me were True Detective S1 and Chernobyl.

I like showing it to friends and girlfriends. If you had any of those you would understand.

Ever seen I saw The Sopranos in 2019 I just rewatch it every time I finish it, watched it like 7 times now. Stops me from disassociating and it's pretty funny, good comfy combo.

Unironically autism. I've got an autistic friend who has watched The Sopranos 4 times.

This. There's definitely nothing wrong with trying out new things, but getting back on things you like in the past and still enjoys them are certainly not bad imo.

He’s onto Gus

>currently halfway through second watch of jew your enthusiasm
it just feels so comfy, bros.

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I seriously don't retain a lot of the television I watch. I think it's because I binge it all. I've watched Farscape three times now, but if you put a gun to my head and asked me to name ten episodes, I probably couldn't.

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I need to rewatch things a couple times to remember the character's names.

couldn't explain it adequately but i feel bad for people like you
wtf are you gonna do with yourselves once you watch all of the best shit out there without finding an abusable favorite? youse fucked


fuck off..

i know that feel and it's so good
only one of the 'low/no-stakes' type shows i like. well, love

I've done the same.

It just nothing hits like BCS/BrBa and you want to get that feeling again, it's not about the show itself. I'm rewatching BrBa right now between BCS new episodes and skipping straight to the good parts.

I want that long slow-burning authentically edited scenes and build-ups, with characters using their personal wits to figure out problems in smart ways.

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I rewatch random episodes of entourage sometimes. Breaking bad seems a little strange though since a lot of the enjoyment is about the overarching story

>stops me from dissociating
Why would you want to stop that? And not would watching a show help?

>so many good shows
You could watch every worthwhile piece of entertainment media inside a year.

>There's so many good shows out there to last a lifetime without repeating.
Name 10.

I hate calling it ASMR but idk of a better term cos it's basically that plus kino cinematography. The super bright, sunny setting is especially pleasant.
Low stakes is a great observation. Just super mellow - mundane in the best way.

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Feeling like you're a part of the world as opposed to stuck in some lonesome void.

>There's so many good shows out there to last a lifetime without repeating.
Objectively not true. 90% of media is trash or just time wasters. Sure I can consume some garbage but when I find something epic that really clicks with me, I enjoy experiencing it several times to take in that awesomeness. Whether it be movie, tv, music, book, some things are worth multiple repeats. But for me now in 2022, it's rare to watch anything twice since everything has nose-dived in quality and soul

When I disassociate I tend to sperg, so watching a funny mob sitcom just helps calm me down

Same for Naruto. Most other shonen anime are just trash compared to it imo.

I put on things I've already seen when I go to bed so I don't have to pay attention and it's easier to fall asleep

>Why would you want to stop that?
dumb question
>And not would watching a show help?
fair question
and i dunno, for me even though 30rock isn't my favourite sitcom when i watch it it helps bring me back and ground me again

Unironic, can you desribe what disassociation feels like?

You’re friend sounds based

I don’t feel that way I guess. When I get that feeling it’s less like anxiety or depression and more like a total disconnect. It’s distressing towards the end when I’m returning to normal but the mindset itself is more weird than miserable. Like I could do anything, or just die and it wouldn’t matter at all. And usually I’ll get knocked out of it by doing something that requires concentration and focus. I think absorbing a show would just keep me there, but hey to each their own.

I’ve watched the entirety Malcolm in the Middle all the way through at least five times

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>I sperg
I guess to be fair I could be defining that word differently. I’ve definitely done some weird stuff in that mindset, like cutting off half a fingernail or trying to hold my breathe and pass out. There’s just no anxiety at all till I normalize and realize what a freak I’m being

i watched Spider-Man 1 three times in a week
drank half a bottle of scotch each time and cried in a childlike wonder i hadn't felt in many many years

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It's psychological. People watch the same movies/TV shows over and over again because it's comforting to know the end. This is usually rooted in fear of disappointment and the unknown. Just like life, some people don't want to invest time in a movie where they're unsure they'll be satisfied with the end result.

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buttblasted over a frog and a bald man