Why did we lose?

Why did we lose?

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A 2003 survey by Helen A. Berger and her colleagues found 28.3% of American neopagans identified in survey as gay, lesbian, or bisexual.[2]

In 2013, a survey of neopagans in England, Wales, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand found 49.8% of women and 44.5% of men identified as non-heterosexual. Of the non-heterosexual female demographic, 78.5% of identified as bisexual and 11.2% identified as lesbian/gay; of the non-heterosexual male demographic, 55.2% identified as gay and 37.1% identified as bisexual.[1]

A 2015 study survey by Pew Research Center found that 11% of lesbian, gay, and bisexual respondents identified with non-Christian faiths, a large portion of which being some form of neopaganism or interfaith universalist beliefs. This was nearly double the general population.[3]

idk I didn’t read the article?

When is a decent torrent coming out? I desperately want to skip through key scenes of this at 1.6x speed before losing interest after watching maybe a fifth of it in total.

Only niggers and manchildren go to movie theaters.

>by jordan williams
Of course some black vulture won't miss a chance to jump at this carcass


It's only behind Bad Guys now. Libs are delusional and seething

Libs made the movie, what?

Make anti white male movie go financially down


All-white indie movies can succeed, but blockbusters need to appeal to an international market

Whoever approved the script and director is a huge fucking moron, Eggers is at his best when directing niche artsy fartsy movies

Look at the date retard. Northman did better not long after

Libs hate the Northman because it doesn't have any POC

Which is weird considering how not that long ago paganism was entirely made up of white supremacists. Except for the wiccans, they were always lesbians.


i'll watch it yearly, like i do the 13th warrior, since it's release and you can't stop me.

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all "modern pagans" are literal roleplayers. they worship marvel movies and hollywood

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he basically has a career because he filmed the Witch for only $4 million and then it made 10x its budget. of course there was no reason at all to think he'd know what to do with $90 million -- he literally seems to have spent it all on dream sequences.

this seems staged. why are their faces blurred if it’s from a twitter account?

1.6x is ok but apply some tempo filter on top like rubberband or scaletempo2
1.3x is the sweet spot for everything, if I have no issue with comprehension I go to 1.4x and rarely go up unless it's like a person trying to fill the dead air with empty rhetoric.


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>Spend 90 million gambling
>I-I actually won because I made 40 million!

because he didnt want to dox his nazi friends because they would get fired

Only shitty movies do well at the box office nowadays

>Capitalism is why I am a failure at life

It's still well on track to make it's budget back, cope

>we wuz vikangz n shieeeet

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is Nos(e)feratu canceled?

Bottom pic is an african dwelling today

I thought ebert died?

I have literally never heard of this movie until it came out, and everyone is flabbergasted at why it has bombed

Just shut the fuck up. I’m never gonna watch this movie, and don’t care.

Honestly though, it sucks. Capeshit has destroyed cinema, it seems as though nothing else does well anymore.

>I have literally never heard of this movie until it came out
>everyone is flabbergasted at why it has bombed
Those two statements are in no way connected.

People still go to theatres?

There was no one else in the theater besides us kek. Was too autistic to ask for her number tho

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I didn't lose anything
I'm still white you fucking nigger


>historical replica demonstrating how far society has come
>state of the art abode
You're not making the statement that you thought you were with this post lmao.

did you smell her seat after she left?

and if so what did it smell like?

That's not weird at all. Gays are overly represented among the leadership of white-supremacist movements. Been that way for ages.

Sure they are. Cope. Nobody gives a shit about your movie

The usher was watching waiting for us to leave when the credits started so sadly that wasn't an option

Fuck off, tourist

nuclear cope

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>13th warrior
highly based

Seethe moar faggot

>$90m budget
don't they realize niche indie films have an upper limit

you failed the test. surprised he didn't have you thrown in the manlet pit right then and there

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he never said that but i bet you believe in the holocaust and getting vaxxed too

lol, lmao

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ok that's true but only because i'm seeing the same thing happening with ukraine refugees here in Poland

I want to watch it but I just don't care about any movie enough to actually get up and drive somewhere to see it.

Greeks are the most powerful race in the world.

>only two of us there
>sit right next to you
what did she mean by this?

You don't have to announce your cope, it was implied with the picture.

my cock is implied in your mouth faggot

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>vikings colonised various places and even went to america 600 years before the rest of europe
>focuses on their houses

You have to be delusional if you think that Northman was going to be some box office success in this day and age. Despite it being a great movie the fact is most people won't give a shit if it isn't connected to some extended universe, book, comic, tv show, sequel or remake. It is what it is

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Anons in here chalking this to political reasons. Don't be dumb, the film was barely advertised, and eggers is still a pretty unknown director. This is still an indie film at heart. I barely know people that know that this film exist.

It's not the first time I've seen her there, she seems to have good tastes. I'll make a move next time

I'm fairly certain this has to do with it not being advertised well