What body, your honor?

What body, your honor?

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>Lawyers? Tell em to take a hike! I got this cat in the bag.

>Tell me this. Do I seem like the type of guy who would struggle getting a girlfriend and murder someone I was stalking after an embarrassing encounter? *pops collar* no way, I’m too cool

That might have actually helped his case if he tried it. The prosecutor would be trying to make him out to be a pathetic incel, but they see a chad right in front of them.

I love this board.

Wait. What was the embarrassing encounter?

I hate it but these threads are a silver lining.

>tfw you will never be shot in the head six times by your 9.5/10 smokeshow gf who then sings and dances before confessing to murdering you

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Did he ever even talk? As in, admit guilt?


Stephen McDaniel

it was all a simple misunderstanding

I don’t remember the case exactly, but if I’m recalling it right, I think she was about to move away, and then he went to her house to maybe say a final goodbye or confess his love to her, and it went really south and he ended up killing her for some reason. That’s the story I think the prosecution pushed and was settled on by the jury. Take it with a very minor pinch of salt tho

police got the wrong guy

> this girl
> 9.5/10

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I don't know.

>yeah man, I guess I'm too busy out and about to clean my room every day, not unless I've got a chick coming round you know what I mean?

>9.5/10 smokeshow

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Objection Hearsay

She unironically was before she went to jail. Nobody looks good in their mugshot and she looked like that.

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There's a lot of makeup in the photo

I thought it was that he snuck into her apartment several times to spy on her without being seen, but eventually she found him and he killed her in a panic.

user. I have some terrible news. All "9.5/10" girls wear makeup.

jeez man, get some standarts

what are some other literal murderer kinos beside stephun?

lolis don't

picrel obviously

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I think I watched the highlights of the interrogation, and that was the story the detectives came up with and were trying to get him to confess to, so that might be what was the real version of events actually. I think McSteven lad sold a story of them being much closer friends to the detectives originally if that were the true case, because their assumption was he knew her pretty well

jeez man, i have some:
>at least 8.5 of 10
>at least assault with a deadly weapon

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In an alternate universe where someone hadn't double parked in front of the dumpster he'd have gotten away with it and none of these memes would exist.

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I'm pretty sure it was the cops that blocked the dumpster. Friends caught on to her disappearance too quickly.

And he would probably be posting on Yea Forums and going about life normally and no one would ever know or suspect a thing. It just goes to show, some people’s negligence or laziness can really ruin your entire life I guess

I'm pretty sure this is what the kids call mids

The police found videos Stephen took while spying on her before he got caught, so it seems to be true.


literally incorrect. He was #1 suspect from day one (despite what people think) and he still would have gone to prison with or without the body(?). The murder weapon was what sealed his fate.

>stealing panties doesn't make you a murderer
>stalking and videoing doesn't make you a murderer
He aced his interview and dunked on the detectives. The saw is what got him and they had fuck all to do with that. Stephen convicted himself.

Indignity to a human body.


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> “He got a lot of letters at first. Many of them are from women who thought he was handsome and felt compassion for him. He had nothing better to do, so he wrote them back. And he started having penpals. A couple of them stood out, and they’ve kept contact. They have compassion on him, despite what he did.”
i hate women so much its unreal

dude she is a 6.5/10 at best. take your meds

Yeah, I think what you’re saying is at least like 99% likely of what happened. Steven made himself seem way more normal than he was originally to the detectives, in the follow up interview, after he went emotionless and only responded with one word answers to everything is probably when they started coming up with another hypothesis, and with those videos, yeah it definitely seems more likely he hid in her house beforehand or something


>I might be crazy, Sir, but I think I didn't kill her.

>hur dur i shit on your waifu hur dur

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They didn't check the dumpster immediately. The media always spun it that if the garbage truck had managed to do its scheduled pickup they wouldn't have found her.

His mistake was he had no idea what it was like to be a normie with friends who would miss you immediately. If he did he'd have taken her to a dumpster across town.

This was Chris Watt's problem too for some reason. He behaved like nobody would notice his wife and kids had vanished.

Yeah he left forensic traces at her apartment too. But if he'd dumped the weapons with her body in a dumpster across town those could have been explained away to jury as traces left by his earlier visit. He was lazy and wanted trophies.

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>They didn't check the dumpster immediately.
Yeah, I know. They actually noticed the sickly-sweet smell of death emanating from the dumpster that they blocked. It freaks me out that they only found her torso. Her head is still in a trash bag somewhere at the dump.

she's ugly get over it

No, this actually happened


To be fair, most dumpsters smell like death on pickup day.

I think she's cute.
Cute girls guilty of heinous crimes should be sold at auction. Slavery used to be a constitutional punishment in the USA.

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lonely women who like the danger of talking to a murderer but the safety of knowing hell never be out

I get what you're trying to do. I do it to other user's waifus too. It's cool. The thing is, I'm just not gonna so you're just gonna hafta deal with it.

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>tfw no art hoe bpd homicidal gf

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you can never leave. if you could, you'd already done it. we are all here together.

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>After being left alone in the interrogation room for several hours, Hubers began pacing, dancing around the room, and singing "Amazing Grace". She also said aloud, "I did it. Yes, I did it. I can't believe I did that" and, "I'm so good at acting."[16] Hubers was arrested for murder and was held on a $5 million bond.[17]
Top kek

True crime board would be kino.

> I think she's cute.
she is cute, i don't deny that
but she's definitely not a 9.5/10


they were too low IQ. Kemper was an incel weirdo too but he was smart enough and had enough charisma to blend in

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>JCS Inspired

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She really was. The guy she shot in the head six times who she had been dating was a top chad law student who was going on a date with a literal beauty queen before Shayna murdered him.

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>Being fooled by makeup and angles

Get a clue dude

They all wear makeup, numbnuts. That's factored in. No makeup means you're not even talking about a 10-pt scale anymore. Or would you like me to rate Shayna a 14.5/15?

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