Virgin Krasinski Reed:
>stretches very slowly once before jobbing horribly, would probably Jim the camera had they not edited it out
>"smartest man on earth", yet announces their main weapon and tactic just as the fight begins
>will probably be married to old hag Emily Blunt
>soi beard
>no grey hair at temples, shows lack of wisdom and lack of experience
>costume is standard MCU design that unnecessarily adds black sections and ugly lines all over
>the most obvious fancast ever, picked only because normies knew him from the worst version of The Office
Chad Hornblower Reed:
>uses his stretching powers to pick up chicks on the dancefloor
>literally schools his opponents on the field of battle by giving them 101 lessons
>married to prime Jessica Alba
>clean-shaven like a true stretchy gentleman
>grey hair at temples, both comic accurate and shows his experience
>costume is a modernised take on the FF uniform without being busy, shows off manly bulge
>chosen because he resembled the comics' Reed and carried the necessary authority due to years of being Horatio Hornblower
Virgin Krasinski Reed:
What makes you people think he wouldn't have jobbed to Wanda if they picked him instead? The plot wouldn't have changed.
Since "The multiverse" is just the other Marvel movies, they really should've brought Iaon Gruffudd back for a cameo like Patrick Stewart.
As teenager I got the dvd to 2005 FF just to fap to this guy. Wish he would wrap me up and rape me
Ultra gay.
he would have but everyone would boo wanda
kinda gay
is this serious?
What did he mean by this.
It's too bad the sequel killed this franchise. I wish they went on cosmic adventures.
This board sometimes man, jesus christ
the tim story ff movies got a lot right but even more wrong. not watching whatever disney plans though...
>Wish he would wrap me up and rape me
But wouldn't be rape?
I know, right? Chris Evans was hotter.
>>stretches very slowly once before jobbing horribly, would probably Jim the camera had they not edited it out
I'm curious if he does anything outside of this. Shitty waste otherwise. People would want to see Reed tangle with Witch a little bit longer before dying more than another Captain America fight (but with Atwell swapped for Evans) and some literal who nog version of Marvel.
No, he just shows up, talks a bit, stretches, and is turned into spaghetti.
Tbh I don’t know why people hate FF. It’s campy but so are most superhero movies and the casting was overall good. Really the only thing the fucked up was Dr. Doom which is a shame. Rise of the Silver Surfer was a mess, but the first one is pretty fun. And prime ENF Jessica Alba is reason enough to watch the film.
>surname is Krasinski
>sounds sneaky, like for a Wormtongue-esque villain - even has SIN in the name
>surname is GRUFFUDD
>no elaboration required for such a Chad word
He still looks great for pushing 50 too. Dumping his old wife for a twentysomething probably helps.
The fact they got 100 year old testicle Stewart back and not him is daft.
he spawns through a sci fi portal and talks during the Strange trial
pretty based ngl
unironically great, he looks like a chad and acts like a dork with a heart of gold and is likeable
>mfw I see another marvel movie where the good guys wins against the bad guys again
I'm genuinely amazed they didn't get Chris Evans back as Johnny Storm.
An audience bait-and-switch where you assume he's Cap before shouting 'FLAME ON' seems like it was tailor-made for a fanservicey cameo movie like this.
Based. Hope this becomes a copypasta.
>The fact they got 100 year old testicle Stewart back and not him is daft.
I assume they don't want to blow their load. Krasinski is some gay fan service, so he is expendable. Next big MCU event is basically EG but instead of all the heroes from the main universe, it's all the main universe heroes plus multiverse ones, which will be plundering the pre-2008 stuff, so Fox Fantastic Four, Bana Hulk, Cage Ghost Rider, and so on.
Maybe they'll get him back in the actual FF films. With the Council Of Reeds you can do anything. Bring back Teller too as the Maker. FF will be kino if they don't ruin it.
>Krasinski is some gay fan service, so he is expendable.
Lol, don't be so sure. It's obvious he is going to portray the MCU one too.
Feige isn't that creative.
>Teller too as the Maker
He's fitting as some off putting weirdo villain. I saw a 5 minute video earlier yapping on about the Reed/Doom rivarly and the guy played footage of both FF film Reeds in the background and struggled to take seriously Teller's dumb facial expressions
It's either a new Reed, Krasinski, or Reed is black and white Reed was throwing people a bone/preempting critique over blackwashing
I'm still amazed at how Feige, Russos, the writers, and everyone else involved thought killing off IW Thanos in EG was the only possible route. The interviews about this have them explain they headscratched and headscratched over how IW Thanos can be the main villain in EG until some chink producer suggested they kill him, which resulted in the 2014 Thanos being the bad guy. Like, what the fuck? I pulled out a method of IW Thanos surviving out of my ass back in like 2019 without it being needlessly convoluted, and it STILL preserving Captain Marvel as the most powerful character at a base level. Talk about creative bankruptcy indeed.
very based
I like the way the bodysuit emphasizes his supple curves and his cute little package
You are technically correct.
>out of my ass back in like 2019
Let's hear it.
It actually translates to 'prince' or 'lord' in English which is even cooler.
Teller as the Maker, Kate Mara as Fem!Kang and Kebbell as Dracula/Satan Doom from Ultimate FF could be kino, ngl.
cheeky bugger
So all of them except Infinity War?
I've went into detail about it before, so copying and pasting. Basically comic book logic is very flexible, so:
">Thanos destroys stones but it does not cripple him
>when Avengers arrive, he defeats them
>inb4 'muh captain marvel'
>Thanos is such a tactical Chad he realises the most powerful THING in this fight is Stormbreaker, so even if Marvel is stronger at a base level he disarms Thor, knocks him out, when Marvel blasts him with energy he uses Stormbreaker to absord it/supercharge it, then redircts this energy + Stormbreaker's own power back at a dumbfounded Marvel, when she's slowly staggering out the crater she's slowly getting up out of the crater she's been blown into, he quickly slices her back and she's seriously injured and fucked up and beaten like the rest of them
>he lets them go out of mercy
>loses his shit when he discovers the time heist and is on his way to Earth - Nebula warns them of this before heist happens so now movie has a shit ton of urgency because they realise Thanos is coming with the remnant of his army to stop them/destroy Earth
2018 IW Thanos being the villain in EG is a benefit that far outweighs anything to be found with 2014 Thanos being the baddie. I reject this bullshit idea that they HAD to kill him off."
As much as people yap on about Cruise Iron Man, I'm a huge shill for having Timothy Olyphant Stark. I like RDJ but I'm prepared to be contrarian and die on the hill that Olyphant would have been a better IM. He's funny and charismatic in a sort of asshole/rougish way in real life (watch his interviews with Conan) and I think he'd have better chemistry with Evans, as well being more physically equal to him than RDJ ever was (the guy used lifts for fuck's sake).
So they're "cashing in".
Once you do it, it's over. Like a "will they won't they" fuck scenario; after it's done, the magic is gone from the air and the series craters.
>gruff Fudd
Sounds like a cartoon character or a /k/ villain.
saved to my copypasta folder, well done
I've said it plenty of times already, but multiverse is their final lifeline. People have been going on about capeshit ending/going the way of the westerns and I agree for it overall but in Marvel's case, they have bought themselves some time with multiverse stuff that escalates the scale of the films and leans into pre-2008 nostalgia. If they tried to replicate the 2008-2019 stuff with solo origins, their sequels, and then occasional Avengers event movies, then yes, they'd have been fucked. It would not have worked a second time around. But multiverse is a sufficient hook for them to squeeze out a duology/trilogy of multiverse teamup Avengers movies that will make bank. NWH really vindicated this. You're going to see Tobey/Andrew return along with all the old stuff like Fox FF and so on. After that, I think they are done. There's nothing left except to do
My thought process was more like a character in Hyborea or some other Robert Howards pulp.
>fap to this guy.
Why would you fap to a guy?
not much of a bulge
Oh yeah, Olyphant would be a great comic accurate Stark. But at this point I don't think they'd do anything beyond Cruise just for the star power/meme due to how tied the character became with RDJ to the normalfag mind. Maybe Olyphant will get a great role in the upcoming FF/XM movies. But yeah, as an Ironfag, I'd much prefer Olyphant over Downey.
I like these movies
Banabros... is our time coming?
I hope so. He deserves more love, also Sam Elliot mogged the shit out of William Hurt's Ross. Elliot had great pathos whilst still being an antagonistic hardass. Now that Hurt fucking died and Elliot seems healthy and spry, I'd love to see him again. Really underrated performance. Like when Hulk gets nuked, they show Betty's reaction before cutting to Ross having such a pained remorseful expression.
Lmao, we live in a time where 2005 Fantastic Four is now considered comfy, has practical looking effects, and is good. What the fuck happened to superhero movies? Why are they so shit now?
The way RDJ plays the role when interacting with Evans, it's almost like he's insecure around Cap so overcompensates by being a snarky ass. At least with taller, handsomer Olyphant, I'd think that would simply be Stark being himself and not out of any specific envy over Cap being such a physical Chad.
>But yeah, as an Ironfag, I'd much prefer Olyphant over Downey.
Anything else the movies did you disliked as an Iron Man fan?
his main strength is his brain, he should've outsmart Wanda and win the fight using his wast knowledge
instead he did the exact opposite, giving away black bolt power
I think it's because you can discern that effort was put into those movies, unlike a lot of MCU dogshit. I sort of liken it to DUNC vs. Lynch's Dune. Lynch's movie was a mess but the passion/creativity put into it and the talent/hard work of the director and his crew is so obvious. This is what imparts a movie with 'soul', and a movie will have a small core of fans and receive more appreciation as time goes on, especially if there are dogshit later adaptions of the same source material
you're a sick man Anonymous.
Peaked at Iron Man 1
Oh shit I forgot Hurt died.
>Anything else the movies did you disliked as an Iron Man fan?
Where do I start? His villains got butchered, he was far too much of a lovesick puppy instead of a womaniser, he wasn't a bi of a sociopathic deviant and schemer, and so on. Having been an Ironfag since I was a kid I have tons of fanfics and ways I'd make my own perfect Iron Man movies. And comics too for that matter. I think he's one of the most complex characters in capeshit and has immense potential as a concept, but nobody has ever properly touched upon it. I've seen traces of it in the Kaminski, Knauf, Micheline and even Fraction runs (plus Ultimate Tony, especially the minis) but my ideas are better.
All that said, I still enjoyed RDJ as a more watered down version. I just think that there's room for some more "mature" Iron Man films down the line. Or at least more Sci-Fi and less cookie-cutter capeflicks.
What do you think of the 2000's sci-fi Dune then? Does it have 'soul'?
No alcoholism too? That an issue. I'm bemused and pissed by no alcohol/smoking for adult characters in this stuff. I only found out the other day that busy bodies threw a hissy fit over there being adults smoking cigarettes in Stranger Things, which is set in the fucking early 80s
>my ideas are better
Mind sharing some? I understand if you don't want to but I'm curious.
Did you like the Earth's Mightiest Heroes version of Tony?
>>An audience bait-and-switch where you assume he's Cap before shouting 'FLAME ON'
Which comic is that from? And who's the artist? The art seems terrible but at the same time has some soul.
>the voice actor was made to mimic RDJ's voice, which made Stark sound pathetically whiney
was this rape?
I like the coppery tones and subdued lighting in this comic, reminds me of art-deco which is suitable for Tony Stark
>That 3rd panel
Who is that streetshitting poojeet?
Why are American comics always so horribly drawn that the same character from the same artist doesn't look the same in his own comic?
>Who is that streetshitting poojeet?
My mind jumped to Hitler.
Not him but it seems like an inferior copy of Adi Granov's artwork.
You can check out the Extremis storyline. It's like Iron Man 3 but good.
You guys really needed lame ass Krasinski to ruin Reed for you to Gruffud was one of the best casting choices in superhero movies
That would've been kino. MCU likes to take existing arcs and modify them, like they did with Ragnarok and WWH.
>5th to last panel
This fag can't draw hands. Also clearly incapable of drawing iron man's helmet without it looking different in every panel.