thank god
Thank god
Baby killers and faggots on suicide watch
If trannies are made illegal /lgbt/ will have to be deleted
Tomorrow belongs to me.
What a retarded non sequitur.
Yes. The SCOTUS has gone back on rulings in the past. Do they really have no knowledge of the high court?
Guess we'll just have to pump and dump more white women and force them to raise our kids lol
So youre saying theres a chance!!
Next they'll remove women's vote
Doesn't illegalizing these things that are so widespread just ramp up illegal activity
just because the constitution doesn't prevent the government from banning x and just because you affirm that in court by not banning x does not mean that you want to ban x
If the Supreme Court can overturn Roe v Wade, it can bring back slavery
When did pedos get linked exclusively to a party anyway? It's more rich elites in general.
slippery slope fallacy?
>libs using the domino theory from the cold war
time is a flat circle
>this will become and endangered species in your lifetime
So, what's the problem? Didn't they say cultural appropriation is bad? We'll be staying in our own lane if this goes through.
Loving was about the equal protection clause, Roe was literally just random shit spewing about how there are somehow implied rights in the constitution
The Supreme Court can legally declare the Third Reich still a political body.
>When did pedos get linked exclusively to a party anyway?
The US is such a schizoid nation.
>privacy rights are the same as equal protection
Based retard
What state would illegalize interracial marriage?
as long as we're wildly speculating on the hypothetical possibilities, it can also legalize murder and obligate everyone (i mean EVERYONE) to suck 17 dicks per day
Oh no, no more mutts? Whatever shall we do without people like this in the country!?
They should bring that back but only the version where you let them go after a few years
California will illegalize monoracial relationships.
schizo and schizoid aren't the same thing despite being spelled similarly
I would not be surprised if the fag states are already writing legislation to enshrine interracial marriage in their state constitutions
Slippery slope fallacy for me, but not for thee!
Based. I'm a mutt please kill me I'm a Frankenstein ahhhhhh
It’s the left’s normal strategy. They don’t want right wing people to make their next natural move
I fucking hate christians so fucking much
Fuck you faggot. I want to marry a black queen. It's time to get rid of the supreme court.
>if the supreme court can overturn Roe v. Wade
>it can make government mandated girlfriends
if only
go back to onions booru soiteen
You are just jealous you can’t even talk about passing laws like this
seethe about it, troon.
>leftists are arguing for state's rights and warning about the slippery slope
Jokes on them, I already got my Asian waifu
Don't worry, they'll eventually get what's coming to them if they keep pushing their fairytales on society.
Reminder overturning Roe doesn't ban abortion by itself it's just no longer considered a right
That's it
Were you planning on having a butt baby?
i don’t think i’ve ever seen a more blatant paid shill meme lol
This is what we fight to protect
Allah willing we will put those niggers back in chains
Sailor Mauritania
much more likely
because the bible
anti-semitic much?
Firstly, sure it could I suppose. SCOTUS can and has overturned past cases. Not a few phenomenon. But Loving v. Virginia which found interracial marriage bans unconstitutional did so under Equal Protection Clause grounds. Roe v. Wade was on some weird bullshit that the Court at the time twisted itself into knots to say was somehow implied by the Constitution.
lmao samefag
>leftists: but what about sex with blacks?
I hate crossdressing fake women so much.
Wrong nigger
Their churches are gonna burn lmfao
If the SCOTUS can strike down whatever law it decides it doesn't like you no longer live in a constitutional democratic republic
laws like that shouldn't exist in a sane country
Literally impossible, it's an American tradition
>you no longer live in a constitutional democratic republic
since 1919 nigger
Source me rite now, gup
>Person seething about Christianity is a homo
This happens every time
it'll also mean movies will start getting far more censored (due to "antichristian" content), so I don't think it's really a good thing for anyone. porn is next on the chopping block
that's the role of the supreme court
>laws like that shouldn't exist in a sane country
stop spamming this unfunny shit
lmao what is Marbury v. Madison
>it'll also mean movies will start getting far more censored (due to "antichristian" content), so I don't think it's really a good thing for anyone. porn is next on the chopping block
>christians have such persecution complexes lmao
>"they'll get what's coming to them"
so which one is it?
Is this a sharty sockpuppet thread
cope Antichrist, next is Hellwood.
Good. Praise Jesus. Free speech is a lie meant to destroy western civilization.
delusional faggot. Also the best years of Hollywood existed under the Hayes Code so maybe that wouldn’t be such a bad thing anyway
Laws like what.
>threads like these are allowed to stay up
>jannies delete Depp trial threads
Both are true. Christians have massive persecution complexes even though they are completely free to practice their religion. When they try to impose their religion on our secular society, however, that's when they'll truly meet resistance.
Wouldn't happen in this dystopia.
If we're gonna do it we're gonna have to do it ASAP because every day we inch closer to this becoming the average American
having women raise rape babies
This Roe V Wade shit is fake news. It's not getting overturned. "Talk" doesn't mean shit. This is dems paying off their buddies in the media to help them out in the midterms.
>slippery slope is okay when employed by democrats but mentioning that gay marriage led to any of today’s insane social shit is wrong
At this point these nutjobs have turned me pro-life over the past decade
>nah, YOU have too LESS chromosomes fr fr no cap
>stopping us murdering babies? this religious incursion on the law has gone too far!
Oh no that sure would be terrible
yeah that’s totally what’s happening right now retard....
judicial overreach
wrong, its role is to rubber stamp federal power grabs while reinventing the Constitution to mean whatever they agree with politically
Fetuses aren't babies.
That’s like 1% of abortions
We are persecuted. By Jewish globalists and their banking cartel, Hollywood, and the media. Leftists can't fight too fat and cowardly. Girl fingers
>he believes he has to ban it because he believes girls would otherwise exclusively go for black men
LMAO chud you're mentally ill
There is no such law. What country do you live in?
I want it to stay up long enough to get my SAUCE
slippery slope fallacy. nobody's taking your rights away :)
and you’re not a woman
Now tell us how many abortions like this are performed every year and how it justifies killing the baby.
>gpt4 reply
you’re imposing your own philosophical definitions on me and the law. ugh. religious retard.
we may be near the point again where state governments feel that they don't have to listen to the Supreme Court. and unlike Eisenhower with Arkansas, I doubt Biden would send in the National Guard to enforce the ruling.
>judicial overreach
Arguably true. Though I generally like judicial review, only when it limits government authority though.
democrats low key supporting this because they want more blacks on the plantation
How original
They will gain consciousness as a man in a coma who will wake up will. you're murdering for a ten second orgasm
Just kill yourself already you miserable godless faggot.
Why are trannies so upset with the abortion ban? Why do politicians hav to mention them every time they talk about this?
what does the SCROTUM have to say in this matter
You're not persecuted, you're just losing.
Science isn't philosophy, but thanks for playing.
powerful America values
floyd breathing easy down there
t. ranny
>jerry was just telling me about this island he bought
>think you can get me on a flight?
How have you trannies still not learned to make memes brief
The "words words words " meme has been going for 5 years now
This is shameful
American liberals have honestly still not seen the realignment.
They honestly a black man married to a white woman will ban interracial marriage because they cannot imagine their enemies as anything short of the sum of all of which they find evil.
What law is being overturned?
Protip: There isn't one you dipshit
when i’m bored of burning churches into ash and burning christians alive maybe I will kill myself
Fetuses can't survive outside the mother's womb. No actual life is being taken during an abortion.
slippedy slop
>suddenly the slippery slope exists
yikes. what a forced meme lol
>Science isn't philosophy
American wants to prohibit THIS!?
>Why do politicians hav to mention them every time they talk about this?
Because the democrats have literally nothing else to run on at this point with rampant inflation destroying the economy.
It's an edit of a /pol/ meme you retard
>people in a coma aren’t alive
>globohomo becomes anti abortion so they can get everyone vaccinated
>abortion won't matter when nobody can have children after getting vaccinated
Abortion is based because it's just eugenics, but Roe V. Wade is retarded and unjustifiable.
They act like abortion rights are some sacred gift from God. I really hope I get to see these people hanging from lampposts.
Thomas Jefferson fucked so many of these bitches
god damn, no wonder he's my favorite president
People in comas have already been born. Has nothing to do with abortion, btw.
Science is measurable, observable, and veritable. Religious dogma is a philosophy.
>You're not persecuted, you're just losing
Musk won. Nationalism is rising. Collapse of empires always leads to religious growth and rebirth.
>OH N-
why does exiting a vagina magically make you alive
So technology is what determines if something is alive or not? A child under the age of what like 6 months can't survive without breast milk, does that make it an extension of the mother?
What about kids that are born sick. They can't survive without assistance so they are fetuses?
What the fuck kind of point are you making
Society is getting more secular and liberal. Has been for decades. None of your fantasies are coming true.
Interesting how slippery slope only seems to apply to less faggotry, and never to more faggotry
you will have to her over
So based that white women abort their children so they can keep working their worthless office job and die alone
It has its own genetic code. It's own DNA. I can't survive without it's mother because it's a distinct entity. A person on life support can't survive either. Are they not human now?
proof that God is all around and indeed works in mysterious ways
i'm loving it and i will never forsake our father and his only begotten son Jesus Christ
>Roe v. Wade was on some weird bullshit that the Court at the time twisted itself into knots to say was somehow implied by the Constitution.
No unreasonable searches and seizures = abortion according to liberals
weimar germany
>getting called a tranny often enough that this image is worth hard drive space
you might not actually be a troon, but you sure do act like one on a Vietnamese haberdashery forum
The Daily Beast is like a parody of what regressives think but it is all real so it is not surprise Reddit eats it up.
No, it can throw the issue over to the states to decide on their own. Doesn't mean any of them are going to ban interracial marriage. Not even Mississipi would ban it at this point, it's pointless fearmongering
Sounds like Weimerica to me
Because a child has its own brain function at that point and can survive outside the mother's body.
See above.
>Abortion is based
>why does exiting a vagina magically make you alive
>People in comas have already been born. Has nothing to do with abortion, btw.
>Science is measurable, observable, and veritable. Religious dogma is a philosophy.
>democrats low key supporting this because they want more blacks on the plantation
>Both are true. Christians have massive persecution complexes even though they are completely free to practice their religion. When they try to impose their religion on our secular society, however, that's when they'll truly meet resistance.
>Missing the point that the left can't into memes
Yea that doesn't change my point. How after years of this have you tranny's still not learned anything.
You can't make memes without making them "word word word" memes
You just copy the rights memes and still make them bad
It's shameful to be at something this long and never get better
Don't care, still fucking black pussy
it has brain function before it’s outside the mothers body
but we shouldn't laugh or judge
it really isa tragedy that they are so blind and allow this to happen
Yes, liberals and shitskins will abort their babies far more than conservative Whites. Of course, christcucks are absolutely in love with shitskins, so they need to make sure that doesn't happen. This is also why liberals crying about interracial marriage is retarded. Christcucks will never ban that.
Are you okay bro?
DNA has nothing to do with it. A fetus is not a fully developed organism and is completely reliant on its mother's body. People on life support are fully developed and have already been born.
I want to save this but the resolution is shit. Can you make a higher quality version?
Nationalism is rising in all over the west. Always happens in collapsing empires. Religiousness is rising both Christianity and Islam, and once the west collapses religious will spike. Stress breeds religion.
uhm... I don't care?
>Yes, liberals and shitskins will abort their babies far more than conservative Whites. Of course, christcucks are absolutely in love with shitskins, so they need to make sure that doesn't happen. This is also why liberals crying about interracial marriage is retarded. Christcucks will never ban that.
I have no idea how a group that criticizes troons for pushing their fairytales onto others have no problem pushing their fairytales onto others in turn. Religion has no place in politics anyways.
Fetuses gain brain function much later than when the vast majority of abortions are performed.