Best Star Wares movie in your path

Best Star Wares movie in your path

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easy there bud

go hustle your star wares somewhere else space kike

For some reasons Reddit hates it

Nah. Luke's plan at the beginning is retarded and the ewoks are lame.

i agree


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then it just became 1000x better imo

>implying its not rare cancelled one where still some of them were produced anyway

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What a coincidence

>My entire worldview and all personal opinions are built around the opposite of whatever reddit has to say today
I hope you never find enough self awareness to see yourself how others do, for your own sake.

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>and the ewoks are lame.
In order to have used wookies insread of ewoks, Lucas would have had to hire a bunch of Basketball Americans or freakishly tall Norwegians.

Lucas would rather work with midgets and children than those people.

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You are correct. It is indeed the best one.

For me ANH is the best. A self contained great film.

The scenes in the Emperors throne room are my favourite of the whole series, but overall ANH and ESB are better.

you can tell the one on the right is the tall nord, and the one on the left is the basketball american.

look at the shape of the masks on their heads kek. slope headed jowel monkey vs proportional human

i've seen thousands posts about how RotJ is worst of the OT and that Endor is bad and I've always replied to them how retarded and wrong they are, but then I've rewatched it and turned out they were right, I don't know why I've changed my opinion

I agree. I rewatched all of them before the last steaming pile of Disney shit came out, and ANH is now my favorite. I used to think ESB was the best, but the fact it's not a complete story brings it down imo

Leia did not have to be Luke's sister. There isn't a single point in the entire saga where Leia being Luke's sister contributes to the story. They even had a decent amount of sexual tension before this movie decided to make them siblings.
The ewoks were pretty cringe too.

>calling a basketball american a proportional human
I get it’s a nordcuck you’re comparing him to but you don’t have to say such kind words all because the basketball is beside a non-human.

RotJ is the favorite one when you are a kid,
ESB is the favorite after you grow up.

It's the last Star Wars movie worth caring about, but it isn't the best.

kek delusional basketball american detected

May the fourth be with you.

Personally, I always gave ROTJ more credit for ESB’s goodness just because it gave a satisfactory conclusion to ESB’s buildup. Before Disney ever bought LucasArts, I believed that we wouldn’t be looking at many ESB things so well if ROTJ failed to deliver with the throne room scenes.

checked and based, reminder that noone can ever truly kill star wars except the fans who stop believing

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All you can tell is that one is wearing goggles on its forehead and the other isn't. The goggles are pushing the hair back. You're only outing yourself as the BBC obsessed schizophrenic that you are kek

The scenes in the Emperor’s Throne Room are literally apex Star Wars. They’ve never been touched

Maybe, but even looked at on its own TESB is clearly the strongest. RotJ did what it needed to (for the most part) but it's a very sloppy movie in comparison.

I’m sorry, you misidentified. I’m just pointing out that basketball americans shouldn’t be called human, even if degenerate destroyers of culture and insults to the white race are right beside them.

>one shekel has been deposited into your account

The prequels were better than ROTJ

No, it’s not. ROTJ is easily the third best Star Wars movie. Nothing compares to Empire & A New Hope, so it’s pointless to try


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>ROTJ is easily the third best Star Wars movie
I agree. It's still a sloppy film, though.

da bad guys wear black
da good guys wear white

No, they weren’t. Only Revenge of The Sith comes close to RoTJ. The other two Prequels aren’t even comparable

IV > V > VI > III > Rouge One > I >>>> VII > II > Solo >>>>>>>> VIII > IX

Yeah, I really like the premise of a bunch of weirdos getting together to rescue a princess.

I like it the most out of the original trilogy because of the green light sabre.

Multiple lightsabers on screen is what ruined star wars. Two guys fighting each other in a duel is kino. Seeing a shit load of sabers is full retard. The prequels ruined everything.

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Multiple lightsabers aren’t a problem, they’re an organization that protected the galaxy for generations. They’re like knights or samurai.

>the concept of sane mind is a Jewish conspiracy
Hold on, if Reddit glorifies mental illness doesn't that mean you should be completely against delusional schizophrenic ramblings? Seems you're picking and choosing what Reddit ideals to base your personality around, and its not a good look.

>Luke spend half the movie saying that he won't fight Vader
>goes mad cause dark side and ends up nearly killing him during their fight

>Anakin exterminates tusken village in ep 2
>wants to protect padme and goes dark side for her
>goes mad cause dark side and tries to kill her
shit writing for some reason

why tho?

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Personally, I think Anakin was always a troubled guy who just wants what lots of dudes wants. He wants friends, fun, a girl, nothing wrong. But he’s with a bunch of emotion hating monks who think a 9 year old missing his mom on another planet s a big no-no. Anakin could’ve been a perfectly alright guy if he was in the right crowd.

Every time I see the spin I think of Zatochi and how much better that movie did it.

checked and based and truthful
ROTJ is peak fun, wonder, excitement and satisfying conclusion to an epic series

>he doesnt understand pottery

the ideas are not bad, it is the execution

>jedi evil meme
No. Star Wars universe is different from our universe and shit works differently there. If you are a jedi you can't afford any of those thing you mentioned or at least you can't become attached to them. Otherwise you turn into space hitler.

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>My favorite movie is The Phantom Menace!
this person is a woman
>My favorite movie is Attack of the Clones!
this person is 10 years old
>My favorite movie is Revenge of the Sith!
this person is a 14 year old male
>My favorite movie is A New Hope!
this person is either 6 years old or 60 years old
>My favorite movie is Empire Strikes Back!
this person is either 14 years old or 40 years old
>My favorite movie is Return of the Jedi!
this person is either 3 years old or J.R.R. Tolkien
>My favorite movie is The Force Awakens!
this person is a white woman over the age of 30
>My favorite movie is The Last Jedi!
this person is a white male feminist over the age of 30
>My favorite movie is The Rise of Skywalker!
this person does not exist
>My favorite movie is Rogue One!
this person is 14 years old
>My favorite movie is Solo!
this person is one of the actors' parents

Nah, the entire point about Luke and Vader is that their love saved each other. Luke's love for his father redeemed Vader, who sacrificed himself for his son. Everybody was saying it's impossible. Obi-wan did, Vader did, Luke proved everyone before him wrong and redeemed Vader.

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Remember the episode of Seinfeld where George does the opposite of everything he'd normally do?

Pic unrelated, OP is a rapist confirmed

more like Returd of the Jedi

Lucas explained what actually happened and it wasn't love that saved them it was compassion which is a very jedi-like idea.