
Akoocheemoya Boxing Champion edition


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A bit too many words in the edition but I'm allowing it.

Big Chief...

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Who would win in a fist fight between the cast of Voyager. My money's on Tim Russ or Beltran followed by Roxanne.

We are now just 12 hours away from the premier of Star Trek: Strange New Worlds on Paramount+:


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What did you learn from the sexless planet episode?

Dwight Schultz

>retards complaining about Star Trek being political
Uhhh like are you trolling?

Don't force people to go into conversion camps.

We are also just 12 hours away from the finale of Picard S02:


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>Who would win in a fist fight between the cast of Voyager. My money's on Tim Russ or Beltran followed by Roxanne.
if the police blotters are to be believed, Jennifer Lien.

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They just gave her a new chip or something.

Shit forgot about Jennifer, she would probably stab or glass somebody though.

I quite like that title sequence. Render seems a little rough in places though.Perhaps it'll feel better with the titles on it.

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They didn't show what they did to her. Originally she was going to be played by a guy. Would it have been a good idea?

Cool. Still not watching it

Make fun of Wil all you want but at least he gets what truly lies at the heart of Trek. He gets it more than fat sacks of youtuber shit like the drunks at RedLetterMedia.

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Are they in a spaceship yet?

Not all star trek shows are ship based, user.

To add onto that, he definitely comports himself in a way most of us wouldn't. But whatever, dude, he can do what he wants and he seems happy. Don't watch him on TV. Don't read his social media posts. Let him live his weird life and you live yours.

No, the new Communist Borg took it and left and the new super important character they introduced this season that is supposed to do an important spaceflight has had like 10 minutes of screen time and a dozen lines.

I don't hate Wil I pity him. He's a case study on why actors are egotistical assholes who don't even consider their own children sacred

What's your problem with RLM??

Only the good ones are ship based.

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They shit talk Star Trek with fake talking points and illegitimate criticism. Then their incel audience attacks real Star Trek fans for liking Trek.

Personally can't fault their criticism of recent trek.

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>tumblr cheeks
>tumblr nose
>gay fantasies
Every time.

it is refreshing to see two totally straight capitalist dudes hugging for emotional warmth

The CHUDs in /trek/ quote RLM rather than think for themselves. RLM are not at fault for this. Smooth brains that need to be on a bandwagon are the cause. I would rather watch Star Trek than watch some YouTube grifters talk about it.

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>unmedicated schizophrenia: the post

Just finished watching DS9 for the first time

sisko never comes back does he... in fact none of these characters do right, other than Worf

Watching youtubers is pretty cringe but not as cringe as complaining about fake trekkies not letting you enjoy nutrek.

user, New Trek is light years better than 1987-2005 Berman-Braga-Piller-Taylor-Behr Bore Trek

You loling me there, brother? You havin' a laff?

Shippers are nasty coomers, but gay shippers are the worst. They need their disgusting fetish in all goddamn media, all the fucking time. If it isn't there, they make their own masturbatory materials such as

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Ye I think he's having a giggle.

You're correct. But it's better this way.

>their disgusting fetish
two people in love is a disgusting fetish?

> he's trolling !!!!!

Many anons share this opinion on Bore Trek. They're not all TNGeezer No Wesley No Watchies like you.

They shoehorned in some part about how he would return... because he'd be a black man abandoning his unborn child. But yes, the original intention was for him not to return.

>because he'd be a black man abandoning his unborn child

HOLY FUCK I didn't even put that together.

With how often they reference DS9 in lower decks, I wouldn't rule it out there'll be a voice actor cameo. They already got jeffrey combs as a computer.

Love is a disease. It infects what you believe about yourself and the others you need. And love is not kind. It won’t smile and it won’t shine. It isn’t there when you need it. You can’t save it and you can’t delete it. And love is cruel and unforgiving. And love is usually unwilling to give you back what you’ve been building. It will scorch the earth just cause you’re tilling it. And like a cat you’ve been petting for every day of every single week but when you need it and when you’re feeling weak all it really wants to do is fall asleep. Because love is vicious and love is spiteful but love also just doesn’t care. So you can fight it but when you strike at it it’ll just vanish like it was never there. But believe me it’s still there. Not in your shoes or heart or hair. Cause i’ve looked in all the obvious places and still haven’t found it anywhere. But when i find it i will kill it. So that i can get on with my life. And regain composure of my posture and control of the thoughts in my own mind. Because love will break you apart.

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I'm not sure if any of the main cast would be a good fit.

literally the one apropos time to vicpost these lyrics and you went with Paris and Torres. It's a bold move, Cotton. I salute you.

Even though he's passed, I would like to see a visit to the Founders' planet, where we find out that Armus is just the smelly kid they left behind.

Picard and Q and going to fuck, aren't they?

god I hope so

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Projecting homosexuality onto heterosexuals to get your rocks off is a disgusting fetish. Garak and Bashir were never shown on screen to be in love, that gay shit is in your head.

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give love to me

to be fair, i also project heterosexuality onto homosexuals as well, namely when i project a fantasy about Kate McKinnon bouncing on my dick with gusto.

They have a history.

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>May the fourth
>horny bitches wanna play lego Star Wars and chill
Why isn’t there a day like this for Star Trek?

are you an moderately attractive female between the ages of 30 and 35?

Star Trek Day is in Sept.
First Contact Day is in April.
your fandom has twice the imaginary holidays that the other fandom does

I'm going to go ahead and say what everybody that watched VOY thought at some point
I want Janeway to violently peg me

i never thought that even one time.
she would be gentle.

I haven't ever thought that. I'm actually rewatching Voyager right now and I have to say, it's worse than I remember. The episodes I remember being good aren't that good, and the mediocre and bad episodes are worse with a second watch.

Maybe on the first few seasons... but on the latter ones her demeanor and voice change, you can just tell she's a dommy mommy
It's hit and miss desu

I'm /trek/.

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Well, /trek/?

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