>solves racism in your path
Solves racism in your path
Just watched 3 of them the last week or so. Still lots of racism in them by todays standards. Funny though, stereotyping etc. not ace Ventura bad, but someone will complain about it.
Incidentally the third one in Paris isn’t very good.
This makes the uneducated chud seethe
>Still lots of racism in them
In the form of comedy, which is what kills antagonism between races. Being able to talk shit and laugh at each other the way friends do.
>put an actual child rapist in your third movie so people won't complain about racial stereotypes
4D chess move desu
I thought the real low point was the first when he lies to him about not speaking English
grown sue young >>> little sue young
stereotyping != racism
R.I.P. racism
Jackie reportedly did not care for these movies. It's a shame. We'll probably never get another mainstream movie where 2 minorities tell each other
>I'll bitchslap you back to countyoforigin
Jackie Chan, still based.
This, the left cannot fathom this being a thing and their masters don’t want it
Rush Hour 1 and 2 were the last great buddy cop movies. Shieeeet G14 Classified.
By todays standards, not mine. The sort of shit someone would blow a fuse at on twitter where a normal person will just enjoy the movie about buddy cops being out of their usual stomping grounds.
Fast and the furious solved it.
>every race represented and having a good time together
>except niggers and jews
I like that there is no argument against Rush Hour ending racism.
I know people want to pretend racism was a big deal but literally this one movie ended it in America.
What the, TWO non-white male leads, HOW could I possibly relate to this?!?!!
We could solve racism by today's "standards" by getting rid of all the niggers.
>except niggers and jews
Niggers and jews are all over those films.
Don’t confuse banter with racism
And it’s misogynistic!
Truely the worst thing I found out about since tropic thunder black face. I’m writing to Netflix immediately.
>Incidentally the third one in Paris isn’t very good.
"Isn't very good" is a very generous understatement.
Wouldn't work. "racism" is a jewish invention to divide the goyim so they fight each other and forget about the jew.
FACT: Rush Hour and Fast and the Furious did more for race relations than any politician in the last 20 years.
>ace Ventura bad
kek. I hate zoomies so much.
so the white supremacy site full of nazis is spreading racist memes toward blacks to ignore the jew?
I am a Chud.
I want all Niggers deported out of my country.
This is my favorite buddy cop film.
How? Things are even worse now AND they've never been good.
The weird part is that Finkle doesn't even identify as a woman. It was literally just something he did to complete his crazy murder plan.
i hear the term 'chud' very often lately.
what is a 'chud' exactly?
pls respond
It's simple, kike. You're enemy #1. Nothing else in the world can be properly assessed until you're gone forever.
pic related
Things got worse after Rush Hour (decline with the third in 2007) and when Fast and the Furious went off the rails (2009). They were the last thing holding the race related social fabric together.
Isn't Ludacris a main character?
CCP shill. Endorses forceful harvesting of human organs. Demon.
guess i am a chud too then
I think it's like the opposite version of a Chad.
subjective, dont call something that is not objectivelly racist, racist.
no one cares about wokeism morality and most of society doesnt have the same moralist vision, stop analyzing shit based on this.
If that's true why are so many Asians getting assaulted by criminals of an indeterminate ethnicity
I was talking about the first one.
>FACT: Rush Hour and Fast and the Furious did more for race relations than any politician in the last 20 years.
this is so fucking funny to me because it sounds so outlandish but it’s actually true and isn’t anywhere near the first time I’ve heard this statement
War, huh) Yeah!
(What is it good for?) Absolutely nothing, uhuh
(War, huh) Yeah!
(What is it good for?) Absolutely nothing
Say it again, y’all!
(War, huh) Lookout!
(What is it good for?) Absolutely nothing
Listen to me, awwwww!
Racism will only be solved with the extermination of the white race.
it's "chad" and "stud" combined
leftycels use it as an insult for some reason
anyone who is aware that blacks are a separate race from whites and not equivalent.
anyone who doesn't believe men magically transform into women just because they believe they are women.
They literally beat jackie chan up for saying nigger. Jackie. Chan.
Michael Jackson did more for race relations than any person in history. And you saw what they did to him.
The problem is the eternal kike also promotes anti-semitism because they can control the context and use it to further their own ends. Most rightards don't get it, they think they're "redpilling people on the jew" but the reality is most of the time they're just playing right into their hands, pigeonholing their ideological beliefs and quashing them in the eyes of potential supporters, allies, families, etc. The best thing in the world for the jew is for the natsoc right to be as loud, violent, frightening, and hateful as possible. They've been playing this game for 6000 years, they've had more than enough time to master all the tricks.
Yeah but if my reality is tv then it works
>rush hour 4
>women lead
been there
done that
Asian + black = white
Shanghai Kid>Rush Hour
I can't for another 15 years or so when zoomers will finally get to experience having their youth cancelled.
but he enjoyed working with chris tucker (after the first movie) :)
>Jackie goes into a black bar
>calls them a pack of niggers
>beats the shit out of all of them
Uhhhh based?
I don't like you
the like girl don't like you
nobody likes you
>solves racism
>by the white guy calling the black guy a nigger and constantly beating on him
absolutely based
that's just because they're women
I miss owen wilson kinos...