She's more powerful than Apocalypse

She's more powerful than Apocalypse

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All the white bois die instantly. Thank God the women where there to put up a fight

Logan was way better at killing Xavier off.
On that note Logan was a better example of capeshit in general. Even did the evil clone thing better.

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Can Sir Patrick finally die IRL?

if you break his neck mentally you break it physically?

I wasn't 100% sold on Logan but the X24 stuff was awesome.


Why are they turning her into the single most annoying mary sue of a character?

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it's not a mary sue if nobody likes her


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cuz what is love if not grief preserving bro



Yes, capeshit is shit.

You only hate it because she's a woman. If it was a white man would would be creaming your pants about how cool he is. See this incel for proof

At the end of the day/movie it was still capeshit

What am I looking at?

...user, there's a point where it's overkill to the point of being annoyingly absurd.

they are continuing the fox x-men and not rebooting it their goes my hope for the x-men


World's most powerful telepath losing to the world's most powerful mother

>You can't scare me with this Gestapo cr-

they aren’t. between ralph boner and this, it’s clear feige fucking hates fox’s x-men even though 1) he produced the early movies and those got his name known and 2) half of them (X2, DOFP, Logan especially) BTFO the MCU

ackchully the criteria for a mary sue is just that everyone in the story has a strong opinion of them and things seem to revolve around their life

Who watches this shit?

Reminder that strange lost to fucking spider man

Weak women.

How the fuck did he lose here lmao

You have to understand, even if Raimi *wanted* him to win, producers like Fiege would *insist* that "I think we need a moment where the grieving heroine has her moment of triumph", so, lol.

kids and nerds.

this is the introduction of these characters into the mcu, longtime iconic characters like professor x and reed richards, and you immediately annihilate them and humiliate them.

How can anyone watching this and not laugh?
It's like watching those earlier seasons of the Simpsons. When they parodied Arnold flicks.

whats the movie?

This is the Professor X from the 90's cartoon?

No, he's a new one with elements lifted from the 97 cartoon and FoXMen

>it's okay guys I'll just read her mind and AAAAAAAAAUUUUUUUUUUGGGGHHHH

so why exactly was Mr. Fantastic, whose main power is elasticity, and is also arguably the weakest of the people present standing 2 or so people away from this reality bending sorceress, and why is he standing inbetween her and a man whose main ability is obliterating everything in front of him. Is it some kind of "no we can work this out" kind of deal?

suicide squad

Thought he was on a roller coaster and this was some Final Destination shit lmao

dr strange multiverse of madness

because he's the smartest person in the universe.

More like Mr. Sphaghetti

The point of multiverse is that these characters are disposable.

No same will still apply


I see they called JJ Abrams to the writing board eh

Then why should I care?

really boring dude

Portrayed incredibly poorly in this clip.

South Park 2: smaller, shorter, and circumcised

lol doesn't look like it

Yes, and? Am I supposed to like women?

isn't that just a main character?

Wtf was with the yellow zamboni he was riding on?

>they're just variants

bullshit argument. this is the introduction of these characters in the mcu, and they are portrayed in the way they traditionally should, traditional powers, costumes, etc. and our first vision of them in the mcu is watching them get unceremoniously wiped out, not even really putting up a fight. i'd rather they not have appeared at all if that's how they end up getting treated.

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>they are continuing the fox x-men
X-Men TAS intro music plays when Professor X enteres the room.

sorry jim. jenna still loves you.

They should have had Wanda kill Prof X. first. The Illuminati realize they are fucked then try to subdue her, but they all end up failing.

>I now bind the Phoenix with the power of AAAAAAAAAAAA!

Do you think Stewart gets tired of being brought in just to be murdered again?

This movie feels like Raimi-lite.

>is also arguably the weakest of the people
That's Carter, not Reed


Yeah. He tries to explain to her that Black Bolt could fuckin rek her so she should surrender.
Except in doing so he tells her exactly how to beat him.

>Mr Anderson

They're men, this is a new era, the age of Women

>be Reed Richards
>both of your 2000 era movies suck
>the edgy reboot sucks
>get a chance to be in the MCU
>get killed off in your first appearance

Feels bad, man.

Yes. I can't find the clip with sound now, but it's somewhere on yt.

>raimi first MCU movie
>doctor strange's gf marries a black guy


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>Plan a movie that is a second chance to re-create many beloved characters that didn't get a good shake in the MCU before whilst ALSO introducing whatever crazy fun variants you want
>Give it to Raimi who famously gives no fuck about expanded universe stuff or even comic book storytelling in general
This film was built to die, Raimi got to dredge all of Marvel for things people have been waiting to see, only to publicly sodomize them because he doesn't give a fuck about the material. It's exactly the same thing he did with Spider-man 3

When I saw this I smiled thinking about all the seethe threads I would see on Yea Forums

So what exactly is going on, is she being set up as the next major Thanos-tier villain? I'd actually like that if they commit to it

>What good is a phone call if you're unable to speak

>both of your 2000 era movies suck
Even those at least tried to be self-contained stories, without relying on MUH CAMEOS.
And you didn't have to read wiki to understand what's going on either.
Fantastic 4 get the short end of the stick.
Can't have an all white nuclear family on big screen anymore.

Haven't seen the movie but the impression I get from these out of context scenes are that it's all of his trademark violence with none of the camp and humour so it just comes across as mean-spirited.

>When I saw this I smiled thinking about

I'm so very sorry.

>some kind of "no we can work this out" kind of deal?
Yes Reed actually tries reason with her and says he has kids of his own and understands where she is coming from. To which she ask if the kid's mother is still around, he says yes she says well at least they will have someone left to take care of them. Saying she planned to killed Reed. After which he again tries to talk her down by saying what Black Bolt could do to her. The whole bit is trying to stop the first with sympathy then with an ultimatum. They might have had a chance if they went in guns blazing.

I just ushered a reverend fuck after reading that, dude

Camrip out yet?

>audience burst out laughing during that scene
pretty based

She's not a villain user. She's a woman grieving. There's a difference.

Some of the zoom-ins and editing is very typical for Raimi, but that's it.

Grieving her fake fucking children? Or her robot boyfriend that is still alive but left because she's batshit?

lol ok the weakest survived longer than black bolt.
ah yes, shes a woman. ok.

Is it actually her or just alternate universe Wanda gone evil

no they are the ones who fucking get together on the hopping dimension, they are more important than a random copy