Documentary set in ancient rome

>documentary set in ancient rome
>they pronounce it gaius julius see-zuh not gaius julius kaiser

I can't take it seriously if they can't get this one simple thing right

Attached: ideasofpepe.jpg (854x758, 154.24K)

Other urls found in this thread:

we speak english here

>documentary set in ancient rome
>they use full names instead of autistic abbreviations
Yosu niggas are really going to do me like this?

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>set in ancient Rome
>speaks English not Latin
>hardly ever use the word fuck.

ok then

But you got it wrong too
It's Gaius Yoolius Kaisar

>retard plays Fallout New Vegas and thinks that's the correct way to pronounce Caesar
why are chuds like this?

where did you learn your Latin?

Look up how it was actually pronounced instead of getting info from a video game, or are you dumb enough to think 'modern' latin sounds the same as it did 2050 years ago, let alone how a fucking video game character whose entire schtick is that he's ignorant or history says it?

So I ask you where you learned Latin and your answer is "I looked it up". Going to ignore you now.

But you got it wrong too.
It's "Gai-oos Yu-lee-oos Kai-sahr", not "Gai-uhss Yu-lee-uhss Kai-zehr"

Its pronounced yoo-lyoos

That's unironically how it would have been pronounced during his lifetime, latin at the time did not have a soft C. But nobody, not eventhe most autistic classicist bothers.

where did you learn your Latin?

My Roman ancestors taught me in my dreams

Actually it would’ve been pronounced “Che-zar”. Cicero would’ve been “Chichero”

>Anything set in ancient rome
>Characters speak in british accent

Nice bait.

This is why you ignore any sword and sandal med movie with anglogermcucks in it

I would have also accepted
You're a time traveler
You're the guy from The Man from Earth
Thank you


>movie about rome
>aristocrats arent using 5th ce BC Athenian greek


>t never even spoken anything but broken english

Is it called kaiser sauce then? I'm taking a smart girl out and want to impress her, I could order a chicken kaiser salad for the starter

>Spelling it Julius instead of the proper Iulius
The Latin alphabet didn't have the letter 'J', you uneducated plebian. The 'J' phonetic was written as a 'I' before a vowel as the first letter of the word. A true Roman would be disciplined enough to practice his Latin.

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>Movie set in Rome
>My house is still visible in a few scenes

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Anglos were butthurt at germans so they changed it

Doesn’t matter in the end because neither of them will ever be European no matter how much they mimick.

>they are romans
>they aren't doing the roman salute

prove it

>movie set in Rome
>citizens aren't roaming around


Roma is the original name and pronunciation

>In Rome the citizens were known to roam around, or as it was pronounced back then, roma round

Learn something new everyday, thanks user

>see documentary about Napoleon
>Emperor of France
turn it off and throw it in the trash.
Gāius yoo-li-yoos ka-ye-zar is the correct pronunciation.

>trust me, i know it! i totally can speak it too! - just give me 10 minutes to google it!

how embarrassing. why are americans like this?

did they actually do this?

>city named Roma
>not filled with gypsies
how do they expect me to stay immersed


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>that episode of Seinfeldus where Geraldus buys a new slave girl and Georgius remembers that he killed her entire family in Gaul and wants Geraldus to resell her

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>gypsies liked Roma so much they stopped being nomads and settled there

What Napoleon did you want to see a documentary about?

>latin at the time did not have a soft C.
Shouldn't Caesar be pronounced with a hard K regardless, since it's followed by an A?

>they pronounce it Julius instead of Iulius

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Ranieribros...WE WON

It didn't have U either so it would be IVLIVS

it's (you)lee-us

...the premier league title against all odds

Attached: claudio and jim get this party started.jpg (800x533, 118.46K)


>they pronounce it gaius julius see-zuh not gaius julius kaiser

It's actually "Kaius".

>this is how burgers sound in any foreign language

let's not get into the proper pronunciation of Veni Vedi Vici ^_^
You want some shit classical latin pronunciation any of Mary Beard's docos, she can read it fine, her speech is terrible

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>aygow screeverey beney
Kek. Still, I'm impressed.
I thought no one talked latin though, only wrote it? Didn't they speak Greek or something, or is that just a meme?

>I thought no one talked latin though, only wrote it?
In modern universities? if so, yes. They focus more on the written aspect of the language rather than the oral one. However, there are some who are reviving the spoken part of it.
>Didn't they speak Greek or something, or is that just a meme?
In Caesar's day? if so, yes. It was the language of patricians like French was in the 18th ce.

Are there any latin words where K or Q are followed by a soft wovel?

you will never be a roman

quippe ;)

Could you give me an example?

Posh people spoke Greek to each other. Plebs spoke Latin, but a lot of them also knew a simplified form of Greek called Koine which ended up being the lingua franca.
Latin speakers got lazy and dropped the third gender and finer points of grammer, which led to a shitty language called vulgar Latin. Modern romance languages are decended from it.

>Mark Antony instead of Marcus Antonius
Damn anglos

I hate people who do nothing to hide their accents when speaking another language.

Honestly the way an English speaker would say "kaiser" isn't totally accurate either. They'll usually aspirate the initial "k," the "s" would be voiced as z, and the "er" would come out like "ɚ" depending on if the speaker had a rhotic dialect of English. The YouTuber Polymathy did a good video about this.
Latin has sounds that we just don't have in English, and vice versa. If you're speaking English in a documentary you might as well just use familiar English words for things.

>"Youre a loose Pilum, Quintus, I have the Consul UP MY RECTUM for that little stunt you pulled at the Forum last night. Hand over your Gladius. And your OTHER Gladius."

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Jesus this is literally Inglorious Basterds "BON JORNO"-tier
Latin suffers from this a lot worse than most other languages taught in schools because the focus is so much more on reading rather than speech

Joke all you want but I would watch the FUCK out of a Roman buddy cop show