I hate watching the beach episode of Avatar

It reminds me that I have wasted my youth.

I never went to parties, never had fun at the beach, never really had friends, never did sports

And now I'm balding and I lack the energy I once had, and my knees and my shoulders hurt as I am approaching 30

I hate everything, I hate myself and I have Avatar

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>not even 30
>thinking you have wasted your youth

user, start working out, go gaslight and lure some teen pussy with drugs like coke and molly + money, download tinder. A great place to do so is raves and eletronic music parties. I've known some almost 50yo chads that do so. Just download tinder and start. It only takes a couple of months to get it going.

Oh and stop wasting your fucking time with children's cartoons.

>And now I'm balding and I lack the energy I once had, and my knees and my shoulders hurt as I am approaching 30

Shave your head, start hitting the gym. You'll either feel better and your life will improve or you'll just be a shredded retard. Either way it's something more worth your while than watching cartoons and being depressed about it.

This. Waste your time crying about minorities in tv shows instead.

>not even 30
>already balding

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Bro just don’t watch that episode.

this. become meathead mode. drop the cartoons

I only regret not proposing to Azula.

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the zoomer curse

Just watch it for the feet instead

Am I a loser?

Let’s put it this way. I self invited myself to a house party a few months ago and at one point in the night the girl I’ve been crushing on and talking to decided to get drunk and high and blow a dude in the middle of the living room. After a couple minutes it turned into a bunch of the guys in the party running a train on her mouth and pussy. The rest of the girls in the party either watched in shock/disgust/arousal but most just got weirded out and left.

I stood in the corner sobbing quietly and jerking myself off. I jizzed twice onto the floor over the next hour. This really hot girl who’s friends with my crush and knows my feelings sees me, and comes over. She gives me a sympathetic squeeze on the arm with a smile and tells me to at least take a turn.

I get into position behind my crush’s juicy ass, heart pounding in excitement to finally lose my virginity. Right as I’m about to enter she turns around and says
>”no fucking way user is gonna fuck me with that small ass dick get out of here dude”

I had so much emotions running through me with the sadness and humiliation that I just came on the spot and everyone was laughing at me after her comment and told me to get the fuck out of there.

I moved states a week later.

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>download tinder



When I go to parties we just have cookies and cola and play vidya or play card games

Why are Americans so weird

>my knees and my shoulders hurt as I am approaching 30

Start being more active, your sedentary lifestyle has led to muscle weaknesses and imbalances

Whenever I try to do that, my joints hurt even more

This guy doesn't want to fix his shit, he just wants to whine. Abandon thread.

I remember I was sitting in the lunchroom at highschool one day, and a girl came up to me and told me that her friend thought I was cute and wanted my number. Since I had been groomed into thinking being gay would make me more popular, I had been keeping up an online relationship with another boy my age, and thought it was real and mattered. I told the girl I was dating someone, and she left. I figured out I wasn't gay a year or two later, but that was the only time a girl has ever approached me. I still think about this years later, thanks for coming to my ted talk

Because you have existing problems already, go to a physical therapist

>I had been groomed into thinking being gay would make me more popular,

This is what atheism does to a mf

I’m 29 and I hiked to the top of Mauna Kea last week, 4,800 foot elevation gain trail. If you start right now you can be more physically fit at 40 than most people are at 30.

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That and growing up in the Obama era

dont blame gay people for your autism

lack of blood flow from not exercising.

could be worse

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I never ran in circles this depraved, but did know many girls passed around the fraternity house.

meant for

>not even 30 and already crying about his age
Fuck off, pussy. Men aren't really "old" until they're past 50. It's women who hit the wall at 30. But that wasn't the point of this thread, right? You actually just wanted me to post Avatar lolis? Your wish is my command, my friend.

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holy smokes

Damn, I don't remember this.

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>Oh and stop wasting your fucking time with children's cartoons.

>this show aired on Nickelodeon, right in between Rugrats and Spongebob Squarepants
How did they get away with it?

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Hairline started receding at fifteen. I'm convinced it was because of the extreme emotional and mental stress. Thanks "dad."

okay i got a plan now hear me out. i say to ty lee oh i bet you catch put your leg behind your head and then when she goes to prove me wrong i give her full penetration

At least you chose best girl

Faggots aren't people, especially the pedophile I encountered

same at 25. medications are too expensive so ill just probably shave in a year or two since its not bad yet. will just have to grow a good beard and keep not being fat

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hope this is a pasta i dont know about

You can thank you dad for his shit genetics but whatever he was doing to evoke invoke emotional and mental stress obviously wasn't good enough because his son is still a little sissy bitch. I bet you put wigs on your bald-ass head and wear dresses and pretend to be a girl the the mirror.

>tfw not balding but have a fuckton of gray hairs at 27
>tfw azula isn't real

I screenshot your stories every time I see them. My collection will continue to grow.

Half the time some dumb bitch would drink too much, get into a favour with her friends, they’d all split off into crying groups and the guys just drank awkwardly waiting for it to chill out again. There’s your average teenage party. Sometimes there’s Smash.

>have a fuckton of gray hairs at 27
Dye your hair. It makes a big difference in how youthful you look. Just buy the cheapest hair/beard dye you can find and apply it yourself.

Kill yourself.

Thnx lol


Impressed that you can identify the writing style. Rare skill

so what you fuck, there were often times of war in our history with little food and much death. Be glad you werent part of that, and instead were part of comfy digital weeb lands. I have seen sights and met people one could not easily meet in real life in relative comfort, and it wasnt all that bad.

Hair dye looks shit in men because the base colour for most dyes is a weird auburn that 1. Most men don’t have naturally and 2. Doesn’t suit most mens skin tone. That’s why with men you always tell when it’s dyed.

Sph/cuckanon is a creative writer

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>That’s why with men you always tell when it’s dyed.
Serious question, are you a woman? Because, as a man, I would never be able to tell unless it were dyed some absurd color. I don't look at a beard and think "that's not this guy's natural color."

Props to you for finding them all lol reads like a parody

No way this is real

Why did Zuko look so much hotter in this episode than others?

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I get very excited when I find them

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His emo haircut, circa 2008.

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Got any more? How have you been collecting them across multiple boards? That’s dedication. Mad respect

Dude you’re based

I have 1 more but it might be someone else. I just happen to see them between /fit/ and Yea Forums.

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this is what netflix is denying you

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user, from the age of 15-18 and 20-29 I spent most of my time working and trying to get away from working, when all was said and done I felt the same way, you still have time to get your shit together and get out there, it's what i did.

>Yea Forums - Television & Film
>thread is about balding 30 year old men and cartoon girls

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Reads like a different person imo. Now that I see your collection I think they also made that gym swimming pool post recently on /fit/

My favorite poster is the white power ranger on /fit/

>download tinder
Not that user but the last time I used tinder it was an absolute wasteland. I had some success there in the past but it’s just so much worse now. Surely something like bumble is more utilized. Tinder is mostly for self validation from what I’ve seen recently

No dude, but it’s one of those things where once you’re aware of it you can’t not see it. For example. Steven Seagal is bad dye job. Robert Downey It’s looked better. Reason being is SS has a solid block of black, whereas RDJ got high and low lights put in too which blends it better. Compare JT’s sideburns to his hair. You can see the teddy undertone to it yeah? Paul McCartney is another good example of this. Ironically it would be less obvious if they bleached their hair instead.

>gym swimming pool post recently on /fit/
Do you have a link? This one sounds good

Forgot image

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>gets baited into online chat room
>pretends to be gay to impress crush
>crush assumes you're gay, moves on

you only have yourself to blame for this one user