Will we get a historically accurate Roman kino anytime soon?

Will we get a historically accurate Roman kino anytime soon?

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Italy was ruled by the Ottomans for 700 years. What was left after the reqonceesta was basically just Turk/Arab rape babies. It's a tragedy what happened to Italy. No wonder they're third world today. If it were up to me we'd deport all the mud blood dagos in the US back to Europe. Or even better, back to Africa.


Look it up if you don't believe me

What the fuck are you on about? The Ottomans couldn't even take Malta. They lost control of the Mediterranean to the Holy League in the late 16th century. Surely you mean the Berbers took Sicily for 250 years. Also Italy never had a "reconquista", that's in Spain. The genetics of the Sicilians barely changed at all, in fact the very few remaining Berbers/Maghrebs that were skilled labourers were kept isolated on a single village before being expelled by Napoleon.

MENA people are Mediterranean. Only insecure faggots have a problem with this.

Dio mio, el educación de america anglosajona.

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You're thinking Spain and it was berber rule, not Ottoman. Even then the muslim were a small minority and left less genetic traces in the spanish population than the visigoths

That must be why Italy is so cucked now. Will Europoors ever learn?

Bill and teds

>american education

>Rome was like New York

Yeah nah

You're right, NYC is whiter

>these people that conquered the middle east had soldiers they levied from there.

Are you genuinely retarded OP? Cleopatra was deepthroating Roman cock just to keep Egypt alive

Yeah, the Romans btfo the jews.

>Jews be like: Johnny Depp was actually a black transwoman

We knew this already? The Severan dynasty was of Phoenician origin funnily enough. I’d say it was probably one of the shittiest though.

Whatever you say, Tyrone

>Berber rule
Spain was under Moorish rule

and the "moors" were mainly berbers.

It's the same shit.

Kek no

Indo Europeans

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>Italy was ruled by the Ottomans for 700 years.

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idris elba as scipio

Italians used to be Romans but now they're Middle Eastern

>the masculine urge to run away from home to join the ottoman army, convert to islam, become a pasha and marry a dozen brown qts

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lol it's not really a debate, that's by far the consensus view.

like it matters

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Heck no. The Moors were Arabs who ruled over Berbers and invaded Spain.

Levantine ppl were whiter before the Arab expansion

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"moor" is just generic term for muslim used by medieval christians in the western mediterranean. it's not a specific group. most of them were, by virtue of physical reality, berbers from north africa.

I'm from Palestine and the middle top one could pass here, left top could pass in the upper Gulf, right top could pass in Sudan, Somalia, Ethiopia, or extreme lower Gulf

That's how they called the berbers back then user

Completely different peoples

maybe you're just uninformed

Ottomans were in league with the Germans.
Spain was ruled by Moors and Arabs.
Romans were literally Greek.

None of these people were ever accepted as white, especially in America.

Reminder that Yea Forums is predominantly full of anglogermcucks and anglogermcucks will never be European

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Moors were north Africans weren't they?

Top middle looks South Asian. I agree he could pass in Palestine but that’s not what any ancient portraits of Jesus Christ looks like and Palestine has browned since 1st Century AD

European people live in North Africa as well. Arabs come from Europeans.

Berbers aren't a specific group either, it's a language group. Berbers can range from white passing like the Kabyle to black like the Taureg.

>Guido barbujani
That's the most hilariously wop name I've ever heard

They literally imported them into Europe

No, Moors were Arabs who ruled over North Africans

Better than “Lizzie Wade” and other Hansdeepshit

Rome had Africans, Middle Easterners, Romans, Gauls, Jews, probably even Asians

>probably even Asians
They did for sure

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Based, convert, find a mosque that welcomes outsiders, become friends, get introduced to qt's get married.

That explains why Meds look the way they do now

How can anyone know what Jesus Christ looked like?

/pol/ bros.... we lost....
We've been worshipping and praising sand darkies this whole time and now they're mocking us.....

They’ve always looked like that just like how youve always been an Asian, Hansdeep Nigelwong.

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Yes, Imperial Rome was very East Med. And not only Rome, pretty much all Italian cities were like that. Even non-Italian cities had people like that.

I would say that movies showing ancient Rome certainly depict it as too white.

No, the Ottomans were in leauge with the French.
The Romans and other Latins were a mix of Etruscan and Italic peoples. Both of which show a continuity with the Villanovna culture, which itself is thought to be a continuation of the bronze-age urnfield culture. compare for example Etruscan and early Roman hut urns with Urnfield burial customs. It is true though that Etruscans and Italics traded heavily with both Greek and Punic cities during the orientalizing period and that etruscan art was influenced by the earlier. Oh and the whole hellenic culture conquering rome while Roman arms conquered the hellenic world.
In conclusion: You are wrong and I am right.

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Yeah, it's a shame what happened to them.

Yup. Any anglogermcuck in a Greco-Roman-Egyptian setting = inaccurate

1. We have a photograph of him on a linen medium
2. We have ancient portraits of him from all over the world that are consistent in how he is portrayed

Yes. I remember.

Anglogermcucks will never be European no matter how pale like the chinks they get. Jesus was a half jew half Roman.