And no amount of Mauler's nitpicking will change that.
Kenobi will be kino
Other urls found in this thread:
We already know the black woman will be the real protagonist and Obi-Wan's role is only to get humiliated and emasculated by her.
t. Geeks and Gamers chud
Vaderkino being tacked on to this inquisitor dogshit is peak Disney
>still caring about star wars
Stop hating women and you will be much happier
reported for advertising
that’s only funny when i do in the severance threads
Yeah it seems like the trailer is giving off a bait and switch
>experience the 6 part EVENT
Lmao they're not even pretending these are anything more than theme park ride equivalents anymore
>[Product] will be [buzzword] and no amount of [e-celeb] nitpicking will change that.
Kill yourself.
at least this music fits better that just randomly putting duel of fates on it.
but its going to be shit and we all know it.
It's fucking shit. Didn't the lore already say that Obi Wan didn't do anything in Tatooine except wait and watch Luke? Why couldn't they just leave him be? When did he ever have a duel with Vader inbetween episode III and IV? Why isn't this negress Jedi hunter ever mentioned? This is literal goyslop for men who are still children
I see what you did there OP
>the lore
Star Wars "lore" hasn't mattered since TPM.
considering Disney's history I think it's a fair assumption
you should focus into getting a neovagina and that precious strogen,you sorry attempt of a woman.
absolutely a bait and switch, shoehorning Vader in to milk that last bit of nostalgia kino. maybe stronk black woman fights Vader wounds him so Obi-Wan can escape.
This looks like total trash compared to every single disney star wars movie, only literal prequel redditors would claim otherwise
it was supposed to be a movie but since they killed the franchise they're hiding it behind a pay wall and made it a throw away series.
They made 5 movies which grossed over 6 billion dollars but that killed the franchise? The fact soys are eating up Mando means the franchise wasn't killed, they just know their streaming show stuff will be less scrutinized.
ignore production and marketing expenses
ignore that each film they released earned less and missed expectations.
the franchise is in decline, it may not be dead but it's dying
delusional youtube reasoning, they are appealing to mutts with their shows and it's working so far
Disney fucked up the sequels so bad with the shitty writing, shitty characters that no one cares about, muh power of friendship and female empowerment that they just can't imagine a world further.
They realize it's all shit going forward unless something like baby yoda or mandalorian picks up and so they refuse to come out of prequel world. So yeah, expect spin off series of insignigficant characters to be milked for all their worth.
>Star Wars
The sequels writing is high above the average for Star Wars, the prequel writing was MUCH worse.
this fucking place has ruined me, i cant take anything with black women seriously anymore
it would be fine if it was actually done well, but these disney plus shows can't even do boba fett properly, of course anything with a black woman is going to be annoying and stupid
Dey hea
The writing for the sequels is undeniably the worst in the franchise though. The trilogy had no fucking road map and just consisted of Rian and JJ contradicting and spiting each other while producing OT derivative trash
and why isn't Kenobi a movie again? you do remember it was supposed to be, or did you conveniently forget that?
gee I wonder why they'd take a billion dollar blockbuster and make it a mini series hidden behind a pay wall?
nope no problems there
Nice youtube tier opinion, chud
Because Star Wars fans hate on new movies even when Lucas directed them, where have you been the last 23 years? Look at all the Marvel shows that are objectively bad, yet they get good reviews. People have lower standards for these shows, The Mandalorian and Book of Boba Fett are more bland than anything but people pretend they're higher quality. They can promote their streaming service and pander to prequel memers on reddit at the same time.
Nice reddit insult, tranny.
Based and Kenobipilled
We’re all gonna get laid
because you know Disney will diminish Kenobi or even Vader to elevate her
since she's a villain, we're going to have a backstory about how she's really the victim
she'll ultimately save the day, overcoming her victimization to be so braze and strong.
it's so formulaic at this point you know when you see (insert grievance group) it's going to play out in the same tried and true way.
You would know all about reddit since you think the prequels have better writing than the sequels.
Meds. Now.
>you think the prequels have better writing than the sequels.
>Made a joke to my star wars nerd friend asking who will play the diverse lesbian sidekick or villain when I saw they were gonna make an obi wan show
>See this
I feel like Nostradamus at this point
>There are 12 good Star Wars movies and 5 good Star Wars shows.
funny but fans bitching during the Lucas era never hurt the franchise. they bitched about Jar Jar but still consumed.
still bought the toys, still consumed everything star wars.
no so much anymore
I'm honestly looking forward to this, and I don't even mind the black sith lady who initially pissed me off
So far the worst part is the goofy hat on the fat asian imperial guy. They're trying to have a scene of The Empire marching around being intimidating and the dude looks like a massive fat kid who shat his pants at McDonalds
Original trailer is also more kino
Still looking forward to this
Completely accept the possibility, the very real one, that it's terrible
yeah, for kids, grow up, your manchild.
That's literally all Star Wars ever was or ever should be
>t. Weeb
why is there another sith? what happened to the rule of two?
only 2 sith would be gay but the rule of two sounded cool
So we ignore it unless it fits in which case fine
deal with it chud
because you're a moron that thinks dark side = sith by default when that isn't true
They aren’t Sith, they’re Inquisitors (which existed in the EU). They’re really more like Dark Jed
every single zoom zoom was buying and loving the lego star wars game month ago user. and funko plasic shits still sell out. you are coping. the films have always been ultra divisive for over 20 years, that is fact.
Looks like shit
These disney cock suckers really cannot get one thing about star wars right.
>find a way around the Rule of Two by having a group of Dark Jedi serving the two Sith
episodes 7 and 8 were bangers
yeah sorry for not watching 20 seasons of your faggot anime to know that
I'm not an extreme star wars fan but I have been pretty heavily into it and I couldn't tell you what the difference between a sith and a dark side force user is lmao
Looks fun. :)
Can't wait to torrent this miniseries and enjoy it at my own leisure.
Other than the Sith being an actual race but that's obviously not what we're talking about
to be a sith you have to be taught specific sith knowledge you don't inherently learn by being dark side. you learn what past sith learned and saved in holocrons or other systems to pass on information for future sith.
you don't become a jedi just by being on the light side, you have to learn the jedi knowledge given by jedi masters and their holocrons.
that's literally all there is to it