What KINOs can we expect from this shitshow?

What KINOs can we expect from this shitshow?

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>my body my choice

I still haven't figured this one out. It's not your body... it's a baby. That's someone else

put a leech on your stomach for 9 months and tell yourself you can't take it off because it's wrong to.

I hope black guys start raping more white women and force them to give birth to interracial babies.

I'm sure it's been said before, but how is there even an argument? The recent vaccine mandates demonstrated that states' rights precede an individual's autonomy over his body, so the federal government / court oughtn't have any power over the matter.

Do these retards even realize there's a substantial amount of women in support of this as well?

In their body though

>This tweet was made by a man

What is they all identified as women while making the law?

how about you shoot yourself in the head you retarded hole

Fetuses can't survive outside the womb, therefore they are part of a woman's body and not a living organism.

>men can't be pregnant
get a load of this ignorant bigot

The same women who scream this were telling people who didn't want to get the vax to grow up.

It takes more than surface level understanding of human life to accept that for some people.

>I no longer want to use my body to grow this other person
There you go

They are horrific at debate or making inroads with ideological others.


i think the programmer looped the print function for this NPC

fetus is stored in the balls

Yeah, and they put it there.

>equating a human fetus to a leech
And you guys call conservatives evil?

>Implying it's only men who dislike abortion
Ummmm sexist and racist much?;


Almost all pro life protestors are women.
My ex and I had an abortion a few years ago and it was literally 20 women outside, no dudes. They didn't scream or anything like you see in movies, though. They all just had Starbucks and were yelling "Jesus loves you!", Stuff like that, And carrying signs with the usual slogans.

Abortion is really fucking weird because it's probably the biggest major issue that really doesn't fall along party lines at all, which causes most people who break from their party on abortion to just keep their mouth shut because they don't want to go against their "team".
Which to me is the biggest reason why it should be a states right issue
there's never going to be a consensus on it until we have artificial wombs to transfer the fetuses to, so irresponsible women don't have to carry a lifetime burden for their lack of chastity and so unwanted children don't get deprived of their chance at life

A leech isn't a growing human life

It's an utter non-argument. Everyone, of every gender, has tons of things mandating what they should do with their bodies in law, and it's put up to vote routinely.

Trust me, if I could opt out of taxes to fund our welfare state or child support I would

So women shouldn't be voting about war?

>I am tired of this person therefore I have a right to commit murder
There you go

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How do I get a blue checkmark?

>i want to have unprotected sex but not deal with the consequences!
women are literally evil. they only love their children because they grew from them but now they can't even be bothered with the inconvenience of having them anymore. islam is right

It's been 24/7 salt mining over here, child support should be eradicated too.

There are three women in the Supreme Court lol. Why are Americans so retarded


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Men can get pregnant bigot

>what are pre mature babies that survive all the time
The birth canal is not a magic line that makes you a human

poop is stored in the butt

>so irresponsible women don't have to carry a lifetime burden
Why does society think this way about abortion, but not about someone who ran up too much debt irresponsibly?

It's not a body it's a colossal lump of cells :^)

Wrong, fetuses don’t think or make choices and they don’t have souls, they don’t get or need a say

Get a ton of followers and get verified

>one of them is even on Alito’s side

OH NONONO womensisters…

I'm pro abortion because I'm anti nigger and without the loose abortion laws there would be about 50 million more niggers in this country than there already are

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are you not aware declaring bankruptcy exists?

post a dildo collection with rainbow flags surrounding them

And women shouldn't kill their babies.

so then what is a body

This debate brings out the strangest cognitive dissonance. The same people who scream about immigration and climate change on the basis of human rights and the value of every life will turn around and call fetuses and growing babies parasites and gleefully recount how many of them they've terminated.

I think abortion should be legal up to a reasonable point like 20 weeks but it irks me to agree even somewhat with these absolute freaks


and women cant survive without men, therefore they are not living organisms and should be subjugated

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I wish I can have a constitutional right to od on coke

shoot unarmed women

If you actually think you have a majority that support abortion nationwide, pass a law. Come on. That's how we do things. Get an actual law passed. Don't rely on 9 people twisting the Constitution to suit your ideological needs.

>blacks might need to be responsible for some of their actions for a change
oh no, can you imagine?

Go back to middle school biology

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I agree, but only because I don't believe in government, abortion is murder and instead of it being illegal your tribe or village ought to lynch you

Fetuses are actually sentient you dip. You can watch them play around in the womb ffs

this movie would unironically be kino

roe v wade literally was that tho

LOL so are you.

I'll take things that will never happen for 800, Alex. The less niggers the better

Transsisters, are they betraying us?

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It's not a baby until it pops out

I think abortion is actually worst from an atheistic point of view. From a Buddhist point of view, it might just be a relatively minor sin, and from a Christian one it is certainly rather grave, but also minor in view of eternity.

Atheists, however, think they are exterminating the potential for someone's one and only life, and they claim it doesn't matter. That really goes to show you the contempt they hold themselves, everyone else, and life in general.

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Someone tell him 2016 is long gone

yeah this is psychotic
any woman who has been pregnant or man who has been around a pregnant woman knows that the baby starts beating the shit out of the mother like 15 weeks into the pregnancy

We are taking away Women's rights and we are enjoying that

Their existence is only possible through the mother, until they are out her priority overrules entirely.

rightoids will actually claim a clump of cells is human life and then turn around and say everyone is the gender they were assigned at birth, no take backsies


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Animals play around all the time and we eat them tho

this this this.
also people getting abortions are fucking retarded and morally depraved. we do not need they raising a new generation of morally depraved retards

I only support abortion because the majority of people who get one are non-whites.

And that's why it's about to dust. Regardless of how you feel about abortion, legally, Roe V Wade was a shit tier legal decision. It pulled two "rights" out of thin air that had never been in a law.

So if I murder a pregnant woman in an abortion clinic after shes signed all the consent forms and is literally on the table about to get her fetus scrambled, will I get charged for one or two murders

It was Judicial activism, which is bad for the reasons user said

Screencap this post of yours, then read it later and die of cringe

They can't survive outside a woman's body either, not without help. Does that mean they can be killed until they're like teenagers?

don't put a leech on yourself then retard

It seems to be majority religious people who are prolife and there is definitely a higher percentage of religious people on the right

That's what Roe vs Wade is though. Even (((Ginsberg))) bitched about it sometimes.

Do you gently sweep insects out of your path when walking around like a Tibetan monk?
No, of course you don't, shut the fuck up you fucking hypocrite.

a lot of them are brainwashed by the media and don't know it's evil

are the animals we eat going to grow into fully conscious beings, that have dreams and aspirations?

Literally no one in this thread has been able to refute this simple argument.

>no cars, planes, or films
>no women
Only based because of how Jewed they have become

You guys know it's mostly niggers who have abortions right? Why the fuck would you give them more ammunition to breed when white fertility is sinking exponentially?

Wtf based

How come more atheists don’t think like you?

I support abortion because it, even though it's minimal, reduces a potential population.

However, I dislike when people pick and choose which bodily-autonomy issues to take a soapbox on. Be consistent or shut up.

>outright saying humans are animals

is that really the path pro choicies want to take? Why not exterminate all of the joggers next? Animals, clumps of cells, and parasites to the social host the lot of them.

Of course you do, because you're a worthless paki tier subhuman

if scientists found a fetus on mars it would be declared extraterrestrial life

Men don't actually give a shit about abortion, it's entirely a women's issue. Politicians are just appealing to the pro-life women in their constituencies. Liberals don't want to believe that pro-life women exist, because they are fundamentally misogynist and believe women don't have the right to make their own decisions.

Go to any pro-life nonprofit's office. It is staffed by 95% women.

I am against abortion because it makes women seethe and I hate women. Couldnt give a single fuck about fetus though

You can abort in Texas before 14 weeks. 14 weeks it's not just a fertilized egg retard

bro?? my bacon??? my god-given right to bacon???

>going to grow
We stop them growing in the womb, negating your argument. That's the whole point

Abortion is still legal in a majority of States. It just means you have to go to a State where it is legal. Maybe they won't come back.

They just start claiming a literal growing human life is not a life

Potential is bullshit. Potential doesn’t mean shit user. Potential is what “gifted kid burnout” losers talk about because they never did shit with their lives. Mourning the loss of a consciousness before it even forms? C’mon. If it’s a miscarriage and a long awaited plan that’s quite different than an unwanted growth.

It's hard to argue because given time, whatever pro choice people want to call that thing, it'll eventually turn into a baby

Calm down, wong, 1% of abortions are due to rape, it ain't much

painting it with the religious brush is literally just propaganda tool
even if you don't believe in any kind of higher power, unless you're a psychopath you have to have some kind of understanding that depriving an intelligent being of it's chance at life is morally wrong.

say retarded shit and treat black people like they're retards that need looking after.

>Liberals don't want to believe that pro-life women exist
this. most of the pro-life people are right wing women.

yep I'm thinking he's based

women should be able to do whatever they want with their bodies, men too. fuck the government and fuck laws.

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retard. At conception it literally has different DNA from the mother

>You guys know it's mostly niggers who have abortions right? Why the fuck would you give them more ammunition to breed when white fertility is sinking exponentially?
>I support abortion because it, even though it's minimal, reduces a potential population.
>However, I dislike when people pick and choose which bodily-autonomy issues to take a soapbox on. Be consistent or shut up.

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>suddenly the left can define "woman"

Do the other genders not have a say in this?

So anyway I fired two antivaxxers today.

Lel this is actually the truth. It's hard finding a man with an actual strong hot take on abortion. 45% of women are pro life and they tend to be really pro life, and pro choice women try their hardest to pretend they don't exist and they're actually doing battle with guys. Male representatives are just reflecting the wishes of their female constituency.

Take the vax, chud

Why do the trannies on this board care? you can't get pregnant.

holy shit lmfao

You can't survive one day without yer mum though. Should you be killed? Don't answer that.

All children's existence is only possible due to the will of their parents or caretakers lmao. So what, now we can just brain children if they disobey is because
>Durrrr they're dependant on us to live therefore I have a right to kill them

Just admit you would rather murder the kid than deal with it. God I get so tired of you faggots doing gold medal tier mental gymnastics around the central issue. It doesn't matter how you justify killing - it's still killing. No, a fetus is not just a mindless clump of cells. It's not a parasite. It's a child. You are killing a child.

>seething this much

Potential is nonsense, compared to what is. A fully developed consciousness is worth more than a primordial one with no sense of self, no language, no tangible thought of any kind

And in next-door Oklahoma it's 6 weeks. So who's right?
Huh? Huh? Huh?
Louisiana is going to ban it entirely. Are Texans evil? You absolute fucking retard?

Why do people care when a 4 year old dies user? All it's been up to that point is a shitting, sleeping, playing little idiot that's accomplished nothing of note and is barely conscious.



Rather a hypocrite than a baby killer

The no abortion=equal nonwhite country is from boomers and early millennials who were hoping to die before we went full South Africa. Fuck em.

how is murder objectively wrong from an atheistic standpoint?


Like someone else said, their existence after birth is only possible through help from others for several years, does that mean you should be allowed to kill young children?

I'm not holy, it's basic science. A fetus is human, and therefore deserving of the human rights even a worthless shitstain like you has been awarded just for existing.

I hope we get some kino riots tonight.

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People in the overpopulation areas of the world (mainly central Africa and Southern Asia) are the people having too many babies, not any Western country. If anything, we have a problem of too few children being born to replace an ageing population.

>a human life
uhhhhhh, yikes?

>My body my choice!
>Also, prostitution should be illegal!

Why are so many feminists like this?

I just want less spics and niggers

They hate everything, themselves most of all, and react with fiendish hatred to every trace of beauty and genius. Every thought in their minds is the product of a demon, and they will never do good when they can instead do evil. There is no nuance required, it's not complicated, there's just a majority of pure evil people in this world desperate to stamp out what's left of the good. If you doubt that there is any limit to their depravity you will be continually surprised.
Please explain to me why preventing a consciousness from forming is more noble than extinguishing it shortly after birth.

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FtM can

Boldface lie, around 35 weeks you could remove the baby from the body and would survive.

I get if you wanna make this argument on the firts weeks, but aborting an almost fully formed baby is murder, just accept it and move on.

>le "people have no moral code without the 10 commandments" meme

women cant riot. They only bitch on twitter

When someone is actually born, they are issued a birth certificate and have certain rights under the law. They are able to be autonomous; not so with a fetus. Of course, pro-birthers love to twist words and definitions.

we should be able to kill everyone on welfare by that logic

Overturning Roe vs Wade doesn't ban abortion, it just makes it fully a states rights issue.
Shaniqua in Queens and Alejandra in LA will still be getting them because those states will immediately re-legalise it.
It's white states in the mid-west that will benefit.

Found the person who hasn't even opened a science book. He thinks a fetus is a "fertilized egg," holy fucking shit.

What so if you stab someone who's in a coma it's not murder? they certainly aren't not in a state of conscious experience

>A fully developed consciousness is worth more than a primordial one with no sense of self, no language, no tangible thought of any kind
let me know when it becomes socially acceptable to kill retards and people with dementia

most of you people are too stupid to realize this isnt going to ban abortions

>So who's right?
well it's certainly not the abortionist

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A civilization where murder is not dealt with in an official recourse whether tribal or judicial will degenerate into tit-for-tat blood feuds

Women should stop having casual sex, it's a pretty simple solution

Remember that any retard going "umm, but most abortions are blacks" is knowingly spreading a lie.

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We will never top Kavanaughkino

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You should have died at 4 years old. In fact I would have done it for you, in front of your parents.

Courts should not deciding controversial political issues well outside their purview, simple as.

>Also, prostitution should be illegal!
I don't think most feminists say this
Most of them see sex work as empowering

By that logic someone can just murder you because "who am I to say that is wrong?'

>So women shouldn't be voting

So basically you extinguish life all around you daily brazenly and without regard for the world around you.
But when women that won't fuck you want to make a choice about their own body, suddenly you find your "morals".

They literally don't. Have you not seen what the aztecs and the incas got up to before the eurpeans?

Out of all the retarded takes, this is the one that is just evil.


So uhhh do these women expect men to riot for them? Cause last I check Men are getting real sick and tired of women bullshit.

They’re begging on twitter for simps to riot right now.

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chud I know this is hard for your bigoted mind to understant but prostitution is exploiting economically vulnerable women for your pleasure

You are such a sophomoric and sentimental mind to call something with no sense of self yet a child like it’s the same thing. You’re a fucking moron and any pro-life person who eats meat has no sense of reality and should be entirely disregarded

States in the midwest will "benefit" from... an artificially induced public health crisis?

this is literally why they bitched and moaned and made up lies to keep him from the bench.

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Almost nobody is asking for a late term abortion; however, Republicans want to criminalize abortions after 6 weeks, and many women don't even realize they're pregnant by that time.

Which is why it's great the SC is reversing the Roe V Wade decision and leaving it up to the states.

That's what will make it so funny. They're going to try to get violent and get wrecked by the police.

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>user continues to argue for literally killing children while getting angry from other saying he's doing exactly that
I've never met a baby that wouldn't die without extreme help, and I wager I (along with everyone currently living) will never either.
at least try to make an actual argument while taking a shit, it's much more fun

Wow, transphobic much?

If whether or not you're allowed to kill someone is determined by their sense of self, language and tangible thought, then you're also by that same logic allowed to kill the disabled and comatose.

I don't think you read my post properly I was just saying most of the prolifers are religious and therefore it is a bit political since these people are also majority on the right. Left has more atheist and also pro choice.

>They hate everything, themselves most of all
>niggas who spend their whole lives browsing a website they admit is a shithole accusing other people of hating everything, particularly themselves
oh man i am laffin

At least you didn't waste time before out and saying you're just a hateful cynical retard

Doesn't have a soul but it still has an account with us.

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>it just is okay!

the utilitarian value of punishing murderers has nothing to do with morality

>Almost nobody is asking for a late term abortion
bitch on MSNBC TODAY said they support late term abortions. kys

Leftists are going to win midterms because of this

>using europeans as a model for morals
Europeans burned harmless old women to death because they thought they were witches, also look at all the sadistic torture devices used by the inquisition

hi kf concern troll

after 6 weeks is generous. you can't just kill people because they're inconvenient. if you could then there'd be 0 women.

Explain how abortion is wrong without hating on women and without religious gobbledigook

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LOLno. anyone mad about this legal decision was already voting blue.

I guess the seven men on the Supreme Court who ruled in favor of abortion in Roe v Wade shouldn't have done that.

Policing women's bodies and forcing them to carry unwanted fetuses to term is L I T E R A L L Y paki tier subhuman behavior

wait, is she a biologist?...

A 4 year old can call you by name you fucking retard. A one year old might be close to walking. You people act like a fetus that doesn’t even have a skull yet is the same as something that can lie and steal snacks

Women decided they wouldn;t have sex with me, did they ask my consent in making this decision? They did not, they are violating my bodily autonomy by insisting that it be a body that does not have sex

women make laws about mens bodies tho?

Yes unconsciously snuffing out microscopic life is the equivalent of consciously vacuuming out a fetus

>All the people saying "hurr its just a clump of cells"
>Same people cannot explain why killing a pregnant woman results you being charged with two counts of murder or murder and infanticide.

Hmmmmmmm very peculiar

careful bros, women might have to stop fucking chads and actually settle down if you ban abortion

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Men aren't. Women with penises are.

say what you want about the Europeans, but they were a lot more moral than any other non-religious place

killing people... is le bad

>how is killing humans wrong

Where's the follow-up?

>i literally cannot tell the difference between right and wrong without a someone telling me
you christcucks get worse by the day
even when people are largely on your side you have to cuck it up

To be so blessed.

>one person on MSNBC said so!!!
A vast majority of abortions are performed in the first trimester.
Good thing fetuses aren't people then.

They do in my country. It's like their number 1 fixation.

Yikes this is transphobic

if they cheat using mail-in voting and dominion machines again, probably. nice democracy ya got there...