
Attached: 1C823D43-8E6C-4319-BC8A-02F05C95953E.jpg (810x1080, 138.68K)


Typical "I identify with" the main character from:

>american psycho
>fight club

Also, if you take a good look at the picture, you may notice he is eating alone, and he carries a backpack (he is over 18)

Do Americans really?

yeah americans have many russian KFCs

>Fuck I look so cool in this jacket, the bitches will be on my dick, any minute now

Taking pictures of strangers is gay as fuck you should be allowed to legally retaliate

what's wrong with having a backpack over 18? I used one for all of college

Mr Cron, imagine Tim wearing a gimp suit. Tell me that doesn't look natural on him.

Imagine him wearing your wife's underwear and tell me he isn't the spitting image of Jeffrey Brudos.

yeah i go to the russian KFC in my neighborhood all the time, it's right next to the russian walgreens

Not any more we don't. The same people who still to this day blindly defend Muslims all over the world, after what happened on 9/11, burned down all of our Russian businesses the day after Putin decided he wanted Ukraine back from the globalists.

Why are you looking at man ass? Are you a faggot or something?

I think that might be it. Tim reminds me of Jerry Brudos.

This makes me sad


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>hating on backpacks
name a better way to carry your stuff

You can, you just can't identify with edgelords

You can identify with the village leader from The village. He was tired of society, so he made a new one. instead of "I'm tired of society, I'm gonna brood and act cool to see if I get pussy", that is for manchildren

Shut the fuck up homo

>*takes a picture of a random person*
>heh, guys take a look at this fuckin weirdo LOL

autism edge sperglord spotted

Females wear purse so for them the backpack is an overkill.

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Post the second pic which reveals he actually has lobster claws.

Why the fuck not? It works in real life quite often


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he's literally me

>he doesn't know

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Doesn't he literally simp for a used goods roastie and her brown son?
Explains why everyone here identifies as him them

lol name one example a bad looking guy is suddenly attractive because he starts sitting alone in a corner and dressing edgy

I'm like the driver, but I don't have any car, so I use public transportation instead.
You can call me...the passenger.

and guys? guys don't have purse.

I also carry a backpack (over 18)

>Cunt on social media being a cunt
I must totally and completely adjust my life to accomodate a snarling bitchy twat trying to get likes from other snarling bitchy twats

let me guess: you don't have a girlfriend

With a car you can go anywhere you want.

let me guess: you also don't have a girlfriend

this film makes more sense when you realize the loser is actually LARPing as a hollywood film main character
GOD what a horrendous movie,literally the worst from Yea Forums top 10

No. I do have 2 fuck buddies and talking to a third from Facebook dating that I wants something serious.

Americans must live in a different reality, In my country everyone uses backpacks to go to university or work.

Ok simp

Get a briefcase or a messenger bag, backpacks make you look like a teenage retard

>Get a briefcase
doesn't accommodate things of various sizes like a backpack does
>a messenger bag
these are for faggots

>Americans must live in a different reality
It's insane isn't it?
They're like Mean Girls that never grew up.

>I do have 2 fuck buddies

Let me guess: they are males

>>a messenger bag
>these are for faggots
fuck you, anyone can do what ever the fuck they like

it's literally a free country

>Women can do whatever they want but if a man tries to have any kind of comfy private existence I'll snarl about it
Whatever you say roastie. You'll die barren and alone and it's killing your soul. LOL.

im sorry, but everyone sees you walking around with a messenger bag and thinkgs you're fruity

Ok simp

The pair of you are making bitchy snipes at each other over bags, neither of you has the high ground here.

Nope. Nice projection tho. They are 2 biological females, I'll admit one is fucking fat though.

Fuck off anti-bag simp.

Briefcases are for autists and man purses are gay.

Bags are fine, being passive-aggressive over the fashion of them like a pair of women is the issue.

>ukraine back from the globalists
Is this what they teach in schools today

I do though

>Bags are fine
Then fuck that nigger that says they're not.
Stop sitting on the bagfence user.
Get your fucking boots on the ground and join the fight.

I bet she has a purse that's 5 times larger than she needs. Women are the worst.

That is probably a professor of physics.

>what do you do for a living?
>i blyat.

Because if a man needs to take something anywhere he just leaves it in his car.

the joke here is the poster, ugly whale

I honestly don't care about how other men carry their shit, or what they think of how I carry mine.

I identify with Michael Douglas in Falling Down

>let me circle him in case you have failing eyesight due to diabetes like I do

kys tranny

There is nothing wrong with eating alone or wearing a backpack outside of school you're a child.